ponedeljek, 31. oktober 2016

Takaisin pintaan (2016)

Slo naslov:
Angleški naslov: Diving Into the Unknown
Država: Finska, Norveška
Leto: 2016 
Dolžina: 88' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Juan Reina
Scenarij: Juan Reina, Antti Apunen
Igrajo: Patrik Grönqvist, Kai Känkänen, Sami Paakkarinen, Vesa Rantanen


Four Finnish cave divers face their worst nightmare when two of their friends drown deep inside an underwater cave in Norway. When the official recovery operation is called off by the Norwegian and British authorities after being deemed too risky, the friends set out on a secret mission to retrieve the bodies themselves.

Diving into the Unknown isn’t just the dramatic story of a life-threatening mission. It is also a story about unconditional friendship that truly runs deep. While each member of the team has years of experience exploring dangerous deep-sea caves, together they are about to face the biggest challenge of their lives. To make it out alive, they will need to be able to rely on each other every second of the way. And the physical demands of this operation will pale in comparison to the psychological toll it will take on everyone involved.

With footage from the actual accident and multiple cameras both above water and deep below the surface, this film follows the breathtaking recovery mission from beginning to end. [OFFICIAL SITE]


A team of Finnish divers are struck by tragedy when two of their members are trapped in a deep underwater cave and die. Efforts to recover the bodies by various international authorities fail, and the cave is closed. Determined to bring their friend’s bodies back to their families, the divers return to the cave illegally in an attempt to do what everybody else couldn’t. Although they’ve already come close to death, their commitment to their friends surpasses their fears.

Diving into the Unknown is one of the most tense and terrifying films you may find at Hot Docs 2016. With much of the film taking place in the darkened, claustrophobic underwater caves these men and women find themselves in, viewers will be on the edge of their seats almost the entire time.

Diving is already a very dangerous sport, but for this Finnish team to return to the same place that already claimed the lives of two of their friends seems like madness. It certainly shows the connection these men had with each other, as well as displaying their own fears regarding the sport. They talk about what they would want if this happened to them and you can see that bringing their friend’s bodies back is as much about their friendship as it is about their own fears. 
[Will Brownridge, Toronto Film Scene]


nedelja, 30. oktober 2016

Don't Breathe (2016)

Slo naslov:
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 88',  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Grozljivka, Triler  
Slo recenzija: Filmoljub
Režija: Fede Alvarez
Scenarij: Fede Alvarez, Rodo Sayagues 
Igrajo: Stephen Lang, Jane Levy, Dylan Minnette 


Štorija je preprosta in prijetno diši po žlahtni B produkciji nekdanjih eksploitacijskih popkornov: v hišo slepega starca ter vojnega veterana sredi opustele soseske razpadajočega Detroita vdrejo trije mladi roparji (Jane Levy, Dylan Minnette, Daniel Zovatto), obetajoč si bogat denarni izkupiček iz njegovega trezorja. V dobro zavarovano hišo z rešetkami in mnogimi ključavnicami zaprti moški je vse prej kot nebogljen slepec: naivni vsiljivci se bodo kmalu spremenili v plen in navidez lahka tatvina se bo sprevrgla v boj za preživetje, ki bo terjal žrtve. Ampak pravo presenečenje jih čaka v nadaljevanju, ko se izkaže, da trdoživi silak ne brani premoženja pred nepridipravi, ampak v kleti skriva vse kaj drugega. [Filmoljub]


Rocky, a young woman wanting to start a better life for her and her sister, agrees to take part in the robbery of a house owned by a wealthy blind man with her boyfriend Money and their friend Alex. But when the blind man turns out to be a more ruthless adversary than he seems, the group must find a way to escape his home before they become his newest victims.

