sreda, 31. avgust 2016

Janis: Little Girl Blue (2015)

Slo naslov: Janis Joplin: Otožno dekle
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 107',  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni, Biografija, Glasba
Slo recenzija: Mladina, Delo
Režija: Amy Berg
Scenarij: Amy Berg
Igrajo: Janis Joplin, Karleen Bennett, Cat Power, Chan Marshall, Laura Joplin 

[SLO]  Via Kinodvor


Janis Joplin se je v zgodovino zapisala kot ena ključnih osebnosti glasbene in kulturne revolucije šestdesetih. Toda kdo je bila, ko je za odrom odložila svojo iskrivo, energično, na videz neobremenjeno odrsko persono? Amy Berg s pomočjo Janisinih prijateljev, sodelavcev, družinskih članov, ljubimcev in zbirke zelo osebnih pisem, ki jih je pisala svojim najdražjim, izriše kompleksen portret bistre, občutljive, a tudi ranjene in globoko osamljene duše, ki je na odru iskala le eno: ljubezen.

Ganljiv, poglobljen portret "prve dame rock'n'rolla", glasbene ikone, ki je na odru izpela lastno bolečino in s svojo nekonvencionalno držo tlakovala pot sodobnim glasbenim upornicam.

Iz prve roke

Janis si zasluži spodoben film o sebi. Zdi se mi, da je bila do zdaj bolj v ospredju njena smrt kot njeno življenje, jaz pa sem želela, da bi ljudje dobili občutek, kdo je bila Janis kot ženska, kot rock zvezda. V bistvu je bila prva ženska rokerica in prebiti se je morala čez mnogo ovir, da je lahko tlakovala pot, po kateri danes stopajo ženske. Imela je neposreden vpliv na žensko gibanje na drugačen način, kot o tem govori zgodovina. Bila je feministka, ne da bi se ji bilo treba razglasiti za feministko. /.../ Mislim, da njena zgodba nagovarja vsakogar na svoj način. Vsakdo v tem filmu vidi del sebe /.../. Ljudje, ki o Janis ne vedo nič, goreči oboževalci, ženske, filmarji, pevci in pevke, ljudje, ki jih nanjo veže katera izmed pesmi, ki jim je všeč /.../. Njena pisma so bila za zgodbo ključna, saj ponujajo redek vpogled v odnose z družino in prijatelji ter Janisino potrebo, da je na papirju popolnoma iskrena do sebe. Iz njih lahko razberemo tudi njen odnos do slave, iz katerega puhti lakota po ljubljenosti. /.../ Ko sem začela pripravljati film, sem mislila, da je bila manj občutljiva. Moja predstava o njej je bila polna klišejev; ob pogovorih z ljudmi, ki so mi vsi po vrsti pripovedovali podobne zgodbe, pa so se klišeji popolnoma razblinili. /.../ V bistvu sta bili dve Janis: ženska, ki je pela in vreščala na odru, tista, ki jo lahko vidite na arhivskih posnetkih ..., a tu je bilo tudi plašno, introvertirano mlado dekle, in zelo težko je bilo loviti ravnotežje med obema ...
- Amy J. Berg


Janis Joplin is one of the most revered and iconic rock & roll singers of all time, a tragic and misunderstood figure who thrilled millions of listeners and blazed new creative trails before her death in 1970 at age 27. This in depth examination presents an intimate and insightful portrait of a complicated, driven, and often beleaguered artist. Joplin's own words tell much of the film's story through a series of letters she wrote to her parents over the years, many of them made public here for the first time. Joplin was a powerhouse when she sang, and her recordings have never left the radio or the hearts of rock fans worldwide. A new understanding of a bright, complex woman whose surprising rise and sudden demise changed music forever.


torek, 30. avgust 2016

Stinking Heaven (2015)

Slo naslov: Smrdljiva nebesa
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2015 
Dolžina: 70',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama   
Slo recenzija: Koridor
Režija: Nathan Silver
Scenarij: Nathan Silver, Jack Dunphy
Igrajo: Deragh Campbell, Keith Poulson, Hannah Gross, Eléonore Hendricks


Via Liffe

Ta, "kot katran črna komedija", kakor jo opredeli avtor dela, prek portreta "komune za trezno življenje" sledi družbeni dinamiki, ki je bila značilna za ameriško predmestno življenje v devetdesetih letih.

