sreda, 18. januar 2017

Marguerite (2015)

Slo naslov: Marguerite
Angleški naslov: Marguerite
Država: Francija, Češka, Belgija
Jezik: Francoščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 129',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama
Slo recenzija: Mladina
Režija: Xavier Giannoli
Scenarij: Xavier Giannoli, Marcia Romano 
Igrajo: Catherine Frot, Denis Mpunga, André Marcon, Michel Fau, Christa Théret, Sylvain Dieuaide


Pariz, zgodnja 20. leta. Premožna Marguerite Dumont je strastna ljubiteljica glasbe in opere. Na svojem dvorcu za izbrane goste redno prireja recitale. Toda pevka je povsem brez posluha in nihče od licemernih povzpetnikov ji tega ne želi odkrito povedati. Ko mladi, izzivalni novinar objavi navdušeno kritiko njene zadnje predstave, se Marguerite kljub nasprotovanju moža odloči izživeti svoje sanje in nastopiti pred čisto pravim občinstvom v Pariški operi.

Razkošna in komična kostumska drama o strasti, ki jo podžiga velika laž, premesti milje svojega navdiha, resnične zgodbe o ameriški bogatašinji in nesojeni operetni divi Florence Foster Jenkins, v Pariz dvajsetih let. Štiri nagrade cezar, vključno z lovoriko za najboljšo igralko. [FEMF 2016]


1921, the beginning of the Golden Twenties. Not far from Paris. It is party day at Marguerite Dumont’s castle. Like every year, an array of music lovers gathers around a great cause at the owner’s place. Nobody knows much about this woman except that she is rich and that her whole life is devoted to her passion: music. Marguerite sings. She sings wholeheartedly, but she sings terribly out of tune. In ways quite similar to the Castafiore, Marguerite has been living her passion in her own bubble, and the hypocrite audience, always coming in for a good laugh, acts as if she was the diva she believes she is.

When a young, provocative journalist decides to write a rave article on her latest performance, Marguerite starts to believe even further in her talent. This gives her the courage she needs to follow her dream. Despite her husband’s reluctance, and with the help of a has-been divo, both funny and mean, she decides to train for her first recital in front of a crowd of complete strangers. [FEMF 2016]


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