[RT Critics Consensus]

Breathe smartly twists its sturdy premise to offer a satisfyingly tense, chilling addition to the home invasion genre that's all the more effective for its simplicity.


sobota, 29. oktober 2016

Miles Ahead (2015)

Slo naslov: Miles Davis
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 100',  Imdb
Žanri: Biografija, Drama, Glasbeni  
Slo recenzija: MladinaRTV SLO MMC, Delo
Režija: Don Cheadle
Scenarij: Steven Baigelman, Don Cheadle
Igrajo: Don Cheadle, Ewan McGregor, Emayatzy Corinealdi, Lakeith Lee Stanfield, Michael Stuhlbarg


Via Kinodvor


Na vrhuncu plodovite glasbene kariere se Miles Davis v poznih 70. letih nenadoma umakne očem javnosti. Otopel od bolečin in analgetikov se utaplja v spominih na slavo ter nekdanjo ljubezen in muzo Frances Taylor. Ko se premeteni glasbeni novinar Dave Braden nekega dne prebije v Davisov dom in zasebnost, se moška znajdeta sredi vrtoglave pustolovščine, na lovu za ukradenimi posnetki glasbenikovih zadnjih skladb.

Bravuren režijski prvenec igralca Dona Cheadla (Hotel Ruanda) je divje vznemirljiv, ganljiv in z glasbo prežet film, ki sta ga navdihnila delo in življenje jazzovskega velikana.


Miles Ahead je izrazito oseben projekt igralca, režiserja, scenarista in producenta Dona Cheadla. Po številnih ovirah na poti financiranja nizkoproračunskega filma so producenti nazadnje poskusili srečo s spletno platformo za mednarodni 'crowdfunding' IndieGoGo. »Zdi se mi prav, da smo za dokončanje filma izrabili socialno omrežje, saj je bil Miles nekdo, ki je ustvarjal 'socialno glasbo',« pravi Cheadle. Ker so morali snemanje zaradi finančnih težav večkrat prekiniti, se je produkcija spopadala tudi z omejeno razpoložljivostjo igralcev, ki so bili zavezani nadaljnjim projektom. »Ewan, Michael in Emayatzy so nam bili na voljo le tri tedne, zato smo morali vse njihove sekvence v filmu posneti v tem času. Moralo nam je uspeti v prvem poskusu.«

iz prve roke

Posneti zabaven, rock 'n' roll film o multitalentiranem glasbeniku na netradicionalen, subverziven način. Poskusiti oživiti Milesa Davisa, namesto da bi zgolj nanizali vzpone in padce njegovega življenja. Takšen pristop se mi je zdel zvest Davisovemu duhu.
- Don Cheadle, režiser in soscenarist


MILES AHEAD is not just about the music. It's about what we all face at one time or another in our lives; questions about who we really are, what we have to say and how will we say it. How will we ultimately be defined and who gets to say so? -- (C) Official Site


Utóélet (2014)

aka Afterlife

Slo naslov: Z očetom na drugi svet 
Angleški naslov: Afterlife 
Država: Madžarska
Leto: 2014
Dolžina: 93' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Virág Zomborácz
Scenarij: Virág Zomborácz
Igrajo: Márton Kristóf, László Gálffi, Eszter Csákányi, Zsolt Anger, József Gyabronka


Mózes začenja videvati prikazen svojega oblastnega, nedavno umrlega očeta. Nezaupljiv in negotov mladenič naposled vzame stvari v svoje roke: odnos z očetom mora razrešiti enkrat za vselej.

Mózes je nezaupljiv, negotov mladenič, ki je dokončal študij teologije in z družino živi v odmaknjeni vasi. Njegov odnos z oblastnim očetom je precej zapleten: krajevni pastor svojega sina ne jemlje preveč resno in z njim ravna nespoštljivo. Nekega dne oče nepričakovano umre; kar niti ne bi bilo tako zelo nenavadno, če ne bi začel Mózes kot edini v družini videvati duha pokojnika. Mladenič skuša doumeti, kako naj mu pomaga pri tem, da najde mir. Kaže, da bo moral prvič v življenju vzeti stvari v svoje roke. Obenem je to tudi priložnost, da enkrat za vselej razreši težavni odnos z umrlim očetom. [Cinemax]


