torek, 28. februar 2017

Ten Canoes (2006)

Slo naslov: Deset kanujev
Država: Avstralija
Jezik: Aboridžinščina, Angleščina
Leto: 2006
Dolžina: 90',  Imdb
Žanri: Avantura, Drama, Komedija 
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Rolf de Heer, Peter Djigirr
Scenarij: Rolf de Heer
Igrajo: Jamie Gulpilil, Peter Minygululu, Peter Djigirr, Crusoe Kurddal, Richard Birrinbirrin, Frances Djulibing, David Gulpilil, Johnny Buniyira


The film is set in Arnhem Land, in a time before Western contact, and tells the story of a group of ten men hunting goose eggs. The leader of the group, Minygululu, tells the young Dayindi (Jamie Gulpilil) a story about another young man even further back in time who, like Dayindi, coveted his elder brother's youngest wife. The sequences featuring Dayindi and the hunt are in black and white, while shots set in distant past are in colour. All protagonists speak in indigenous languages of the Yolŋu Matha language group, with subtitles. The film is narrated in English by David Gulpilil, although versions of the film without narration, and featuring narration in Yolŋu Matha, are also available.

Minygululu tells a story of the great warrior Ridjimiraril, who suspects a visiting stranger of kidnapping his second wife. In a case of mistaken identity, Ridjimiraril kills a member of a neighbouring tribe. To prevent all-out war, tribal laws dictate that the offending tribe allow the offender to be speared from a distance by the tribe of the slain man. The offender is allowed to be accompanied by a companion, and he takes his younger brother. Whenever one of the two is hit, the spear-throwers will stop, and justice will have been served. Ridjimiraril is hit and mortally wounded but survives long enough to return to his camp, where he is tended to by his eldest wife. After he finally succumbs, the elder brother's kidnapped second wife finds her way back to the camp. She reveals that she had been kidnapped by a different tribe, much farther away and had taken this long to return. She mourns her lost husband, who had attacked the wrong tribe, though now she and the elder wife take his younger brother as their new husband. The younger brother, who was only interested in the youngest of the three wives, now has to care for all of them, and satisfying their many and constant demands is much more than he bargained for.

Minygululu tells this story in the hope that Dayindi learns of the added responsibilities of a husband and elder statesman in the tribe, and in the end we see Dayindi withdrawing from his pursuit of Minygululu's young wife. -Via Wikipedia


ponedeljek, 27. februar 2017

I, Daniel Blake (2016)

Slo naslov: Jaz, Daniel Blake
Država: VB, Francija, Belgija
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 100',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama 
Režija: Ken Loach
Scenarij: Paul Laverty 
Igrajo: Dave Johns, Hayley Squires, Briana Shann, Dylan Phillip Mckiernan


Via Kinodvor

Newcastle, Velika Britanija. Devetinpetdesetletni Daniel Blake, ki je vse življenje delal kot tesar, zaradi zdravstvenih težav zdaj prvič potrebuje pomoč države. Spoprijatelji se s Katie, mlado materjo samohranilko z dvema otrokoma, ki ji v mestu ravno dodelijo socialno stanovanje. Daniel in Katie se znajdeta v birokratskem labirintu socialnih institucij, za katere se zdi, da v vseh prosilcih za pomoč vidijo le prevarante in lenuhe.

Ken Loach, neutrudni kronist delavskega razreda, se vrača z značilno strastnim in brezkompromisnim filmom o moči sočutja in solidarnosti v boju proti birokratski brezbrižnosti sistema. Veteranski režiser, ki je danes aktualen kot še nikoli, je z zadnjega festivala v Cannesu odnesel svojo drugo zlato palmo.

Izhodišče je bila zgodba o ljudeh, ki skušajo preživeti. A liki in situacije morajo biti utemeljeni v resničnem življenju. Če pogledamo dovolj pozorno, lahko vidimo, kako premišljeno kruta je država pri zagotavljanju socialne podpore ljudem, ki jo tako obupno potrebujejo, in kako uporablja birokracijo – njeno namerno neučinkovitost – kot politično orožje: 'To se ti bo zgodilo, če ne boš delal; če ne boš našel dela, boš trpel.' Jeza, ki smo jo ob tem čutili, je bila motiv za film. /…/ Koncept je znan večini izmed nas: gre za frustracijo in črno komedijo, ki prideta na dan ob spopadanju z birokracijo. Ta je tako izrazito nesmiselna, tako očitno zasnovana z namenom, da nas spravi ob živce. Če o tem spregovoriš iskreno in če znaš odnos ljudi na drugi strani mize ali telefona brati med vrsticami, bi se morala pokazati vsa komičnost, krutost in – navsezadnje – tragedija situacije. 'Revni so sami krivi za svojo revščino' – ta misel ščiti moč vladajočega razreda.[Ken Loach]


