petek, 17. junij 2016

Heart of a Dog (2015)

Slo naslov:
Država: Pasje srce
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 75',  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni   
Slo recenzija: Adrenalin
Režija: Laurie Anderson
Scenarij: Laurie Anderson
Igrajo: Archie, Gatto, Lolabelle, Mali Will, Nitro


Via Liffe

Po petinštiridesetih letih plodne umetniške poti se Laurie Anderson prvič resneje spopade s formo celovečernega filma in se z njim spominja tudi svojega nedavno preminulega moža Louja Reeda.

"Živjo, ti mali butec. Vedno te bom imela rada," s temi besedami Laurie Anderson začenja svoje filmsko potovanje, v naslovu katerega meri na svojo terierko Lolabelle, poginulo leta 2011. Film je zasnovan kot filmski esej, sestavljen iz spominov iz otroštva, video dnevnikov, filozofskih premišljevanj o pomembnih družbenih temah ter srčnih poklonov umetnikom in mislecem, ki jo navdihujejo. Andersonova prek kolaža svoje glasbe, ročno narisanih animacij, domačih filmov in slikarij razmišlja o tem, kako si ljudje zamišljamo in pripovedujemo zgodbe, da bi z njimi osmislili svoje življenje. 

Čeprav sem pogosto uporabljala podobe na več zaslonih v večmedijskih performansih, sem tokrat prvič poskusila povezati zgodbe v ohlapno strukturiranem igranem filmu ter uporabljala podobe in animacijo za dokončanje povedi. Vprašanje v osrčju filma Pasje srce je: Kaj so zgodbe? Kako so ustvarjene in kako jih pripovedujemo? Vseskozi me je vodil duh Davida Fosterja Wallacea, katerega trditev, da je 'vsaka ljubezenska zgodba je zgodba o duhovih', mi je služila za mantro. Moja vodnika sta bila tudi Wittgenstein in Kierkegaard. 
(Laurie Anderson)


With a prolific artistic career of 45 years to her name, Laurie Anderson boldly delves into the art of narrative filmmaking and uses the medium to pay tribute to Lou Reed, her recently deceased husband.

"Hello, little bonehead. I'll love you forever." So begins Laurie Anderson's cinematic journey through love, death and language. Revolving around Anderson's beloved Rat Terrier Lolabelle, which died in 2011, Heart of a Dog is a personal essay that weaves together childhood memories, video diaries, philosophical musings and heartfelt tributes to the artists, writers, musicians and thinkers who inspire her. Fusing her own witty, inquisitive narration with original compositions, hand-drawn animation, home movies and artwork, Anderson creates a hypnotic, collage-like visual language out of the raw materials of her life and art, examining how stories are constructed and told to make sense of our lives. 

Although I have often used imagery on multiple screens in multi media performances this is the first time I have tried to link stories in a loosely structured narrative film using imagery and animation to complete the sentences. The question at the center of Heart of a Dog is: What are stories? How are they made and how are they told? Throughout I was guided by the spirit of David Foster Wallace whose "every love story is a ghost story" served as my mantra. My guides were also Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard. 
(Laurie Anderson)


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