sobota, 31. december 2016

Into the Inferno (2016)

Slo naslov: -

Država: VB, Nemčija, Kanada
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 104' , Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Werner Herzog
Scenarij: Werner Herzog
Igrajo: Clive Oppenheimer, Werner Herzog, Mael Moses, Isaac Wan, Moli Isaac, Yonathan Sahle


Werner Herzog and volcanologist Clive Oppenheimer embark upon a global journey exploring some of the world's most mythical volcanoes in Indonesia, Ethiopia, Iceland and North Korea. Speaking with scientists and indigenous peoples alike, they seek to understand the complex and deeply rooted relationship between mankind and one of nature's greatest wonders. Produced by Werner Herzog Film and Spring Films, Into the Inferno artfully blends reportage, history and philosophy into a riveting cinematic experience.


It might be sacrilege to suggest that Herzog could use a more strong-willed collaborator, but this film sometimes turns into a rather misshapen cinematic essay. Nevertheless, you won't be sorry to witness the apocalyptic images of nature blazing and roaring. [Stephen Farber, The Hollywood Reporter] 


petek, 30. december 2016

San ren xing (2016)

aka Three

Slo naslov: -
Drugi naslovi: Three
Država: Hong Kong, Kitajska
Jezik: Mandarinščina, Kitajščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 88', Imdb
Žanri: Akcija, Krimi, Triler
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Johnnie To
Scenarij: Yau Nai-hoi, Lau Ho-leung, Mak Tin-shu
Igrajo: Zhao Wei, Louis Koo, Wallace Cheung, Lo Hoi Pang, Cheung Siu Fai, Lam Suet


When a police sting goes bad, a cornered criminal (Wallace Chung) makes a desperate choice: he shoots himself, forcing the officers to cease fire and take him to the hospital. Once there, he refuses treatment, waiting for his cohorts to break him out. Caught between an obsessed cop (Louis Koo) and the surgeon assigned to save his life (Zhao Wei), the hospital is now a battleground of deception, double-crosses, and a coming onslaught of violence in this action-thriller by master filmmaker Johnnie To.


A desperate cop and dutiful surgeon clash over the fate of a seriously wounded criminal in Johnnie To’s latest thriller, staged within the claustrophobic confines of a single hospital location. The promise of flashy gunplay and inventive camerawork should be sufficient to entice To’s legions of global fans and ensure solid numbers when the film opens day-and-date in China and the US on 24 June. Zhao Wei adds a touch of glamour to a cast of Milkyway regulars, headed by Louis Koo and Wallace Chung, which should also help the film extend its reach beyond To’s fanbase on the mainland. But the veteran Hong Kong director makes his audience wait for the promised fireworks, and Three’s flimsy premise never quite captures the grounded realism of Drug War or Election, or the visual flourish of Exiled or Vengeance. [James Marsh, Screen Daily]


četrtek, 29. december 2016

The Fall (2013– ) [3.sezona]

Slo naslov: Padec
Država: VB
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 6x 60',  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Drama , Triler 
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Allan Cubitt
Scenarij: Allan Cubitt
Igrajo: Gillian Anderson, Jamie Dornan, John Lynch, Colin Morgan, Niamh McGrady, Aisling Franciosi, Valene Kane 


Kriminalna drama se odvija na Severnem Irskem, kjer je detektivka Stella Gibson (Gillian Anderson) aretirala Spectorja (Jamie Dornan). Bo obtoženec preživel strelske rane iz obračuna s policijo? Bo sploh kdaj kazensko odgovarjal?

Tretja sezona kriminalne serije se začne v trenutku, kjer se je končal napeti obračun iz prejšnje sezone; vračata se Gillian Anderson in Jamie Dornan v obeh legendarnih vlogah, medtem ko boj med detektivko Stello Gibson in njenim plenom Paulom Spectorjem doseže srhljivi vrhunec. Privesti morilca pred roko zakona bo v resnici zahtevalo veliko več kot le to, da ga je končno ujela. V čustveno nabitem epilogu strelskega obračuna se osebni boj Gibsonove za pravico svojcev žrtev začne s krvavimi prizadevanji, da bi hudo ranjeni Spector preživel. Bolj ko se bliža razplet vseh tragičnih preteklih dogodkov, bolj postaja jasno, da se bodo pravila smrtonosne igre mačke in miši še enkrat spremenila. [HBO Adria]