A heavily neurotic young man starts to see his father's ghost, and while he helps the spirit cross to the otherworld, something happens that they could never achieve in their common life: they finally understand each other. [Imdb]


petek, 28. oktober 2016

Morris from America (2016)

Slo naslov:
Država: Nemčija, ZDA 
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 91',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama, Romantični   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Chad Hartigan
Scenarij: Chad Hartigan
Igrajo: Craig Robinson, Carla Juri, Lina Keller, Markees Christmas, Jakub Gierszal, Levin Henning, Patrick Gueldenberg, Eva Loebau


A heartwarming and crowd-pleasing coming-of-age comedy with a unique spin, Morris from America centers on Morris Gentry (Markees Christmas, in an incredible breakout performance) a 13-year-old who has just relocated with his single father, Curtis (Craig Robinson) to Heidelberg, Germany. Morris, who fancies himself the next Notorious B.I.G., is a complete fish-out-of-water—a budding hip-hop star in an EDM world. To complicate matters further, Morris quickly falls hard for his cool, rebellious, 15-year-old classmate Katrin. Morris sets out against all odds to take the hip-hop world by storm and win the girl of his dreams.

Written and directed by acclaimed filmmaker Chad Hartigan (This is Martin Bonner), Morris from America won two prizes at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award and a Special Jury Award for Robinson, who has been receiving tremendous praise for his touching and nuanced performance in his first dramatic role. Poignant and funny in equal measure, Morris from America is a delightfully original take on growing up, following your dreams, and finding your voice.


This coming-of-age dramedy explores how the challenges of being young, black and misunderstood can be compounded in a foreign environment, but goes about it in a grounded, character-driven way that never smacks of manipulation or special pleading. (Justin Chang, Variety)


četrtek, 20. oktober 2016

De Palma (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 110',  Imdb
Žanri: Biografija, Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Noah Baumbach, Jake Paltrow
Scenarij: Noah Baumbach, Jake Paltrow
Igrajo: Brian De Palma


One of the most talented, influential and iconoclastic filmmakers of all time, Brian De Palma started his career in the 1960s. It has included such acclaimed and diverse films as Carrie, Dressed to Kill, Blow Out, Scarface, The Untouchables, Carlito's Way and Mission: Impossible. In this lively and unexpectedly moving documentary, directors Noah Baumbach and Jake Paltrow engage in a personal and candid discussion with De Palma, exploring not only his life and work but also his singular approach to the craft of filmmaking. Touching on his remarkable experiences navigating the film business, from his early days as the bad boy of New Hollywood to his more recent years as a respected veteran of the field, what emerges is a funny and incisive portrait of a truly one-of-a-kind artist. It's an exhilarating look at the last 50 years of film through the eyes of someone who's truly seen it all. 


A very basic formula, executed in bare-bones fashion, works a treat because this set of interviews with Brian De Palma on his life and films is so revealing, and entertaining, that little is needed here other than the man, his opinions and some telling illustrations. [Jonathan Romney, Screen International]


sreda, 19. oktober 2016

Two Step (2014)

Slo naslov: Dva koraka
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2014
Dolžina: 93' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Drama, Triler   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Alex R. Johnson
Scenarij: Alex R. Johnson
Igrajo: Beth Broderick, James Landry Hebert, Skyy Moore, Jason Douglas, Ashley Rae Spillers, Barry Tubb, Brady Coleman


Mladi James, ki je izgubil starše in so ga vrgli iz kolidža, se pojavi na pragu svoje babice, a starka umre pred njegovimi očmi. Njegovo življenje gre le še navzdol, ko se zaplete s krajevnim sleparjem, ki preži na mestne upokojence.