Zakonca Jim in Lucy na svojem domu v predmestju New Jerseyja vodita komuno za življenje pod zaobljubo treznosti. Okrog njiju se je tako zbrala pisana skupnost posebnežev, ki družno delajo, jejo in se veselijo, preživetje pa si poskušajo zagotoviti s prodajo domače mešanice "zdravilnega čaja". Čeprav v skupnosti ni vse idealno in se med člani večkrat pojavijo tudi nesoglasja, pa se njeni člani, ti svojski družbeni posebneži in izobčenci, povsem jasno zavedajo, da jim Jim in Lucy na svojem domu ne dajeta le varnega zatočišča, temveč celotno okolje, ki jim je pisano na kožo: njihov raj na zemlji. A nato se skupnosti pridruži Ann, še do nedavnega odvisnica in nekoč partnerka enega izmed članov, katere prihod na komuno deluje kot uničujoči cunami.

Ker sem se odločil, da se lotim filma o nekem konkretnem zgodovinskem obdobju, se mi je zdelo nujno, da vse skupaj posnamemo z novinarskimi tv-kamerami iz tistega obdobja. Tako je nastal dokumentarec o namišljenem svetu - ki obravnava potrebo po družini, ljubezni in ponižanju. (Nathan Silver)


A black as tar comedy following a commune of recovering drug addicts in 1990 suburban New York.


A certain pungency of feeling — as implied by that uninviting but ultimately appropriate title — steams from the surface of “Stinking Heaven,” Nathan Silver’s fifth and most furiously combative feature. Employing unleashed improvisation and a rough-and-ready video aesthetic to convey turbulent interpersonal conflict at a Garden State commune for recovering addicts, this prickly, perceptive miniature arguably reps a tougher arthouse proposition than Silver’s previous shoestring character studies. Those who stick out its short-and-sour duration, however, will note a deepening timbre in Silver’s already distinctive storytelling voice, as he deftly balances curdled comedy with candid humanism. With his 2014 standout “Uncertain Terms” having secured U.S. distribution only this week, “Heaven” hopefully won’t be kept waiting. (Guy Lodge, Variety)


ponedeljek, 29. avgust 2016

Xin mi gong (2014)

Slo naslov: - 
Angleški naslov: The Coffin in the Mountain
Država: Kitajska
Leto: 2014
Dolžina: 119',  Imdb
Žanri: Misterij, Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Yukun Xin
Scenarij: Yuanliang Feng, Nifan Lu
Igrajo: Weimin Huo, Xiaotian Wang, Yun Luo, Yuzen Yang, Li Sun


A charred corpse found atop the mountain of a remote Chinese village ties together three interlocking, time-hopping stories about the moral ambiguity and mortal fears inherent in humanity. In the first, young Zongyao (Xiaotian Wang) has returned to the village of his upbringing for a short visit, and after butting heads with his stern father Xio Weiguo (Weimin Huo) finds solace in an old lover. Claiming she is pregnant, their elation is short-lived after Zongyao accidentally kills a local thug. The two flee to a nearby city, but a guilt-ridden Zongyao considers confessing to his crime. In the second story, Baoshan (Shengjie Shao ) and Liqin (Li Sun), who are carrying on an adulterous affair, conspire to murder Liqin’s abusive husband, only to learn that somebody may have already taken care of him. But is the body in the woods her husband, or a case of mistaken identity? In the final story, Xio Weiguo must pick up the pieces of his shattered village, leading to decisions that could irrevocably compromise his moral compass and his family forever. As these anecdotes collide into each other, the village emerges as a microcosm of our mad society.


