Slo naslov: Bostonski heroji
Država: ZDA
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 133', Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Zgodovinski, Triler
Slo recenzija: RTV SLO MMC
Režija: Peter Berg
Scenarij: Peter Berg, Matt Cook
Igrajo: Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Monaghan, J.K. Simmons, Dicky Eklund Jr., Michael Marchand, Rhet Kidd, John Goodman, Kevin Bacon
Film, ki je nastal na podlagi resničnih dogodkov, je zgodba o neverjetnem pogumu celotne skupnosti, pahnjene v težke trenutke; niza dogodke, ki so obdajali bombni napad na bostonski maraton in v slogu napete srhljivke podaja podrobnosti o enem najbolj pretanjenih in najbolje domišljenih pregonov na storilce v zgodovini obstoja policijskih sil. Zgodba filma črpa iz pričevanj resničnih preživelih, tistih, ki so na prizorišče na pomoč prišli prvi, osebja bolnišnic, preiskovalcev, vladnih uslužbencev in običajnih državljanov. [Kolosej]
On April 15, 2013 Boston, Massachusetts, Police Sgt, Tommy Saunders is pulling security duty on the annual Boston Marathon when the Tsarnaev brothers strike with their homemade bombs in an act of terrorism. In the resulting chaos as the wounded are cared for, Saunders and his comrades join forces with the FBI to get to the bottom of this attack. As the investigation continues, the Tsarnaev brothers realize that the authorities are close to identifying them and attempt to flee the city to continue their fanatical mayhem. To stop them, a police manhunt is performed that would have bloody confrontations and a massive dragnet shutting down the City of Boston to make sure there is no escape from the law. [Kenneth Chisholm @Imdb]