A 59 year old carpenter recovering from a heart attack befriends a single mother and her two kids as they navigate their way through the impersonal, Kafkaesque benefits system. With equal amounts of humor, warmth and despair, the journey is heartfelt and emotional until the end.


nedelja, 26. februar 2017

Allied (2016)

Slo naslov: Zaveznika
Država: VB, ZDA
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 124' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Akcija, Drama, Romantični
Slo recenzija: Filmstart, Mladina, RTV SLO MMC
Režija: Robert Zemeckis
Scenarij: Steven Knight
Igrajo: Brad Pitt, Marion Cotillard, Lizzy Caplan, Matthew Goode, Raffey Cassidy, Jared Harris, Charlotte Hope


Leta 1942 se v Casablanci srečata vohun Max Vatan in članica francoskega odpora Marianne Beausejour, ki se za sovražnikovo črto pripravljata na nevarno zavezniško misijo. Da bi izvedla drzen atentat, skleneta lažen zakon, ki pa hitro preraste v resnično ljubezen. Ob ponovnem snidenju v Londonu, njuno zvezo ogrožajo tako številni pritiski zaradi vojne in vohunske spletke kot tudi zamolčane skrivnosti iz njune preteklosti. [Kolosej]


In the middle of World War II, in turbulent 1942, a plane flies over Morocco and drops a Royal Canadian Air Force paratrooper who comes in to land on a drop zone, somewhere in the desert dunes outside Casablanca. Just in time before anyone notices him, the fearless Wing Commander Max Vatan gets in a car and heads to the town with orders to meet Parisian Marianne Beauséjour, a skillful member of the French Resistance. On a mission to assassinate the German Ambassador in Casablanca, the two operatives must convince every one of their true feelings as a married couple, while in the background, they need to make the necessary preparations for the critical soirée. Without delay, after the success of this suicide mission, Max and Marianne flee together to England with plans on marrying and making a family, regardless of the war. Instead, heavy clouds of distrust and suspicion threaten their relationship, when Max receives a call from the Secret Service Division to inform him that his ... [Imdb]


sobota, 25. februar 2017

Mielensäpahoittaja (2014)

aka The Grump

Slo naslov: -
Angleški naslov: The Grump
Država: Finska, Islandija 
Jezik: Finščina
Leto: 2014
Dolžina: 104',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Dome Karukoski
Scenarij: Dome Karukoski, Tuomas Kyrö (knjiga)
Igrajo: Antti Litja, Petra Frey, Mari Perankoski, Iikka Forss 


The Grump is a man from the past. A man who knows that everything used to be so much better in the old days. Pretty much everything that's been done after 1953 has always managed to ruin The Grump's day. Our story unfolds as The Grump takes a fall from his basement steps, hurting his ankle. He has to spend a weekend in Helsinki to attend physiotherapy. The Grump doesn't like this for four reasons: 1) He has to take a taxi. 2) He can't take daily care of his wife, an Alzheimer's patient. 3) He can't drive, which means he might have to sit in a car with a female driver. 4) He has to spend time with his family. The daughter-in-law is a career woman, not keen to spend time with The Grump when he comes to the city. Her boss has given her the task to look after Russian businessmen supposed to close a major deal over the weekend. It doesn't make her any happier when The Grump decides to help with the deal. Then The Grump has to face his useless son to become the father he never was, teaching... [Solar Films]


petek, 24. februar 2017

Jackie (2016)

Slo naslov: Jackie
Država: ZDA, Čile
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 100' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Biografija, Drama
Slo recenzija: Filmoljub, Filmstart, Mladina
Režija: Pablo Larraín
Scenarij: Noah Oppenheim
Igrajo: Natalie Portman, Peter Sarsgaard, Greta Gerwig, Billy Crudup, John Hurt


Via Kinodvor

Novica o usodnem atentatu na ameriškega predsednika Johna F. Kennedyja je 22. novembra leta 1963 pretresla ameriško in svetovno javnost. V dneh, ki so sledili, so bili vsi pogledi uprti v Kennedyjevo vdovo, prvo damo Jacqueline Kennedy. Zgodba nas popelje v njen svet. Medtem ko se je z otroki spopadala s travmatično izgubo, bolečino in žalovanjem, je morala poskrbeti, da sta se zapuščina Kennedyjevega predsednikovanja in njegova javna podoba za vselej vtisnili v spomin.