nedelja, 28. avgust 2016

Er ist wieder da (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Angleški naslov: Look Who’s Back
Država: Nemčija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 116',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: David Wnendt
Scenarij: David Wnendt, Mizzi Meyer
Igrajo: Oliver Masucci, Fabian Busch, Christoph Maria Herbst, Katja Riemann, Franziska Wulf, Lars Rudolph, Michael Kessler


Adolf Hitler wakes up in a vacant lot in Berlin, with no knowledge of anything that happened after 1945. Homeless and destitute. Although everyone recognizes him, nobody believes that he is Hitler; instead, they think he is either a comedian, or a method actor.


Before you start sending me hate mail, I suggest you try seeing this odd and incredibly offensive film for yourself. While it clearly is wrong on one manages to actually have some incredible political and social commentary...making it clever and a sad indictment of the culture and the media. The film's contention, amazingly, is that he'd probably fit in just fine if such a thing actually did happen! What an unusual and compelling movie...and one that just debuted on Netflix this month. Clearly, you ain't seen nothin' until you've seen this one! (Martin Hafer, iNFLUX Magazine)


sobota, 27. avgust 2016

The Boy (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 110',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Grozljivka, Triler   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Craig William Macneill
Scenarij:  Craig William Macneill, Clay McLeod Chapman (knjiga)
Igrajo: David Morse, Jared Breeze, Rainn Wilson, Bill Sage, Mike Vogel, Zuleikha Robinson, Aiden Lovekamp


It’s the summer of 1989. 9-year-old Ted Henley (Jared Breeze) and his father John (David Morse) are the proprietors of The Mt. Vista Motel, a crumbling resort buried in the mountains of the American West. Since Ted's mother left, John has drifted into despondency—leaving Ted to fend for himself. In this isolation, unchecked by the bounds of parenting, Ted’s darker impulses begin to manifest. The arrival of a mysterious drifter, William Colby (Rainn Wilson), captivates young Ted and the two form a unique friendship - setting the stage for Ted’s final, unnerving metamorphosis. THE BOY is a chilling, intimate portrait of a 9-year-old sociopath's growing fascination with death. [SXSW]


The film’s biggest flaw is that there’s never any doubt about where Ted is going  to end up. The Boy is the first installment in a planned trilogy, a warped coming-of-age tale about a fledgling sociopath, and the question isn’t if Ted is going to snap — it’s when. As a result, the film feels overly long, and while lingering shots of the mountain scenery do help convey the isolation of the deserted motel, too many of them feel repetitive. (Devan Coggan, Entertainment Weekly)


četrtek, 25. avgust 2016

The Nice Guys (2016)

Slo naslov: Prava fanta
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 116',  Imdb
Žanri: Akcija, Komedija, Krimi   
Režija: Shane Black
Scenarij: Shane Black, Anthony Bagarozzi
Igrajo: Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe, Matt Bomer, Kim Basinger, Ty Simpkins, Keith David 


Los Angeles, 1977. Sloviti znak »HOLLYWOOD« vztrajno propada. Ljudje se namesto pred kinematografi drenjajo v vrstah za gorivo. Blišč filmske meke prekriva debela odeja smoga. Ujeta v oranžno meglico se odvijajo na videz ločena, pa vendar prepletena skrivnostna dogajanja okoli izginulega dekleta, smrti pornografske zvezdnice in zarote v visokih poslovnih krogih… 

