torek, 28. junij 2016

La loi du marche (2015)

Slo naslov: Zakon trga
Drugi naslovi: The Measure of a Man
Država: Francija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 93',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama   
Slo recenzija: Mladina
Režija: Stephane Brize
Scenarij: Stephane Brize, Olivier Gorce
Igrajo: Vincent Lindon, Yves Ory, Karine de Mirbeck, Matthieu Schaller, Xavier Mathieu, Noel Mairot, Catherine Saint-Bonnet, Roland Thomin, Hakima Makoudi


Via Liffe

Pikra socialna drama z izvrstnim Vincentom Lindonom v glavni vlogi osvetljuje življenje v času, ko so ljudje na trgu dela izenačeni s potrošnimi dobrinami. 

Enainpetdesetletni Thierry po dvajsetih mesecih neuspešnega iskanja zaposlitve in številnih absurdnih posvetih s svojim referentom na zavodu za zaposlovanje končno najde službo varnostnika v supermarketu. A kmalu se znajde pred hudo moralno dilemo: je res pripravljen spregledati vsa ponižanja in se ukloniti izsiljevanju nadrejenih, da bi obdržal to delovno mesto?

Moji filmi vedno obravnavajo intimnost, ne da bi osvetljevali ljudi v njihovem družbenem okolju. Naslednji korak je bil opazovanje brutalnosti mehanizmov in menjav, ki obvladujejo naš svet, ob zoperstavljanju človečnosti posameznika - ranljivega moža brez službe - in nasilja naše družbe. (Stéphane Brizé)


Starring brilliant Vincent Lindon in the lead role, the bitter social drama focuses on the people treated as merchandise by the labour market law. 

Fifty-one-year-old Thierry is an unemployed factory worker who finally lands the job of a store detective after twenty months of job hunting and numerous absurd discussions with his employment agency counsellor. Thierry soon confronts a serious moral dilemma: just how much an ordinary working man will compromise his integrity in the name of making ends meet?

My films have always dealt with the intimate, without highlighting human beings in their social environment. The next step was to observe the brutality of the mechanisms and exchanges ruling our world by juxtaposing one man's humanity - a vulnerable man with no job security - with the violence of our society. 
(Stéphane Brizé)


nedelja, 26. junij 2016

The Survivalist (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: VB
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 104',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, ZF, Triler  
Slo recenzija: Filmoljub
Režija: Stephen Fingleton
Scenarij: Stephen Fingleton
Igrajo: Mia Goth, Martin McCann, Olwen Fouere


Neimenovani mlajši moški (Martin McCann) sam živi v leseni kolibi na jasi sredi gozda, kjer skromne posevke in lastno življenje brani pred vsiljivci. Kdorkoli pride, gotovo nima prijateljskih namenov; svetu je zmanjkalo nafte, kmalu potem tudi hrane. Človek je postal človeku volk. Med obdelavo zemlje, ki jo gnoji s trupli neznancev in lastnimi izločki (olje za petrolejko prideluje iz brezovega lubja), se mora nenehno ozirati okrog sebe, s šibrovko pripravljen na vse. Tako je uspešno preživel že sedem let in samota (ter pomanjkanje ženskega dotika) sčasoma terja davek pri njegovi prištevnosti; razen tega ga mučijo spomini na pretekli dogodek, v katerem je ostal brez brata, s komer sta včasih ropala človeške postojanke. Na njegovo posestvo nekoč zaideta sestradani popotnici; v zameno za hrano in kakšno noč pod streho mu mlada Milja (Mia Goth) ponudi spolne usluge, vendar ima njena pretkana belolasa mati Kathryn (Olwen Fouere) povsem drugačne namene. Začne se napeta igra živcev in izkušenj, ki bo prej ali slej zahtevala žrtev: za vsakogar preprosto ni dovolj hrane — in iz gozda vselej prežijo tudi drugi volkovi v človeški podobi, ki pobijajo in plenijo vse, na kar naletijo. (Filmoljub)


In a kill-or-be-killed world where starvation is rife and strangers are always dangerous, The Survivalist lives off the grid, and by his wits. When a starving woman and her teenage daughter discover his forest refuge, his loneliness drives him to overcome his suspicion and strike a bargain with them in return for bed and board. But as desire becomes stronger than necessity, the exchange becomes an uneasy, ongoing arrangement which threatens not only his carefully constructed world but also his life. (Written by Bulldog Distribution Limited)