Čilski režiser Pablo Larraín (Klub, Neruda) je z izjemno Natalie Portman v naslovni vlogi ustvaril pretresljiv, intimen in izviren film o enem najbolj prelomnih in tragičnih trenutkov ameriške zgodovine, v katerem atentat na Johna F. Kennedyja doživljamo skozi oči ikonične prve dame Jackie Kennedy. Najboljši scenarij na Beneškem filmskem festivalu.

Prva krogla je predsednika zadela v vrat, druga, ki je bila smrtonosna, je zdrobila desni del njegove lobanje. Kennedyjeva 34-letna soproga Jacqueline je sedela ob njem. Tik ob njem. Kako je to doživljala ona? Vsi poznamo zgodbo o Kennedyjevem atentatu. Toda kaj se zgodi, če se osredotočimo nanjo? Kaj je doživljala naslednje tri dni, ko se je z otroki utapljala v bolečini, medtem ko so bile oči vsega sveta uperjene vanjo? Jackie je bila kraljica brez krone, ki je na en mah izgubila prestol in moža. Jacqueline Kennedy, elegantna, sofisticirana in predmet poželenja, je bila ena najpogosteje fotografiranih žensk 20. stoletja. O njej so napisali na stotine knjig, posneli nešteto filmov in televizijskih serij. Pa vendar o njej vemo malo. Skrajno zadržana, zagonetna Jackie je čisto mogoče najbolj neznana znana osebnost našega časa. Rad si mislim, da je nikoli ne bomo povsem razvozlali. Nikoli ne bomo vedeli, kako je dišala ali kako so se ji ob pogovoru zaiskrile oči. Lahko le raziskujemo. In sestavimo film iz fragmentov, iz delnih spominov, krajev, idej, podob, ljudi. Kennedy je umrl mlad, njegove kratke predsedniške kariere je bilo nenadoma konec, njegovim dosežkom je grozila pozaba. Kljub ohromelosti zaradi lastne travme pa se je Jacqueline Kennedy zavedala, da mora nekdo dokončati njegovo zgodbo. V pičlih nekaj dneh je uspela iz moža napraviti legendo. Začrtala je njegovo javno podobo in utrdila njegovo zapuščino. Ob tem pa je tudi sama postala ikona, ki jo bo svet za vselej poznal preprosto kot Jackie. [Pablo Larraín]


Jackie is a portrait of one of the most important and tragic moments in American history, seen through the eyes of the iconic First Lady, then Jacqueline Kennedy. Jackie places us in her world during the days immediately following her husband's assassination. Known for her extraordinary dignity and poise, here we see a portrait of the First Lady as she fights to establish her husband's legacy and the world of "Camelot" that she created and loved so well. [Fox Searchlight Pictures]


četrtek, 23. februar 2017

Boi Neon (2015)

aka Neon Bull

Slo naslov: -
Angleški naslov: Neon Bull
Država: Brazilija, Urugvaj
Jezik: Portugalščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 101' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Drama
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Gabriel Mascaro
Scenarij: Gabriel Mascaro
Igrajo: Juliano Cazarre, Aline Santana, Carlos Pessoa, Maeve Jinkings, Vinicius de Oliveira, Josinaldo Alves, Samya de Lavor


Wild, sensual and utterly transporting, Brazilian writer-director Gabriel Mascaro's second fiction feature unfolds within the world of the vaquejada, a traditional exhibition sport in which cowboys try to pull bulls to the ground by their tails. Neon Bull explores the vaquejada through the eyes of Iremar (Juliano Cazarre), a handsome cowboy who works the events. While he's not afraid to get his hands dirty, Iremar's real dream is to design exotic outfits for dancers. [TIFF]