Na žalost je primer pristal v roke nesrečnega zasebnega detektiva in njegovega klienta – pravzaprav partnerja, ki se mu je bil predstavil tako, da mu je zlomil roko, hkrati pa mu postavil diagnozo: zasebni detektiv Holland March (Ryan Gosling), ki mu zadnje čase sreča v življenju in poslu ni najbolj naklonjena, in najeti izterjevalec Jackson Healy (oskarjevec Russell Crowe) nepričakovano postaneta partnerja. Skupaj morata najti izginulo dekle, za katero se zdi, da ima na hrbtu izrisano tarčo. Je morda njen primer povezan z nasilno smrtjo pornografske zvezdnice, ki je umrla v prometni nesreči? Med preiskavo March in Healy razkrivata šokantno zaroto, ki sega vse do najvišjih vrhov oblasti – in ki ju utegne stati življenji, saj dobesedno vsak, ki se zaplete v primer, konča pod rušo…  [Cineplexx]


Set against the backdrop of 1977 Los Angeles, The Nice Guys opens when single father and licensed PI Holland March (Gosling) is hired to investigate the apparent suicide of famous porn star Misty Mountains. As the trail leads him to track down a girl named Amelia (Qualley), he encounters less licensed and less hands-off private eye Jackson Healey (Russell Crowe) and his brass knuckles, both hired by the young hippie. However, the situation takes a turn for the worse when Amelia vanishes and it becomes apparent that March wasn't the only party interested. As both men are forced to team up, they'll have to take on a world filled with eccentric goons, strippers dressed as mermaids and even a possible government conspiracy. [Imdb]

[RT Critics Consensus]

The Nice Guys hearkens back to the buddy comedies of a bygone era while adding something extra courtesy of a knowing script and the irresistible chemistry of its leads.


sreda, 24. avgust 2016

Zurich (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: Nemčija, Nizozemska, Belgija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 89' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Sacha Polak
Scenarij: Helena van der Meulen
Igrajo: Wende Snijders, Sascha Alexander Gersak, Barry Atsma, Martijn Lakemeier; Aaron Roggeman


ZURICH is a road movie about Nina, who discovers after the death of her great love, truck driver Boris, he led a double life. Struggling with her feelings she comes to an almost unforgivable deed, and flees. She submerges into the truckers scene - not capable to express herself.


An arrestingly broken-backed story structure offers more surprises than the story itself in “Zurich,” Dutch helmer Sacha Polak’s grim but glisteningly crafted sophomore feature. Confirming the promise of her remarkable 2012 debut, “Hemel,” without quite advancing upon it, this bisected study of a young woman cast adrift — physically and psychologically — by personal tragedy unfurls its tale of woe in furtively nonlinear fashion, but it shouldn’t take viewers long to surmise the root of her trauma. Still, Polak’s formal nerve and frankly feminine perspective just about retrieve this Berlinale Forum selection from the realm of artsy miserablism. (Guy Lodge, Variety)


torek, 23. avgust 2016

Vinyl (2016)

Photo: HBO

Slo naslov: Vinil 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 10 x 60',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Glasbeni   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Martin Scorsese, Allen Coulter, Nicole Kassell...
Zgodba: Rich Cohen, Mick Jagger, Martin Scorsese, Terence Winter
Igrajo: Bobby Cannavale, Olivia Wilde, Ray Romano, Ato Essandoh, Max Casella, Juno Temple, P.J. Byrne, Andrew Dice Clay, Jack Quaid, James Jagger, J.C. MacKenzie, Paul Ben-Victor, Bo Dietl


Zgodba, ki se v 70. letih odvija v New Yorku, spremlja z mamili in seksom prepojeno glasbeno industrijo v zgodnjih letih panka, diska in hiphopa – skozi oči predsednika glasbene založbe (Bobby Cannavale), ki skuša rešiti svoje podjetje.