The Survivalist is a spare, foreboding thriller about a near-paranoid thirty-ish isolate scratching a subsistence living in a Northern Ireland forest following the disintegration of organised society. His fears for his life are justified when a suspicious mother and daughter, then a band of armed pillagers, come seeking his provisions. Not least because the climactic skirmishes are visceral and unvarnished, Northern Irish filmmaker Stephen Fingleton’s gripping feature debut serves as a bracing antidote to the Hunger Games and Divergent school of lavish “dystopian’ sci-fi tent-poles. 
(Graham Fuller, Screen Daily)


sobota, 25. junij 2016

Riaru onigokko (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Drugi naslovi: Tag
Država: Japonska
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 85',  Imdb
Žanri: Akcija, Fantazijski, Grozljivka   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Sion Sono
Scenarij: Yûsuke Yamada, Sion Sono
Igrajo: Reina Triendl, Mariko Shinoda, Erina Mano, Yuki Sakurai, Ami Tomite, Hikaru Horiguchi, Maryjun Takahashi, Sayaka Isoyama, Takumi Saito, Rin Honoka. Izumi


No Men in sight, only women… and something unthinkable is that girls kill girls! A bus full of high school girls are on their way to a school trip. A sudden gust of wind slices the bus in half, length-wise killing 40 girls in the blink of an eye, except Mitsuko our protagonist, who ducked just in time…


Equal parts flash-trash exploitation gorefest and punchy pro-feminist action-fantasy, “Tag” is another feather in the highly idiosyncratic cap of Japanese helmer Sion Sono. This cavalcade of carnage set in a bizarre parallel world where women are chased and slaughtered by all manner of human and supernatural forces hits the sweet spot where grindhouse meets arthouse. Far too extreme for mainstream acceptance, the pic failed to make much of an impression on its July 11 local release, but the outlook is brighter elsewhere. Recent appearances at BiFan and Fantasia should be just the start of a lengthy fest run that will in turn boost the film’s smallscreen sales fortunes.
(Richard Kuipers, Variety)


petek, 24. junij 2016

Port of Call (2015)

Slo naslov: -
Država: Hong Kong
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 98' (DC 126'),  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Drama, Misterij  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Philip Yung
Scenarij: Philip Yung
Igrajo: Aaron Kwok Fu Sing, Jessie Li, Michael Ning, Elaine Jin, Patrick Tam, Jacky Cai, Maggie Siu, Tai Bo


A teenage prostitute is murdered; her body cut up and flushed down the toilet, and her severed head thrown into Victoria Harbor. Director Philip Yung chooses to focus not on the crime or the investigation, but on the dead girl and her family, the cop and his family, and the killer who is without a family. The result is a genre-bender that progresses as it digresses, an atmospheric mosaic of human lives and actions that invariably get complicated, out of order and beyond reason, and with the characters firmly grounded in gritty and unforgiving reality.


Based on real events, Philip Yung’s latest exploration into Hong Kong’s disaffected youth details the grisly murder of a teenage prostitute and the efforts of an eccentric police detective (played by Aaron Kwok) to understand the motives of both the victim and her killer. Blending social commentary with police procedural, Port of Call – which was shot by Christopher Doyle - is an absorbing and at times grisly portrayal of modern Chinese society and adolescent apathy that hits enough genre beats to ensure it a life beyond local audiences. (James Marsh, Screen Daily)


četrtek, 23. junij 2016

Midnight Special (2016)

Slo naslov: -  
Država: ZDA 
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 112',  Imdb
Žanri: Avantura, Drama, ZF  
Slo recenzija: Filmoljub
Režija: Jeff Nichols
Scenarij: Jeff Nichols
Igrajo: Michael Shannon, Joel Edgerton, Kirsten Dunst, Jaeden Lieberher, Adam Driver, Sam Shepard


