Drugi naslovi: Office
Slo naslov: Krvava pisarna
Država: Južna Koreja
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 111' , Imdb
Žanri: Triler
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Hong Won-chan
Scenarij: Choi Yun-jin
Igrajo: Bae Sung-woo, Kim Eui-sung, Ko Ah-sung, Park Sung Woong, Ryu Hyun-kyung
Vir: Liffe
Južnokorejski triler, v katerem režiser Hong Won-chan z metaforo serijskega morilca razkrije temačno plat neizprosnega tekmovanja na delovnem mestu.
Vzoren pisarniški delavec in družinski oče Kim Byung-guk umori svojo družino, nato pa izgine v neznano. Detektiv Jong-hoon v Kimovi pisarni nemudoma začne preiskavo, a zdi se, da vsi morilčevi sodelavci nekaj skrivajo. Izkaže se, da je imel Kim tesen odnos s pripravnico Mirae, zato detektiv sumi, da se je med njima pletlo nekaj nenavadnega. Jong-hoon se dokoplje tudi do posnetkov nadzorne kamere, s katerih postane razvidno, da je Kim takoj po umorih vstopil v pisarniške prostore … izstopiti pa ga ni videl nihče.
V korejski družbi je služba tesno povezana s preživetjem posameznika, in če zaostajaš v igri tekmovanja, te prevzame obup onkraj razsežnosti stresa. Gre za družbeni sistem, v katerem je 'delo' 'preživetje' in 'odpoved' 'smrt'. To je največje protislovje današnje korejske družbe. Ne moremo preprosto prezreti povezave med tem dejstvom in stopnjo samomorilnosti v Koreji, ki je ena najvišjih na svetu. (Hong Won-chan)
The taut thriller by South Korean filmmaker Hong Won-chan uses the serial killer metaphor to expose the dark side of the cut-throat workplace competition.
An exemplary officer worker and head of his family Kim Byung-guk murdered his entire family and disappeared into thin air. Homicide detective Jong-hoon immediately begins his investigation at Kim's office but all of his colleagues seem to be hiding something. He realises that Kim and an intern named Mirae were close and suspects something out of the ordinary. During his investigation, Jong-hoon obtains a CCTV footage of Kim entering the office parking lot immediately following the murder of his family but he was never seen exiting.
In Korean society, one's job is so closely tied to one's survival, and when one falls behind in the game of competition, he is overcome with despair that is beyond the scope of stress. It is a social system in which 'working' is 'survival' and 'dismissal' is 'death'. This is the biggest contradiction that lies within Korean society today. You cannot simply ignore the connection between this and Korea's suicide rate, which is one of the highest in the world. (Hong Won-chan)
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