Sometimes you have to take the bull by the tail — which applies just as much to director Gabriel Mascaro’s seemingly backward approach to “Neon Bull” as it does to the bizarre Brazilian rodeo scene the film depicts, in which experienced riders do exactly that, flanking cattle from both sides and tugging them to the ground from behind. A time-honored tradition in the Brazilian northeast, “vaquejada” is arguably the region’s most macho sport (women aren’t allowed to participate), which makes Mascaro’s strategy of slyly challenging gender roles within this realm all the more intriguing. Premiering in Venice a mere year after his sultry, Locarno-launched “August Winds” marked him a talent to watch, “Neon Bull” similarly exudes hormones from every pore, sure to seduce many a festival with the helmer’s gift for frank sexuality and unforgettable imagery. [Peter Debruge, Variety]


Der Bunker (2015)

Slo naslov: -
Angleški naslov: The Bunker
Država:  Nemščina
Jezik: Nemčija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 86' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Grozljivka, Drama
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Nikias Chryssos
Scenarij: Nikias Chryssos
Igrajo: Pit Bukowski, Daniel Fripan, Oona von Maydell 


It seems a simple enough goal for any student: Find a quiet place to live and work, an oasis to center your mind and go about your business. And that’s all the eponymous Student (Pit Bukowski) at the center of  Nikias Chryssos’ debut feature wants. Just a quiet place. A safe place. Preferably a boring place. And he thinks he’s found it when he comes across a room for rent with a family living in a converted military bunker. With Mother, Father and young Klaus, all will surely be well. But things are not quite what the Student expects when he arrives.


sreda, 22. februar 2017

The Birth of a Nation (2016)

Slo naslov: Rojstvo naroda
Država: ZDA
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 120' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Biografija, Drama, Zgodovinski
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Nate Parker
Scenarij: Nate Parker, Jean McGianni Celestin
Igrajo: Nate Parker, Armie Hammer, Mark Boone Jr., Colman Domingo, Aunjanue Ellis, Dwight Henry, Aja Naomi King, Esther Scott, Roger Guenveur Smith, Gabrielle Union, Penelope Ann Miller


Set against the antebellum South, THE BIRTH OF A NATION follows Nat Turner (Nate Parker), a literate slave and preacher, whose financially strained owner, Samuel Turner (Armie Hammer), accepts an offer to use Nat's preaching to subdue unruly slaves. As he witnesses countless atrocities - against himself and his fellow slaves - Nat orchestrates an uprising in the hopes of leading his people to freedom. -Fox Searchlight Pictures


What first should be said about The Birth Of A Nation, the feature filmmaking debut of director, writer, producer and star Nate Parker, is that it’s often an overly earnest biopic about 19th century Virginia slave Nat Turner. And what must then follow is an acknowledgment that such criticisms don’t matter so much in the face of this film’s ferocious moral anger. Dramatising how Turner’s slow awakening to the misery experienced by his fellow slaves led to a brief, bloody uprising, The Birth Of A Nation builds to that violent revolution with a slow burn that soon explodes with the force of a long-suppressed societal psychic wail. This may not be the most nuanced of films, but its blunt-force impact leaves one shaken. 
[Tim Grierson, Screen Daily]


torek, 21. februar 2017

Évolution (2015)

Photo. Wild Bunch

Slo naslov: -
Angleški naslov: Evolution
Država: Francija, Belgija, Španija 
Jezik: Francoščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 81',  Imdb
Žanri: Grozljivka, Misterij
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Lucile Hadzihalilovic
Scenarij: Lucile Hadzihalilovic, Alante Kavaite
Igrajo: Max Brebant, Roxane Duran, Julie-Marie Parmentier


10-year-old Nicolas lives with his mother on a remote island, in a village inhabited solely by women and young boys. In a hospital overlooking the ocean, all the boys are subjected to a mysterious medical treatment. Only Nicolas questions what is happening around him. He senses that his mother is lying to him, and is determined to find out what she does with the other women at night, on the beach… What he discovers is the beginning of a nightmare into which he is helplessly drawn. But in Stella, a young nurse at the hospital, Nicolas finds an unexpected ally… Lucile Hadzihalilovic (Innocence - Best New Director Award - San Sebastian, Bronze Horse - Stockholm FF) returns with a new journey into a mysterious world of  childhood dreams, fantasies and fears…  [Wild Bunch]


ponedeljek, 20. februar 2017

Nocturnal Animals (2016)