...gre za razmeroma običajno sci-fi zgodbo o dečku z nadnaravnimi sposobnostmi (Jaeden Lieberher), ki v spremstvu očeta (Michael Shannon) in njegovega požrtvovalnega prijatelja policista (Joel Edgerton) po stranskih cestah beži čez državo. Za petami so jim fanatični verski kult pod vodstvom njegovega starega očeta (Sam Shepard), kjer je deček odrastel in ki v njem vidi mesijo ter kanalizatorja božjih sporočil, ter zvezni agentje (Adam Driver), ki iščejo krivca za nekatere nerazložljive pojave, prestrezanje tajnih šifriranih kod med vohunskimi sateliti in nenadni padec enega od teh na Zemljo. Mladi Alton, ki mora zaradi varnosti nositi modra očala in se na vsak način izogibati sončni svetlobi, je v resnici nekaj tretjega: posrednik med svetom ljudi in nedoumljivo razvitimi bitji iz civilizacije, skrite v vzporedni dimenziji. Na vnaprej določen dan mora priti na določeno mesto, kjer bo vzpostavil stik s silami, ki jih je dotlej samo slutil in katerih energijo je nehote prevajal med običajne ljudi; kaj se bo zgodilo potem, pa ne ve nihče. (Filmoljub)


Every mile that Roy and his eight-year-old son cover on their journey down highways and byways brings us closer to their incredible story. Gradually, we begin to understand why this boy with extraordinary powers has to wear protective glasses. We also learn why religious extremists are interested in him, and why both the local police and high-ranking American government officials are hot on the heels of father and son. In his new film Jeff Nichols may have changed genres but he remains true to himself. Midnight Special is an idiosyncratic mixture of science-fiction and family saga; at the same time, Nichols continues to explore the structures of violence and paranoia in small-town America, showing us both the influence wielded by arch-conservative sects and the powerlessness of the individual in the face of an aggressive state apparatus. The longer their flight continues, the more fantastical it becomes as we observe a loving father undertaking everything in his power to lead his son to his destiny a destiny that could also decide the fate of the entire world. (Via


Opening with a child abduction and ending with a spectacular sci-fi finale on par with “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” the Bible Belt-spanning “Midnight Special” demonstrates once and for all that indie auteur Jeff Nichols is now the go-to storyteller for the kind of slow-burn supernatural thrill audiences once sought from M. Night Shyamalan — that is, before the “Sixth Sense” director went off the deep end with “Lady in the Water.” Serving up hefty human insight in place of third-act gimmickry, and reuniting him with “Take Shelter” star Michael Shannon, Nichols’ impressively restrained yet limitlessly imaginative fourth feature takes its energy from an ensemble of characters who hold fast to their convictions, even though their beliefs remain shrouded in mystery for much of the journey. (Peter Debruge, Variety)

Jeff Nichols’ urgent, unsettling Midnight Special is a crafted progression from such beloved 1970s dramas as Close Encounters of The Third Kind or Starman. Low-key, intense, and very, very secretive, it should be just as loved by similar audiences today. Special effects, world-building and an 8-year-old boy who must wear goggles may all require viewer buy-in, but faith is a huge human driver for this feature. Michael Shannon, burning with a father’s all-consuming love for his son, is again transfixing in his fourth feature for Nichols. (Fionnuala Halligan, Screen Daily)


sreda, 22. junij 2016

L'ombre des femmes (2015)

Slo naslov:
Drugi naslovi: In the Shadow of Women
Država: Francija, Švica
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 73',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Philippe Garrel
Scenarij: Jean-Claude Carriere, Caroline Deruas, Arlette Langmann, Philippe Garrel
Igrajo: Clotilde Courau, Stanislas Merhar, Lena Paugam, Vimala Pons, Antoinette Moya, Jean Pommier, Therese Quentin


French auteur Philippe Garrel has been making deeply felt, intimate melodramas for five decades, and one can trace his evolving wisdom about life—and filmmaking—through the years. 

His latest, In the Shadow of Women, is a simple story of infidelity. Pierre (Stanislas Merhar) is a documentary filmmaker whose wife, Manon (Clotilde Courau), works with him on his projects. They seem to be happy until an intern (Lena Paugam) at a film archive catches Pierre’s gaze and they begin an affair… Garrel criticizes the petty male ego as he studies how Pierre justifies his cheating to himself (his thoughts revealed to us by an omniscient narrator voiced by Philippe’s superstar son, Louis Garrel). His weaknesses manifest as mistreatment toward both wife and mistress, and when Manon’s own unfaithful behaviour comes to light, Pierre is all but ready to come undone.

With both dry wit and genuine empathy, Garrel regards the characters’ fallibility as distinctly human, foolishly ensnaring themselves with petty mistakes and delusions only to then struggle to get free. Gorgeously composed in black and white by Garrel and veteran Swiss cinematographer Renato Berta (Au revoir les enfants, Full Moon in Paris), In the Shadow of Women exemplifies a level of artistry characteristic of a master at work.