Mladi James, ki je izgubil starše in so ga za nameček vrgli še iz kolidža, se pojavi na pragu svoje babice, vendar starka umre pred njegovimi očmi. Njegovo življenje gre poslej le še navzdol, ko se zaplete s krajevnim sleparjem Webbom, ki preži na mestne upokojence. James vzame pod svoje okrilje dobronamerni, pošteni sosed, vendar tudi vojska angelov varuhov ne bi mogla odvrniti Webba, ki ima nekatere lastne težave. Kriminalni boter Duane mu je namreč postavil ultimat, ki Webba prisili v nasilno poravnavo računov. [Cinemax]


Kicked out of college, James visits Grams, his only remaining family, who dies shortly after his arrival. He finds consolation in the company of Grams’ neighbor, Dot, a dance teacher, as he figures out his next move. While settling Grams’ affairs, James learns she’s been the victim of the “grandparent scam” in which someone posing as James has been slowly bilking her out of thousands. But before James can go looking for the culprit, he shows up at the front door, desperate for money. The culprit, Webb, has his own problems in the form of Duane, who has ordered Webb to pay an old debt or else. And if Webb can’t get it from Grams, James will have to do – no matter who stands in his way.


Writer-director Alex R. Johnson's feature debut uses Southern Gothic simmer to heat up what is otherwise a typical gun-and-bag-of-money crime tale, though Hébert's terrifyingly electric performance keeps the heat turned up enough to make the bloody climax feel like relief.
[Kyle Anderson, Entertainment Weekly] 


torek, 18. oktober 2016

Love & Friendship (2016)

No Photo : Thanks DMCA

Slo naslov:
Država: Irska, Nizozemska, Francija
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 92',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama, Romantični   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Whit Stillman
Scenarij: Whit Stillman, Jane Austin (novela)
Igrajo: Kate Beckinsale, Chloë Sevigny, Xavier Samuel, Emma Greenwell, Tom Bennett, Stephen Fry


Beautiful young widow Lady Susan Vernon visits to the estate of her in-laws to wait out the colourful rumours about her dalliances circulating through polite society. Whilst ensconced there, she decides to secure a husband for herself and a future for her eligible but reluctant daughter, Frederica. In doing so she attracts the simultaneous attentions of the young, handsome Reginald DeCourcy, the rich and silly Sir James Martin and the divinely handsome, but married, Lord Manwaring, complicating matters severely.


In Whit Stillman’s debut film Metropolitan (1990), the American director told a droll, skillfully scripted tale of love and friendship among a group of young uppity, upper-class Manhattanites that seemed like it could have taken place 200 years before. With Love and Friendship, Stillman’s adaptation of an unpublished 18th century Jane Austen novella, he has done exactly that. Whether debutants in New York City or landed gentry in England, Stillman is perfectly at home, delivering the same dry humor and tender observations about the affairs of the highest echelons of society. [Anthony Kaufman, Screen Daily]

[RT Critics Consensus]

Love & Friendship finds director Whit Stillman bringing his talents to bear on a Jane Austen adaptation -- with a thoroughly delightful period drama as the result.


ponedeljek, 17. oktober 2016

Elle (2016)

Slo naslov:
Država: Francija, Nemčija, Belgija
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 130' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Triler   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Paul Verhoeven
Scenarij: David Birke, Philippe Djian (knjiga)
Igrajo: Isabelle Huppert, Laurent Lafitte, Anne Consigny, Charles Berling, Virginie Efira, Christian Berkel, Judith Magre, Jonas Bloquet, Alice Isaaz


Michèle seems indestructible. Head of a successful video game company, she brings the same ruthless attitude to her love life as to business. Being attacked in her home by an unknown assailant changes Michèle's life forever. When she resolutely tracks the man down, they are both drawn into a curious and thrilling game-a game that may, at any moment, spiral out of control.