Richie Finestra (Bobby Cannavale) je strasten ljubitelj glasbe in ima odličen občutek za odkrivanje novih talentov, vendar je njegova založba American Century Records tik pred prodajo. Neki prelomni dogodek v njem vnovič obudi ljubezen do glasbe, vendar ima obenem poguben vpliv na njegovo zasebno življenje. Martin Scorsese, Mick Jagger in Terence Winter prinašajo zgodbo, ki se odvija v sedemdesetih letih v New Yorku ter spremlja z mamili in seksom prepojeno glasbeno industrijo v zgodnjih letih panka, diska in hiphopa – kakor to skozi svoje oči vidi predsednik glasbene založbe, ki skuša rešiti svoje podjetje ter lastno dušo, ne da bi pri tem uničil vsakogar na svoji poti. 1. del: Piše se leto 1973 v New Yorku. Skupaj s poslovnimi partnerji je Richie Finestra, predsednik glasbene založbe American Century Records, tik pred prodajo podjetja v težavah nemškemu Polygramu, kot del dogovora pri pogodbi o distribuciji s skupino Led Zeppelin. Po nelagodnem srečanju z Robertom Plantom postane jasno, da so načrti glede prodaje račun brez krčmarja. [HBO Adria]


Created by Mick Jagger & Martin Scorsese & Rich Cohen and Terence Winter, this new drama series is set in 1970s New York. A ride through the sex- and drug-addled music business at the dawn of punk, disco, and hip-hop, the show is seen through the eyes of a record label president, Richie Finestra, played by Bobby Cannavale, who is trying to save his company and his soul without destroying everyone in his path. Additional series regulars include Olivia Wilde, Ray Romano, Ato Essandoh, Max Casella, P.J. Byrne, J.C. MacKenzie, Birgitte Hjort Sørensen, Juno Temple, Jack Quaid, James Jagger and Paul Ben-Victor. Scorsese, Jagger and Winter executive produce along with Victoria Pearman, Rick Yorn, Emma Tillinger Koskoff, John Melfi, Allen Coulter and George Mastras. Winter serves as showrunner. [HBO]

Set in the early/mid-1970s, the life and times of a record executive, Richie Finestra (played by Bobby Cannavale). His record company, American Century, has fallen on hard times and he is busy negotiating its sale to Polygram Records. We see how he started in the industry, the start of his company, its ups and downs, the casualties of his progress and what rock music means to him. Meanwhile, he is also an accessory to a murder. [Imdb]

[RT Critics Consensus]

Vinyl doesn't always keep the beat, dramatically speaking, but overall, it capably honors the rock pioneers of the '70s with absorbing stories, a spot-on soundtrack, and rich period detail.


ponedeljek, 22. avgust 2016

Truman (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: Španija, Argentina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 108' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Komedija   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Cesc Gay
Scenarij: Tomàs Aragay, Cesc Gay
Igrajo: Ricardo Darin, Javier Camara, Dolores Fonzi, Eduard Fernandez, Alex Brendemuhl, Pedro Casablanc


Childhood friends Julián (Ricardo Darín) and Tomás (Javier Cámara) were once inseparable. Eventually, the two have lost sight of their friendship. While the divorced Julián remained in Spain where he has lived through the highs and lows of an acting career, the teacher Tomás emigrated to Canada, where he has built up a peaceful existence together with his job, his wife and his children. After a reunion one day in Madrid, their friendship survived once again, as if it had never fallen asleep. Together the two spend a few wonderful days in the city full of nostalgic memories and unforgettable experiences -knowing that this will probably be their last reunion because Julián has been diagnosed terminally ill with cancer.


Call it a comedy of melancholy, and you won’t be far off the mark. “Truman,” Spanish filmmaker Cesc Gay’s wise, wistful and well-observed film about two friends enjoying a final reunion in the shadow of impending death, is by turns amusing and affecting — and quite often both at once — as it focuses on a middle-aged actor’s efforts to put his affairs in order before he faces the final curtain. It should travel far beyond the fest circuit, and find receptive audiences wherever and however it is shown, for it speaks, gently yet directly, in a universal language. 
[Joe Leydon, Variety]


nedelja, 21. avgust 2016

Nae-bu-ja-deul (2015)