The currents of desire, jealousy and resentment that flow through a relationship over time receive an exquisite closeup from director Philippe Garrel in “In the Shadow of Women,” a tightly focused romantic drama that exudes the narrative terseness of a good short story and the lucid craftsmanship of a filmmaker in full command of the medium. Like so much of Garrel’s work, this intensely personal rumination on life, politics, art and the battle of the sexes is a very particular brand of cinema for a very specific crowd — which should stand “Women” well in territories where the veteran French auteur has established a small but passionate following. 
(Scott Foundas, Variety)


torek, 21. junij 2016

Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: Kanada
Leto: 2010
Dolžina: 110',  Imdb
Žanri: ZF, Triler, Grozljivka   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Panos Cosmatos
Scenarij: Panos Cosmatos
Igrajo: Michael Rogers, Eva Allan, Scott Hylands


Set in the strange and oppressive emotional landscape of the year 1983, Beyond the Black Rainbow is a Reagan-era fever dream inspired by hazy childhood memories of midnight movies and Saturday morning cartoons. From the producer of "Machotaildrop," Rainbow is the outlandish feature film debut of writer and director Panos Cosmatos. Featuring a hypnotic analog synthesizer score by Jeremy Schmidt of "Sinoia Caves" and "Black Mountain," Rainbow is a film experience for the senses. -- (C) Magnet

In the 1960s, Dr. Arboria founded the Arboria Institute, a New Age research facility dedicated to finding a reconciliation between science and spirituality, allowing humans to move into a new age of perpetual happiness. In the 1980s, Arboria's work has been taken over by his protégé, Dr. Barry Nyle. Outwardly a charming, handsome scientist, Nyle is in fact a psychopath who has been keeping Elena, a young girl, captive in an elaborate prison that doubles as a hospital beneath the Institute. Elena demonstrates psychic capabilities, which Nyle can suppress, using a glowing, prismatic device.


Beyond The Black Rainbow is more surface than substance, but those surfaces are gleamingly polished enough to make for a hypnotic experiment that goes beyond genre pastiche or art-school wankery to seem formally daring.(Alison Willmore, The A.V. Club)


ponedeljek, 20. junij 2016

Glassland (2014)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: Irska
Leto: 2014
Dolžina: 93',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Gerard Barrett
Scenarij: Gerard Barrett
Igrajo: Jack Reynor, Toni Collette, Will Poulter, Michael Smiley, D.J. McGrath


John (Jack Reynor, Transformers: Age of Extinction) lives with his mother, Jean (Toni Collette), in a south Dublin social housing suburb and ekes out a meager living as a nocturnal taxi driver, barely making ends meet. He returns home one morning to find his mother, an unwavering alcoholic, unconscious - and this was not the first time. Hospitalized after this overdose, Jean's best hope is a costly private rehab clinic, but she violently rejects John's attempts to help her, as well as his intentions to unite the family. With no savings or insurance, John is forced to offer his services to a petty criminal to help pay for the pricey recovery program, subsequently forcing him to face a life-changing task that may alter him and his family's lives forever.

[RT Critics Consensus]

Glassland's grim setting is leavened by writer-director Gerard Barrett's compassionate treatment of his characters -- and bolstered by a strong cast led by Toni Collette and Jack Reynor.


Like the emotional equivalent of a massage with a sandpaper loofah, the film leaves you feeling raw and tender, thanks particularly to the knockout performances from the small cast, especially Collette. (Leslie Felperin, The Guardian )

It's a film of few frills or flourishes, which never tries to dress up its subject or soften its blows. Yet in its rage and its pain, in the wire-brush scrub it gives to the movies' woozily romantic notions of alcoholism, Glassland feels wholly honest and true. 
(Mike McCahill, The Telegraph)


nedelja, 19. junij 2016

El club (2015)

Slo naslov: Klub
Drugi naslovi: The Club 
Država: Čile
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 98'Imdb
Žanri: Drama  
Slo recenzija: RTV SLO MMC, Koridor
Režija: Pablo Larrain
Scenarij: Daniel Villalobos, Guillermo Calderon, Pablo Larrain
Igrajo: Antonia Zegers, Alfredo Castro, Alejandro Goic, Alejandro Sieveking, Jaime Vadell, Marcelo Alonso, Roberto Farías, Jose Soza 


Via Liffe

Kje se skrivajo in kaj počnejo "kaznovani" duhovniki? Neprizanesljiva družbenokritična obsodba grešne dvoličnosti katoliške Cerkve, obarvana s pridihom mračnega psihološkega trilerja.