Paul Verhoeven has never been afraid of depicting narrative complexity or violence in Dutch, in English and now in French. Cannes Competition entry Elle features a tour de force turn from Isabelle Huppert whose self-assured-and-aloof register is a perfect fit with Verhoeven’s taste for far-fetched human behaviour presented as plausible. Suspenseful and unsettling from first frame to last, this delectably twisted tale of a woman who reacts in unconventional ways to being raped by an intruder would appear to have commercial potential wherever adults go to the movies. [Lisa Nesselson, Screen Daily]

[RT Critics Consensus]

Elle finds director Paul Verhoeven operating at peak power -- and benefiting from a typically outstanding performance from Isabelle Huppert in the central role.


nedelja, 16. oktober 2016

The Fits (2015)

Slo naslov:
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 72',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Anna Rose Holmer
Scenarij: Anna Rose Holmer, Saela Davis
Igrajo: Royalty Hightower, Alexis Neblett, Da’Sean Minor, Lauren Gibson, Makyla Burnam


Toni trains as a boxer with her brother at a community center in Cincinnati’s West End, but becomes fascinated by the dance team that also practices there. Enamored by their strength and confidence, Toni eventually joins the group, eagerly absorbing routines, mastering drills, and even piercing her own ears to fit in. As she discovers the joys of dance and of female camaraderie, she grapples with her individual identity amid her newly defined social sphere.

Shortly after Toni joins the team, the captain faints during practice. By the end of the week, most of the girls on the team suffer from episodes of fainting, swooning, moaning, and shaking in a seemingly uncontrollable catharsis. Soon, however, the girls on the team embrace these mysterious spasms, transforming them into a rite of passage. Toni fears “the fits” but is equally afraid of losing her place just as she’s found her footing. Caught between her need for control and her desire for acceptance, Toni must decide how far she will go to embody her new ideals. [Official site]


In The Fits, learning to dance with a team is a coming of age experience for a young girl. Yet dancing can also be toxic in this unusual and charming debut, a Venice Biennale project which played in Sundance’s low-budget NEXT sidebar. Anna Rose Holmer’s bare-boned first feature seems to take pride in its unfinished nature as a girl of eleven finds her way among other, older girls. Like growing up and fitting in, dancing in a group is all about moving from awkwardness toward coordination and harmony. It’s also fun to watch. [David D'Arcy, Screen Daily] 


sobota, 15. oktober 2016

Swiss Army Man (2016)

Slo naslov: -
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 97',  Imdb
Žanri: Avantura, Komedija, Drama  
Slo recenzija: Filmoljub
Režija: Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert
Scenarij: Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert
Igrajo: Paul Dano, Daniel Radcliffe, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Timothy Eulich, Richard Gross


Obupani Hank (Paul Dano) skuša podobno kot Tom Hanks v legendarnem Zemeckisovem Brodolomu (2000) narediti samomor pred votlino na (domnevno) osamljenem otoku, ko morje na plažo naplavi Harryja Potterja. Ob otrplem, bledičnem ter nabuhlem telesu ni nikakršnih dvomov: Daniel Radcliffe (The Woman in Black, Horns, Victor Frankenstein) je zagotovo že dolgo mrtev. Vendar osamljenega mladeniča, ki si brezupno želi družbe ter človeške bližine in razumevanja, to ne zmoti; posebej, ko ugotovi, da kadaver ni povsem brez svojevrstne dinamike: nakopičeni plini v njem povzročajo skoraj nenehno prdenje in trzajoče gibe, ki dajejo vtis življenja. [Filmoljub]


Outrageously fun and deeply affecting, Swiss Army Man is a gonzo buddy comedy that is the feature film debut of acclaimed music video directors Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan (collectively known as DANIELS, and responsible for the visionary "Turn Down For What" video, among many others). Bursting with limitless creativity in both form and content, Swiss Army Man goes from the absurd to the emotional to the whimsical to the profound and back again. Hank (Paul Dano) is stranded on a deserted island, having given up all hope of ever making it home again. But one day everything changes when a corpse named Manny (Daniel Radcliffe) washes up on shore; the two become fast friends, and ultimately go on an epic adventure that will bring Hank back to the woman of his dreams. Swiss Army Man creates a world like no other-a place of pure fantastical imagination, brimming with magical realism yet featuring two characters whose dreams and fears are entirely relatable. Dano and Radcliffe both fully commit to their directors' audacious vision, and their work is exceptional, finding the perfect balance of humor and heart that drives the whole film. A celebration of all the wonders cinema has to offer, Swiss Army Man is a cultural phenomenon in the making; a surreal and wholly original examination of human vulnerability and connection that must be experienced.