Slo naslov: Nočne ptice
Država: ZDA
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 116' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Triler
Režija: Tom Ford
Scenarij: Tom Ford, Austin Wright (knjiga)
Igrajo: Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Shannon, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Isla Fisher, Armie Hammer, Ellie Bamber, Laura Linney


Opis via Kinodvor:

Susan, lastnica uspešne losangeleške galerije, živi izjemno privilegirano, a neizpolnjeno življenje. Neki konec tedna, ko se njen soprog mudi na eni svojih prepogostih službenih poti, Susan prejme paket. V njem je rokopis romana Nočne ptice, ki ji ga pošilja bivši mož Edward. Ponoči, ko ne more spati, Susan začne z branjem. Roman je posvečen njej, vsebina pa je nadvse vznemirjujoča ...

Nočne ptice so temačen romantični triler, ki s stopnjujočo napetostjo raziskuje tanko mejo med ljubeznijo in krutostjo, med maščevanjem in odrešitvijo. Tom Ford je z drugim celovečercem upravičil visoka pričakovanja, ki jih je vzbudil s prvencem Samski moški, ter z Beneškega filmskega festivala odnesel veliko nagrado žirije.

Nočne ptice govorijo o tem, kako se moramo naučiti živeti z odločitvami, ki jih v življenju sprejmemo, in z njihovimi morebitnimi posledicami. V vedno bolj potrošniški kulturi, kjer je vse, vključno z našimi razmerji, tako lahko zavreči, sem želel povedati zgodbo o zvestobi, predanosti in ljubezni. To je zgodba o osamljenosti, ki jo vsi čutimo, in o tem, kako pomembno je ceniti osebne vezi, ki so nam v življenju v oporo. - Tom Ford


A "story inside a story," in which the first part follows a woman named Susan who receives a book manuscript from her ex-husband, a man whom she left 20 years earlier, asking for her opinion. The second element follows the actual manuscript, called "Nocturnal Animals," which revolves around a man whose family vacation turns violent and deadly. It also continues to follow the story of Susan, who finds herself recalling her first marriage and confronting some dark truths about herself. [Imdb]


nedelja, 19. februar 2017

Silence (2016)

Slo naslov: Molk
Država: ZDA, Tajvan, Mehika
Jezik:Angleščina, Japonščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 159',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Zgodovinski
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Martin Scorsese
Scenarij: Jay Cocks, Martin Scorsese, Shûsaku Endô (knjiga)
Igrajo: Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Tadanobu Asano, Ciarán Hinds, Issey Ogata, Shinya Tsukamoto, Yoshi Oida, Yosukey Kubozuka, Liam Neeson


Opis via Kolosej:

Z oskarji nagrajeni režiser neizprosnih dram Tolpe New Yorka, Dvojna igra in Zlovešči otok predstavlja zgodbo o dveh portugalskih jezuitskih duhovnikih, ki se v 17. stoletju odpravita na Japonsko. Predstojnik jima naroči, naj najdeta njunega nekdanjega mentorja, ki je v deželi vzhajajočega sonca širil krščanstvo. Odkriti morata, če se je resnično odpovedal veri, ko so ga nasprotniki ujeli in mučili. V skrivnostni deželi, polni neznanih pravil in običajev, se mladeniča znajdeta sredi krvavega upora proti zadnji fevdalni vladavini šogunov.

Japonsko podeželje, 17. Stoletje. Šogunsko preganjanje kristjanov je v polnem zamahu. Misijonar Rodrigo (Andrew Garfield), mlad portugalski jezuit, raziskuje, kaj se je zgodilo z njegovim mentorjem in predhodnikom, očetom Ferreirom (Liam Neeson). Je res izrekel apostazijo in s tem izdal tako svoje temeljno, versko prepričanje kot tudi Cerkev v Rimu?

Zgodba tega nadvse napetega in pretresljivega »trilerja« temelji na resničnih zgodovinskih osebnostih, dogodkih in dejstvih. Roman je mojstrovina, ki je bila navdih za opero, simfonijo in sedaj še film. Molk je ep o japonskih misionarjih, o katerem je režiser Martin Scorsese sanjal skoraj 30 let, odkar je prebral knjigo. Zgodovinska drama ni prvi Scorsesejev film, v katerem je za podlago vzel knjigo z versko tematiko. Tak je bil tudi film Zadnja Kristusova skušnjava z Willemom Dafoejem v glavni vlogi iz leta 1988, posnet po knjigi Grka Nikosa Kazantzakisa iz leta 1951.  