Odročna hiša na čilski obali je nekakšno kazensko zatočišče za izolirano duhovniško skupnost. Štirje duhovniki, ki jih bremenijo različni grehi preteklosti, si skušajo skupaj z redovnico, ki naj bi skrbela zanje, osmisliti enolično brezdelje. Ideja o sodelovanju na pasjih dirkah se zdi na prvi pogled kot božji blagoslov. A s prihodom novega člana, pedofilskimi obtožbami in tragično smrtjo se navidezna idila poruši in zdi se, kot da so mestecu zavladale demonske sile ...

Težave imamo s fikcijo. Morda pa so preprosto razburjeni, ker sem ta film posnel jaz, režiser iz družine, ki ne podpira levice. Vendar zgodbe pripadajo nam vsem. Ti ogorčeni odzivi so tako značilno čilski in tako izčrpavajoči. Nekateri ljudje si določene dogodke lastijo in menijo, da imajo moralno pravico govoriti o njih. (Pablo Larraín)


How do the priests atone for their sins? Where do they hide repenting? A merciless, socially critical condemnation of the sinful hypocrisy of the Catholic Church with a tinge of dark psychological thriller.

A remote house on the Chilean coast makes for a penal colony for an isolated community of clergy. Four priests repenting for past sins live together with a nun, striving to create a sense of purpose in their idle lives. The idea to train their greyhound for the race comes as a true blessing. With the arrival of a new priest, sudden paedophiliac accusations and a tragic death, dark secrets come to light, exploring the past of these servants of God and shattering their fragile peace. It seems as if some demonic force has taken over the small town.

We have a problem with fiction. Or maybe they're simply upset that it's me making the film, a director coming from a family who is not in the left. But stories are there for all of us. These virulent reactions are so Chilean and so exhausting. There are people who believe they own certain events and thus have moral authority to talk about them. (Pablo Larraín)


sobota, 18. junij 2016

Love Steaks (2013)

Slo naslov: -
Država: Nemčija
Leto: 2013
Dolžina: 90' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Komedija, Romantični  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Jakob Lass
Scenarij: Jakob Lass, Ines Schiller, Timon Schäppi
Igrajo: Lana Cooper, Franz Rogowski


Clemens starts a new job as a massage therapist in a luxury hotel. He is shy but sensitive and likes to work with his guests’ energies. The ladies he massages fall for his hands and make advances to him that throw him off balance. Lara, who works in the kitchen, tries it the hard way. She shakes Clemens up and brings him out of his shell. She is the knife, he is the spoon. Opposites attract. She tries to rid him of his fears, he tries to rid her of her addiction. Clemens finds Lara at the beach, carries her home and cleans the vomit from her face. They light boats on fire, take a nightdive into the hotel pool and drink coffee at the laundry cart so the fox won't find them. Clemens plays the guitar and Lara dances to it, although she can't. An unlikely couple falls in love. Dirty, bloody, great and honest. 


Best Feature Film
Evolution Mallorca International Film Festival
November 6 - 10, 2014
Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Jury: This unconventional love story tells us yet again what good film making is about: you don’t need a big budget nor a major production company to create a remarkable movie. The recipe is simple but efficient: Carefully developed characters in an almost documentary like setting, strong acting, rough yet vivid photography, impactful music combined with refreshingly unpolished long takes. Brought together in the powerful direction of a first time director who does not hold back and surprises us with his energetic approach. The result is like a good meal. Unpretentious, raw, yet deeply satisfying. A powerful film that makes the audience hungry for more.


petek, 17. junij 2016

Heart of a Dog (2015)

Slo naslov:
Država: Pasje srce
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 75',  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni   
Slo recenzija: Adrenalin
Režija: Laurie Anderson
Scenarij: Laurie Anderson
Igrajo: Archie, Gatto, Lolabelle, Mali Will, Nitro


Via Liffe

Po petinštiridesetih letih plodne umetniške poti se Laurie Anderson prvič resneje spopade s formo celovečernega filma in se z njim spominja tudi svojega nedavno preminulega moža Louja Reeda.