Slo naslov:
Angleški naslov: Inside Men
Država: J. Koreja
Leto: 2015 
Dolžina: 180' (Director's Cut),  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Drama, Triler   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Woo Min-Ho
Scenarij: Woo Min-Ho, Yoon Tae-Ho (strip)
Igrajo: Lee Byung-Hun, Cho Seung-Woo, Baek Yoon-Sik, Lee Kyoung-Young, Jo Jae-Yun


Lee Kang-hee is an editorialist of a influential newspaper in South Korea. With the power of the press, he makes the congressman Jang Pil-woo to one of the candidates of the next presidential election. That is the result of a secret deal between Lee and Ahn Sang-goo, a political henchman of Jang Pil-woo. But Ahn makes an almost fatal error, when he gets caught pocketing the record on the Jang's slush fund. The prosecutor Woo Jang-hoon is about to investigate and becomes absolutely determined, because the case would help him making big steps in his career. Ahn gets in real trouble, when he gets dropped by Jang and should have been killed, but is able to flee. Now a bitter war starts between one who is lusting for power, the one who wants vengeance and the one who is eager for success.


After Man of Vendetta (2010) and his unfortunate sophomore effort The Spies (2012), director Woo Min-ho proves that he has a lot more to offer in this latest effort, gifting us a film that is confident in its execution and sharp in its writing. The third act, while satisfying, doesn't quite live up to the socio-political gambit he begins his tale with, but Inside Men remains rock solid entertainment.
[Pierce Conran, ScreenAnarchy]


petek, 19. avgust 2016

Mr. Kaplan (2014)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: Španija, Urugvaj
Leto: 2014 
Dolžina: 98',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama, Triler  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Álvaro Brechner
Scenarij: Álvaro Brechner 
Igrajo: Hector Noguera, Nestor Guzzini, Rolf Becker, Nidia Telles, Nuria Flo, Leonor Syarcas, Gustavo Saffores


After fleeing Europe for Uruguay during WWII, Jacob Kaplan built a quiet life. Now 76, he begins to question his worth. After learning of a mysterious German prowling the shores of a nearby beach, he becomes convinced that he's found a Nazi in hiding and plans to expose him. Expertly distilling a potent mixture of emotional depth and deadpan comedy, Mr. Kaplan is a vivacious meditation on family, aging, and the drive for significance. [Brock Pace]


An aging retiree desperate for enduring relevance plots to kidnap a German cafe owner he thinks is a former Nazi in Alvaro Brechner’s good-natured foray into Yiddishkeit humor, “Mr. Kaplan.” Some will accuse the pic of pandering to the older Jewish crowd, and while it’s hard to argue with that assessment, Brechner’s sophomore feature boasts enjoyable leads alongside a plot as predictable as your Great-aunt Bella’s matzoh balls: What’s fluffy for some will seem gummy to others. [Jay Weissberg, Variety]


četrtek, 18. avgust 2016

Maggie's Plan (2015)

Slo naslov: Maggie ima načrt
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 98',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama, Romantični  
Slo recenzija: Mladina, RTV SLO MMC
Režija: Rebecca Miller
Scenarij: Rebecca Miller, Karen Rinaldi (zgodba)
Igrajo: Greta Gerwig, Ethan Hawke, Julianne Moore, Bill Hader, Maya Rudolph


Via Kinodvor

Maggie je živahna in pragmatična tridesetletna Newyorčanka, ki preprosto nima sreče v ljubezni. Odloči se, da bo postala samska mati. Toda njen načrt se kaj hitro spremeni, ko nenadoma spozna Johna, profesorja antropologije, ki se trudi napisati svoj prvi roman. Maggie se v Johna na vrat na nos zaljubi. Toda John je nesrečno poročen z ambiciozno Georgette ...