The story of two Catholic missionaries (Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver) who face the ultimate test of faith when they travel to Japan in search of their missing mentor (Liam Neeson) - at a time when Catholicism was outlawed and their presence forbidden. (Imdb)


Though undeniably gorgeous, it is punishingly long, frequently boring, and woefully unengaging at some of its most critical moments.... Still, viewed through the narrow prism of films about faith, Silence is a remarkable achievement.  
(Peter Debruge, Variety)


sobota, 18. februar 2017

Ni le ciel ni la terre (2015)

aka Neither Heaven Nor Earth

Slo naslov: -
Drugi naslovi: The Wakhan Front
Država: Francija, Belgija 
Jezik: Francoščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 100',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Vojni, Misterij
Slo recenzija: - 
Režija: Clément Cogitore
Scenarij: Clément Cogitore, Thomas Bidegain
Igrajo: Jeremie Renier, Kevin Azais, Swann Arlaud, Marc Robert, Finnegan Oldfield, Clement Bresson, Sam Mirhosseini


In this suspenseful war film that uses fear of the dark to great effect, an army contingent operating in Afghanistan is beset by mysterious disappearances. A French NATO patrol awaits its scheduled departure from their steel-plated Fort Apache base, bristling with high-tech gear. In one direction lies a village, a friendly but edgy place for them to be. On the other side is an area controlled by the little-seen Taliban. In between, sits a rock-strewn no-man’s land. While on a routine mission, two soldiers disappear. As the baffled French captain (compellingly played by Jérémie Renier) tries to figure out what happened, the Taliban send out a patrol in search of two of their own who have similarly vanished. The intensity climbs as further events transpire with no rational explanation. The men, now haunted by dreams, are close to panic, and the only clue to the odd occurrences is a supernatural tale spun by a village teenager. First-time director Clément Cogitore combines documentary-like realism with the seemingly paranormal to create a metaphor for the incongruities of contemporary war. The Wakhan no-man’s land is the abyss that imperious Westerners plunge themselves into when they are on soil that doesn’t belong to them. —Miguel Pendás


petek, 17. februar 2017

Chorus (2015)

Slo naslov: -
Država: Kanada
Jezik: Francoščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 97' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Drama
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: François Delisle
Scenarij: François Delisle
Igrajo: Sébastien Ricard, Fanny Mallette, Geneviève Bujold, Pierre Curzi, Antoine L'Écuyer, Luc Senay


Hugo was eight when he went missing. When searches turn up nothing, his parents, Christophe and Irène split apart under the excruciating pressure of waiting. He moves to Mexico. She goes back to her career as an alto in an early music choir.

They live in their separate solitudes, haunted by Hugo's disappearance, until one day they get the news that human remains have been found. Everything indicates they are those of their son Hugo.
During their forced reunion in Montreal, they both handle the death of their child in their own way. Amid the guilt of losing a loved one, they haltingly move toward affirmation of life, acceptance of death and even the possibility of reconciliation.

Chorus is a love story that emerges from mourning and leads to two survivors clinging to each other as if to heal the deepest cut of all.


Kurîpî: Itsuwari no rinjin (2016)

aka Creepy

Slo naslov: Srhljivo
Angleški naslov: Creepy
Država: Japonska
Jezik: Japonščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 130',  Imdb
Žanri: Misterij, Triler
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Scenarij: Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Chihiro Ikeda
Igrajo: Hidetoshi Nishijima, Yuko Takeuchi, Teruyuki Kagawa, Haruna Kawaguchi, Ryoko Fujino

Via Liffe


Priredba nagrajenega detektivskega romana Yutake Maekawe, ki v skladu s pisateljevim slovesom mojstra suspenza postreže z obilo presenečenj in obratov. 

Inšpektor Takakura za las uide smrti, zato se odloči zapustiti policijo in se zaposli kot univerzitetni predavatelj kriminalne psihologije. Njegovo hrepenenje po razrešitvi motivov kriminalcev pa mu vendarle ne da miru, zato začne spet sodelovati z nekdanjim kolegom Nogamijem pri vnovičnem odprtju starega primera. Pred šestimi leti je namreč neka družina izginila v skrivnostnih okoliščinah, do danes pa niso odkrili nobenega trupla. Ko se Takakura potopi v stare dosjeje, se na drugi strani njegova žena seznanja z novimi sosedi. Nekega dne sosedova hčerka detektiva sooči s šokantno izjavo. Preteklost in sedanjost se naenkrat prepleteta, njuno razvozlavanje pa postane življenjsko nevarna naloga. 