[RT Critics Consensus]

Disarmingly odd and thoroughly well-acted, Swiss Army Man offers adventurous viewers an experience as rewarding as it is impossible to categorize.


petek, 14. oktober 2016

Feng ai (2013)

Drugi naslovi: Til Madness Do Us Part
Slo naslov: -
Država: Japonska, Francija, Hong Kong
Leto: 2013
Dolžina: 227',  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Bing Wang
Scenarij: Bing Wang

Within the gates of an isolated mental institution in in southwest China's Yunnan province, patients are confined to one single floor of a building. Once locked in, with little contact from the outside world, anything goes.

The facility's inmates have been committed for different reasons: perhaps they may have a developmental disability, have committed murder, or simply angered local officials. But once inside, they all share the same life and cramped living quarters, staring at a barren, iron-fenced courtyard and seeking comfort and human warmth wherever they can find it.

'TIL MADNESS DO US PART uses handheld camerawork and digital video to interrogate mental illness and criminality, therapy and incarceration, and the relationship between individuals and society. Riveting, terrifying, tender—and unforgettable.


Mundane activities such as dressing and undressing oneself, lighting a cigarette, and lying beneath a blanket with another inmate come to seem like peoples' declarations of their own humanity. ...In chronicling individual, present-day lives, Wang gives a sense of his country's recent history. [Aaron Cutler, Cineaste]


četrtek, 13. oktober 2016

Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World (2016)

Slo naslov:
Država: ZDA 
Leto: 2016 
Dolžina: 98' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Werner Herzog
Scenarij: Werner Herzog
Igrajo: Elon Musk, Lawrence Krauss, Lucianne Walkowicz 


In LO AND BEHOLD: REVERIES OF THE CONNECTED WORLD, the Oscar-nominated Herzog chronicles the virtual world from its origins to its outermost reaches, exploring the digital landscape with the same curiosity and imagination he previously trained on earthly destinations as disparate as the Amazon, the Sahara, the South Pole and the Australian outback. Herzog leads viewers on a journey through a series of provocative conversations that reveal the ways in which the online world has transformed how virtually everything in the real world works - from business to education, space travel to healthcare, and the very heart of how we conduct our personal relationships.


Never at a loss for words, or for strange and perilous new worlds to explore, Werner Herzog considers whether the technologies that unite us might one day eclipse us in “Lo and Behold,” an alternately playful and unsettling 10-part essay on how the Internet continues to evolve and encroach on all avenues of society and consciousness. Touching on everything from the dangers of hacking and Web addiction to the unchecked possibilities of artificial intelligence, these discrete “reveries of the connected world” represent the latest of Herzog’s heady explorations of what it means to be human (and even post-human), rendered in his characteristically personal, decidedly analog style. With its bemused, skeptical pose, the film is unlikely to become an arthouse sensation on the level of his 2011 3D spectacular, “Cave of Forgotten Dreams”; still, given that the Internet has done wonders for Herzog’s own celebrity, this Netscout-funded project should friend plenty of viewers through streaming services following a theatrical run. [Justin Chang, Variety]

[RT Critics Consensus]

Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World finds Werner Herzog bringing his distinctive documentarian gifts to bear on a timely topic with typically thought-provoking results.


sreda, 12. oktober 2016

Maryland (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Drugi naslovi: Disorder
Država: Francija, Belgija
Leto: 2015 
Dolžina: 98',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Triler   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Alice Winocour
Scenarij: Alice Winocour, Jean-Stéphane Bron
Igrajo: Matthias Schoenaerts, Diane Kruger, Paul Hamy, Zaïd Errougui-Demonsant, Rachid Hafassa