Duhovita romantična komedija Rebecce Miller ponudi prisrčen in sofisticiran pogled na zamotano drobovje sodobnih ljubezenskih zvez.

iz prve roke

Vedno so me preplavili lepi občutki, če se je občinstvo ob mojih filmih smejalo. Povečini je šlo za drame, zdaj pa sem si mislila, da bi lahko prevesila tehtnico. Tudi v tem filmu je nekaj drame, a mnogo več je komedije. Starejša ko sem, več ko izkusim življenja, večjo potrebo čutim po humorju. Mislim, da komedijo močno potrebujemo. Biti sposoben smejati se samemu sebi in opazovati svet s humorjem je zelo hvaležen način življenja. Ko zorim kot oseba in umetnica, spoznavam, kako globoka je lahko komedija. Prepustila sem se svoji želji, da ljudi s filmom osrečim. /…/ Listala sem po raznih knjigah. Iskala sem nekaj, kar bi dišalo po New Yorku in bi bilo res smešno. Nato sem se seznanila s Karen [Rinaldi] in prebrala njeno zgodbo v zgodbi, ki je bila sijajna predloga za scenarij.
- Rebecca Miller


Maggie's plan to have a baby on her own is derailed when she falls in love with John, a married man, destroying his volatile marriage to the brilliant and impossible Georgette. But one daughter and three years later, Maggie is out of love and in a quandary: what do you do when you suspect your man and his ex wife are actually perfect for each other?

[RT Critics Consensus]

With a typically absorbing performance from Greta Gerwig leading the way, Maggie's Plan gives rom-com sensibilities a smart, subversive twist.


sreda, 17. avgust 2016

Narodni heroj Ljiljan Vidić (2015)

Slo naslov:
Država: Hrvaška, Srbija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 110' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Vojni 
Slo recenzija:
Režija: Ivan-Goran Vitez
Scenarij: Zoran Lazić
Igrajo: Kristijan Jaić, Tena Jeić Gajski , Stjepan Perić, Ivan Đuričić, Stojan Matavulj, Dražen Kühn


This comedy of the absurd is set in the Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during World War II. The hero, Ljiljan is a young peasant poet who joins the Partisan movement just before it falls apart, abandoned by its leader Tito. The last remaining hope for resisting Nazism is to assassinate Hitler. Ljiljan's task is to write a song that will allow his Partisan band to infiltrate the inner sanctum of the SS - by entering an SS talent show. If they win the competition, they will be invited to perform before Hitler and the NDH's high command. This is a satirical coming-of-age tale with a difference, capturing the craziness, comedy and horror of war in the Balkans. [IMDB]


Narodni heroj Ljiljan Vidić prati četu partizana koja se, predvođena mladim pjesnikom, natječe na endehazijskom talent showu "Čimbenik X": pobjednik osvaja nastup na Poglavnikovom domjenku te samim time i priliku da uz pjesmu, ples i pucnjeve okonča rat. 

Saznajte tko je pobijedio u Drugom svjetskom ratu, a tko u prvom hrvatskom talent showu; kako su u 40-ima izgledali šoping centri, a kako razgovori za posao; koji je automobil Hitler poklonio Paveliću i kakve je mudre misli Tito zapisao u svojem nikad objavljenom priručniku za samopomoć. [Cinestar]


torek, 16. avgust 2016

Fort Buchanan (2014)

Slo naslov: -
Država: Francija, Tunizija
Leto: 2014
Dolžina: 65',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama, Romantični  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Benjamin Crotty
Scenarij: Benjamin Crotty
Igrajo: Andy Gillet, Iliana Zabeth, David Baiot, Mati Diop, Luc Chessel, Nancy Lane Kaplan, Pauline Jacquard, Guillaume Palin, Judith Lou Lévy


When his husband Frank is sent on a mission to Djibouti, Roger remains behind with his adopted daughter, the temperamental Roxy, at Fort Buchanan, a remote base in the middle of the woods. Over the course of the four seasons he seeks advice, company and consolation from a middle-aged woman, three pretty wives abandoned by their husbands, and a farmer-cum-personal-trainer, all of whom have their own romantic turmoil. [Locarno Film Festival]