After having narrowly escaped an attempt on his life at the hands of a psychopath, detective inspector Takakura quits active service and takes up a position as a university lecturer in criminal psychology. But his desire to get to the bottom of criminals' motives remains, and he does not hesitate long when former colleague Nogami asks him to reopen an old case. Six years ago, a family disappeared under mysterious circumstances and to this day no body has been found. While Takakura immerses himself in the old files, his wife introduces herself to their new next door neighbours. One day a neighbour's daughter appears at the door and confronts Takakura with a shocking claim. Past and present suddenly become entangled and unravelling them becomes a life-threatening task for Takakura. 


sreda, 15. februar 2017

Tôi thay hoa vàng trên co xanh (2015)

aka Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass

Slo naslov: -
Angleški naslov: Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass
Država: Vietnam
Jezik: Vietnamščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 103',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Victor Vu
Scenarij: Doan Nhat Nam
Igrajo: Thinh Vinh, Quy Binh, Trong Khang, Thanh My


A coming of age story set in the Vietnamese countryside during the late 1980s, as told through the eyes of a 12 year old boy named Thieu. Thieu and his younger brother Tuong share and do everything together. Their days unfold like a whimsical and comical journey filled with innocence, wonder, confusion and curious adventures. Tuong idolizes his older brother’s confidence and constantly strives for his approval. But in fact, Thieu’s “over-confidence” is to compensate for his overwhelming insecurities. Thieu is constantly jealous of his younger brother when it comes to grades, talent and affection from the girl next door, Moon. This leads to an act of violence which leaves Tuong paralyzed and bedridden. In coming to terms with his own conscience, Thieu attempts to redeem himself and discovers the true meaning of brotherhood.


torek, 14. februar 2017

This Is England '90 (2015)

Slo naslov: -
Država: VB
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 4 epizode (45',51',52',76'),  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Krimi
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Shane Meadows
Scenarij: Shane Meadows, Jack Thorne
Igrajo: Thomas Turgoose, Billy Braithwait, Chanel Cresswell, Katherine Dow Blyton, Andrew Ellis, Joseph Gilgun, Vicky McClure, Andrew Shim, Michael Socha


This Is England '90 looks at rave culture and the 1990 FIFA World Cup. It features Shaun, Kelly, Trev, Harvey and Gadget who are involved in the rave scene. Woody and Milky have opened a scooter shop, while Combo is released from prison after serving his sentence for the manslaughter of Mick in This Is England '86. Flip and Higgy from the moped gang in This Is England '86 are more prominently featured in the cast in this series.

Similar to the film and the two previous series, '90 featured a montage of the era at the beginning of the first episode, featuring the resignation of Margaret Thatcher in November 1990 which is set to the 1988 song "There She Goes" by The La's (which was re-released in October 1990). Each episode is set against a different season of the year starting with Spring.


As in real life although not wholly satisfying for drama, This Is England ’90 has been dominated by events from the characters’ past: the wicked deeds of Lol and Kellie’s father Mick, Combo’s attack on Milky. This has at times felt like a bit of a narrative cop out, and that there is nowhere left for the characters to go now.

Instead we have been asked, in the main, to sit back and enjoy Meadows’s gift for social observation, slipping into parody here and there, as in Woody’s sappy ex-girlfriend Jennifer’s (Stacey Sampson) absurd creation of a wedding planning scrapbook for him and Lol, but catching also the day-to-day poignancy of life, such as in the bumbling Gadget’s (Andrew Ellis) unrequited love for Kellie.

It seems that, with the main traumas of their lives with any luck behind them, Meadows shouldn’t bring this group of friends back to the screen again. But in the course of the three series he has extracted something epic from their apparently small existences – lives of dinner ladies, factory workers, the drug addicted and the unemployed that are normally way below the radar of most dramas. The vivid presence of Lol, Woody, Combo and their friends will be sorely missed. There’s been nothing quite like them. (Serena Davies, The Telegraph)