"Živjo, ti mali butec. Vedno te bom imela rada," s temi besedami Laurie Anderson začenja svoje filmsko potovanje, v naslovu katerega meri na svojo terierko Lolabelle, poginulo leta 2011. Film je zasnovan kot filmski esej, sestavljen iz spominov iz otroštva, video dnevnikov, filozofskih premišljevanj o pomembnih družbenih temah ter srčnih poklonov umetnikom in mislecem, ki jo navdihujejo. Andersonova prek kolaža svoje glasbe, ročno narisanih animacij, domačih filmov in slikarij razmišlja o tem, kako si ljudje zamišljamo in pripovedujemo zgodbe, da bi z njimi osmislili svoje življenje. 

Čeprav sem pogosto uporabljala podobe na več zaslonih v večmedijskih performansih, sem tokrat prvič poskusila povezati zgodbe v ohlapno strukturiranem igranem filmu ter uporabljala podobe in animacijo za dokončanje povedi. Vprašanje v osrčju filma Pasje srce je: Kaj so zgodbe? Kako so ustvarjene in kako jih pripovedujemo? Vseskozi me je vodil duh Davida Fosterja Wallacea, katerega trditev, da je 'vsaka ljubezenska zgodba je zgodba o duhovih', mi je služila za mantro. Moja vodnika sta bila tudi Wittgenstein in Kierkegaard. 
(Laurie Anderson)


With a prolific artistic career of 45 years to her name, Laurie Anderson boldly delves into the art of narrative filmmaking and uses the medium to pay tribute to Lou Reed, her recently deceased husband.

"Hello, little bonehead. I'll love you forever." So begins Laurie Anderson's cinematic journey through love, death and language. Revolving around Anderson's beloved Rat Terrier Lolabelle, which died in 2011, Heart of a Dog is a personal essay that weaves together childhood memories, video diaries, philosophical musings and heartfelt tributes to the artists, writers, musicians and thinkers who inspire her. Fusing her own witty, inquisitive narration with original compositions, hand-drawn animation, home movies and artwork, Anderson creates a hypnotic, collage-like visual language out of the raw materials of her life and art, examining how stories are constructed and told to make sense of our lives. 

Although I have often used imagery on multiple screens in multi media performances this is the first time I have tried to link stories in a loosely structured narrative film using imagery and animation to complete the sentences. The question at the center of Heart of a Dog is: What are stories? How are they made and how are they told? Throughout I was guided by the spirit of David Foster Wallace whose "every love story is a ghost story" served as my mantra. My guides were also Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard. 
(Laurie Anderson)


sobota, 11. junij 2016

The Paradise Suite (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: Nizozemska, Švedska, Bolgarija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 123',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Joost van Ginkel
Scenarij: Joost van Ginkel
Igrajo: Anjela Nedyalkova, Boris Isakovic, Magnus Krepper, Jasna Djuricic, Issaka Sawadogo, Erik Adelow, Dragan Bakema, Petia Silianova, Silviya Petkova


This dexterous tale of survival from director Joost van Ginkel traces the intersecting stories of six immigrants from very different backgrounds in Amsterdam.

The lives of six people from very different backgrounds intersect in Dutch director Joost van Ginkel's stunning second feature. By turns harrowing and hopeful, The Paradise Suite is a group portrait of strivers, survivors, and those who seek to balance the scales of justice in whatever small way they can.

A gorgeous, spirited young Bulgarian woman (Anjela Nedyalkova) travels to the Netherlands with dreams of a modelling career, only to find herself working Amsterdam's red-light district against her will. An African illegal migrant worker (Issaka Sawadogo) is forced to accept a reprehensible job just to keep himself and a neighbouring family from losing their modest lodgings. A Swedish boy (Erik Adelöw) is mercilessly teased at school, while at home he is overwhelmed by pressure from his conductor father (Magnus Krepper) to become a piano virtuoso. A Serbian war criminal (Boris Isakovic) believes he has started a new life in Amsterdam, complete with a new baby and a thriving business, but there are those in his vicinity who have not forgotten his malefactions of old — including Seka (Jasna Djuricic), a Bosnian woman so single-mindedly focussed on revenge that she will not allow love into her life.

Van Ginkel shows impressive dexterity as he navigates this complex network of characters who, tangled up in situations miles away from their ideas of paradise, are all tirelessly searching for something better. Some of them are heroic, some are just getting by, but by the time The Paradise Suite reaches its grand finale, each of them will be forever altered by a transformative encounter with another.