It's an easy, sometimes amusing watch, but also an unfulfilling one, as if Crotty needed another hour to make his characters memorable rather than relying on sheer star power. [The Film Stage]


nedelja, 14. avgust 2016

Eye in the Sky (2015)

Slo naslov: Nadzor z neba 
Država: VB, Južna Afrika
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 102',  Imdb
Žanri: Vojni, Drama, Triler   
Slo recenzija: Mladina, Filmstart
Režija: Gavin Hood
Scenarij: Guy Hibbert
Igrajo: Helen Mirren, Aaron Paul, Alan Rickman, Barkhad Abdi, Iain Glen, Richard McCabe, Jeremy Northam, Phoebe Fox, Carl Beukes


Potem ko polkovnica Katherine Powell (oskarjevka Helen Mirren) po šestih letih išče britanskega državljana, ki je postal terorist, svojo tarčo s pomočjo tehnološko visoko razvitega ameriškega brezpilotnega letala naposled najde v Keniji. Posebne enote se že bližajo tarči, a razkritje načrtov za dva neizbežna samomorilska bombna napada njihove namene iz nameravanega zajetja spremenijo v nalogo, da morajo tarčo ubiti. Pilot (dobitnik emmyja Aaron Paul), ki na daljavo iz Las Vegasa usmerja brezpilotno letalo, se ravno pripravlja, da sproži smrtonosni izstrelek, ko v bližini zaznajo devetletno deklico, kar zaneti mednarodno razpravo v najvišjih krogih vlad o tem, ali je ohranitev življenja enega otroka vredno gotove smrti stotine drugih. Medtem lokalni operativec (nominiranec za oskarja Barkhad Abdi) tvega vse, da dekletce spravi na varno.  [Cineplexx]


EYE IN THE SKY stars Helen Mirren as Colonel Katherine Powell, a UK-based military officer in command of a top secret drone operation to capture terrorists in Kenya. Through remote surveillance and on-the-ground intel, Powell discovers the targets are planning a suicide bombing and the mission escalates from "capture" to "kill." But as American pilot Steve Watts (Aaron Paul) is about to engage, a nine-year old girl enters the kill zone triggering an international dispute, reaching the highest levels of US and British government, over the moral, political, and personal implications of modern warfare. [Bleecker Street]


While certainly imperfect, there is something to admire about the film's attempt to present the tangled logistics of a single military operation, where it seems everyone wants success but none of the responsibility of the tough decision making involved. (Kevin Jagernauth, The Playlist)


sobota, 13. avgust 2016

A Hologram for the King (2016)

Slo naslov:
Država: VB, Francija, Nemčija
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 98',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Tom Tykwer
Scenarij: Tom Tykwer, Dave Eggers (knjiga)
Igrajo: Tom Hanks, Alexander Black, Sarita Choudhury, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Ben Whishaw


Cultures collide when an American businessman (Tom Hanks) is sent to Saudi Arabia to close what he hopes will be the deal of a lifetime. Baffled by local customs and stymied by an opaque bureaucracy, he eventually finds his footing with the help of a wise-cracking taxi driver (Alexander Black) and a beautiful Saudi doctor (Sarita Choudhury).


A graceful but nonetheless redundant addition to the “depressed white guy going through a midlife crisis” genre, A Hologram For The King greatly benefits from Tom Hanks’ warm, sympathetic performance and Run Lola Run filmmaker Tom Tykwer’s muted direction. And yet, this modest saga of a struggling American businessman on a work trip to Saudi Arabia can’t break free of the clichés that are inherent to such a story. As thoughtfully rendered as much of Hologram is, the film eventually succumbs to the material’s fundamental triteness, offering done-to-death life lessons about second chances and the value of broadening one’s perspective. (Tim Grierson, Screen Daily)