What happens when the man hired to protect you may be the real threat? Matthias Schoenaerts (Rust and Bone) stars as Vincent, a troubled Afghanistan veteran who, after being discharged from the army, becomes bodyguard to the wife (Diane Kruger) and young son of a wealthy Lebanese businessman at their luxurious villa on the French Riviera. But trapped in a perpetual mental warzone, the unstable Vincent must determine which dangers to the family are real and which are the product of his PTSD-fueled paranoia if he is going to keep them safe. Director Alice Winocour (Augustine) masterfully keeps the tension simmering in this pulse-pounding psychological thriller.


French writer-director Alice Winocour takes a surprise detour into genre territory for second feature Disorder (Maryland), a tough, nuanced suspenser that couldn’t be more different from her very art-house debut, 2012’s period piece Augustine. Eminently exportable, Disorder should be a hot festival item too - not least thanks to a compelling performance from Mathias Schoenaerts, who after some uneasy turns in costumers such as A Little Chaos and Far From The Madding Crowd really lets his star quality shine here. [Jonathan Romney, Screen Daily]  

[RT Critics Consensus]

Well-acted and solidly crafted, Disorder (Maryland) relies on patiently established slow-burning tension to set the stage for an intelligent, intimate psychological thriller.


torek, 11. oktober 2016

Sarmasik (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: Turčija, Nemčija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 104',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, ZF, Triler    
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Tolga Karaçelik
Scenarij: Tolga Karaçelik
Igrajo: Nadir Saribacak, Hakan Karsak, Ozgur Emre Yildirim, Kadir Cermik, Osman Alkas, Seyithan Ozturk


In Tolga Karaçelik’s fictive thriller, a cargo ship is left in lien off the Egyptian coast and manned by a multi-racial skeleton crew of six sailors desperate not to forfeit their pay. As the days turn to weeks and cabin fever sets in, the least stable and least able seaman manoeuvres himself to take power – and so this devilishly tense, increasingly hallucinatory thriller uses a vessel stalled at sea as a vivid allegory for a world on credit and in economic meltdown, with nobody truly responsible at the helm.

At its core this is a naturalistic presentation of men stuck unhappily in close quarters with each other, but it boasts a claustrophobic atmosphere more reminiscent of genre films like Alien or The Thing – and as its studied realism gradually gives way to hallucination and madness, the title (at first apparently a metaphor for the crew’s tenacity) gets realised in the most unexpected of ways (which it would be criminal to spoil). This is high-stakes, high-seas psychodrama, gripping to the bitter end. [Anton Bitel, Sight&Sound]


ponedeljek, 10. oktober 2016

Jimmy Vestvood: Amerikan Hero (2016)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 84',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Jonathan Kesselman
Scenarij: Maz Jobrani, Amir Ohebsion
Igrajo: Maz Jobrani, John Heard, Sheila Vand, Deanna Russo, Marshall Manesh


The Pink Panther meets Borat in this broad satire about a bumbling yet lovable Iranian immigrant who wins the Green Card lottery and moves to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of becoming an American hero. Jimmy Vestvood aspires to be a cool cop like his childhood idol, Steve McQueen in the movie Bullitt, but soon discovers that the best job he can get is as a security guard at a Persian grocery store. Through a series of comically fateful events, Jimmy's naiveté is exploited when a corrupt arms dealer hires him as a private investigator. Framed as a terrorist by the fear-mongering Kox News, Jimmy is unwittingly embroiled in a conspiracy to start World War III. With the help of his seventh cousin, Jimmy must save the day and avert the imminent war while keeping his overprotective mother in the dark. At a time when tensions between the East and the West are at a boiling point, "Jimmy Vestvood" playfully skewers American preconceptions of the Middle East and breaks new ground through its depiction of the first hero of Middle-Eastern descent in an American comedy.