četrtek, 9. junij 2016

King Jack (2015)

Slo naslov:
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 81',  Imdb
Žanri: Avantura, Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Felix Thompson
Scenarij: Felix Thompson
Igrajo: Charlie Plummer, Cory Nichols, Christian Madsen, Danny Flaherty, Erin Davie, Yainis Ynoa, Scarlet Lizbeth, Chloe Levine, Melvin Mogoli


Jack is a scrappy fifteen year-old kid stuck in a run-down small town. Trapped in a violent feud with a cruel older bully and facing another bout of summer school, Jack's got all the problems he can handle. So when Jack's aunt falls ill and his runty younger cousin must stay with him for the weekend the last thing Jack wants to do is look after him. Unfortunately no one really cares what Jack wants. Set over a hazy summer weekend, King Jack is a tough and tender coming of age story about friendship and finding happiness in rough surroundings.


No unfamiliar ground is trodden in “King Jack,” a summer-haze study of adolescent anomie punctuated with blunt bouts of violence, but Felix Thompson’s debut feature covers it with an assured stride all the same. Gaining a degree of topicality from its hard depiction of teen-on-teen bullying, this gleamingly lensed tale of a 15-year-old scrapper taught a tough lesson in selflessness over a single weekend in the Hudson Valley bears the whispery influence of such American mood merchants as David Gordon Green and David Robert Mitchell. Still, Thompson demonstrates enough visual and verbal ingenuity to make this appealing miniature — an audience-award winner at the Tribeca fest in April — both a viable arthouse play and a harbinger of more ambitious things to come from its writer-helmer. (Guy Lodge, Variety)


sreda, 8. junij 2016

The VVitch: A New-England Folktale (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Drugi naslovi: The Witch
Država: ZDA, VB, Kanada
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 92',  Imdb
Žanri: Grozljivka, Misterij   
Slo recenzija: Filmoljub, Deseta umetnost
Režija: Robert Eggers
Scenarij: Robert Eggers
Igrajo: Anya Taylor-Joy, Ralph Ineson, Kate Dickie, Harvey Scrimshaw, Lucas Dawson, Ellie Grainger, Julian Richings, Bathsheba Garnett


Ljudska pripovedka o čarovnicah Nove Anglije, kot se glasi podnaslov grozljivke The Witch, se odvija v 30. letih 17. stoletja. V času, ko so ljudje še verjeli v krute zgodbice o coprnicah, ki kradejo otroke, letijo s pomočjo ročnih čistilnih naprav in plešejo s hudičem. Zgodba je preprosta in sledi življenju angleške puritanske družine, ki je zaradi očetove pretirane verske gorečnosti primorana zaživeti izven varnega zavetja širše skupnosti. Izobčenje v tistem času seveda ni bila šala. In kot da pomanjkanje živeža ne bi bilo dovolj, se začno nad družino zgrinjati sence bližnjega gozda, v katerem prebiva stara čarovnica, ki ob prvi priložnosti izmakne najmlajšega sinčka. (Deseta umetnost)


In this exquisitely made and terrifying new horror film, the age-old concepts of witchcraft, black magic and possession are innovatively brought together to tell the intimate and riveting story of one family's frightful unraveling in the New England wilderness circa 1630. New England, 1630. Upon threat of banishment by the church, an English farmer leaves his colonial plantation, relocating his wife and five children to a remote plot of land on the edge of an ominous forest - within which lurks an unknown evil. Strange and unsettling things begin to happen almost immediately - animals turn malevolent, crops fail, and one child disappears as another becomes seemingly possessed by an evil spirit. With suspicion and paranoia mounting, family members accuse teenage daughter Thomasin of witchcraft, charges she adamantly denies. As circumstances grow more treacherous, each family member's faith, loyalty and love become tested in shocking and unforgettable ways. Writer/director Robert Eggers' debut feature, which premiered to great acclaim at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival - winning the Best Director Prize in the U.S. Narrative Competition - painstakingly recreates a God-fearing New England decades before the 1692 Salem witch trials, in which religious convictions tragically turned to mass hysteria. Told through the eyes of the adolescent Thomasin - in a star-making turn by newcomer Anya Taylor-Joy - and supported by mesmerizing camera work and a powerful musical score, THE WITCH is a chilling and groundbreaking new take on the genre.

[RT Critics Consensus]

As thought-provoking as it is visually compelling, The Witch delivers a deeply unsettling exercise in slow-building horror that suggests great things for debuting writer-director Robert Eggers.