"The Fall" is a crime drama that follows an investigation into a series of murders involving young business women in Belfast, Ireland. Superintendent Stella Gibson has Spector under arrest, however, its uncertain whether he will survive or not to face justice for his crimes. Meanwhile, Spector's family have to deal with the consequences of his arrest and evidence emerges that there could be more of Spector's victims than Superintendent Stella Gibson first realised.


sreda, 28. december 2016

Desierto (2015)

Photo: STX Entertainment

Slo naslov: -
Drugi naslovi: Desierto - Border Sniper
Država: Mehika, Francija
Jezik: Angleščina, Španščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 94',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Triler  
Slo recenzija:
Režija: Jonás Cuarón
Scenarij: Jonás Cuarón, Mateo Garcia
Igrajo: Gael García Bernal, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Alondra Hidalgo 


From Jonás Cuarón and Alfonso Cuarón, the acclaimed filmmakers of Gravity, comes a unique, modern vision of terror.  Desierto is a visceral, heart-pounding suspense-thriller packed with tension and suspense from start to finish, starring Gael García Bernal (The Motorcycle Diaries and Y Tu Mamá También) and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Watchmen).

What begins as a hopeful journey to seek a better life becomes a harrowing and primal fight for survival when a deranged, rifle-toting vigilante chases a group of unarmed men and women through the treacherous U.S.-Mexican border.  In the harsh, unforgiving desert terrain, the odds are stacked firmly against them as they continuously discover there’s nowhere to hide from the unrelenting, merciless killer. [STX Entertainment]


torek, 27. december 2016

The Fixer (2016)

Slo naslov: -
Drugi naslovi: Burn Country
Država: ZDA
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 102',  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Triler
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Ian Olds
Scenarij: Ian Olds, Paul Felten
Igrajo: Dominic Rains, Melissa Leo, James Franco


Leaving behind his life as a fixer for Western journalists reporting on the war in Afghanistan, Osman (Dominic Rains) lands in a small bohemian town in Northern California, living on the couch of his friend’s mother (Melissa Leo) and working as a crime reporter for the local newspaper. Restless and eager to find purpose in the context of his new life, he befriends a couple of locals—the eccentric and unstable Lindsay (James Franco) and the elusive Sandra (Rachel Brosnahan)—recruiting them to help him penetrate the town’s peculiar subculture. When Lindsay mysteriously goes missing, Osman gets drawn into the backwoods of the town in order to find him. As things begin to take a dangerous turn, Osman is forced to confront the untenable reality of his situation.

Shot with rigorous attention to atmosphere and milieu, The Fixer is a slow-burning thriller that employs stillness to create an undercurrent of suspense. Director Ian Olds adroitly exposes the larger-than-life characters who often inhabit the smallest of towns. [Shayna Weingast, Tribeca Film Festival]


L'hermine (2015)

aka Courted

Slo naslov: Gospod sodnik
Angleški naslov: Courted
Država: Francija
Jezik: Francoščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 98',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Krimi, Drama
Slo recenzija: Mladina
Režija: Christian Vincent
Scenarij: Christian Vincent
Igrajo: Fabrice Luchini, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Eva Lallier, Corinne Masiero, Candy Ming


Via Kinodvor

Ni pomembno, katero vlogo igramo, v sodni dvorani smo vsi samo ljudje … Michel Racine je strah vzbujajoči predsednik porotnega sodišča, nepopustljiv tako do drugih kot do sebe. Kličejo ga "sodnik dvomestnih številk", saj nikoli ne izreče kazni, ki bi bila krajša od desetih let. Vse pa se obrne na glavo, ko na nekem sojenju zaradi umora med porotniki opazi Ditte. Pred šestimi leti, ko jo je prvič srečal, se je skrivaj zaljubil vanjo. In morda je prav ona edina ženska, ki jo je kdaj ljubil.

Fabrice Luchini se iz odljudnega sodnika prelevi v sanjavega zaljubljenca, ko med porotniki zagleda svojo platonsko ljubezen (Sidse Babett Knudsen iz serije Oblast/Borgen). Mešanica sodne drame in nežne ljubezenske zgodbe je z Beneškega filmskega festivala odnesla nagradi za najboljši scenarij in najboljšega igralca.

Petindvajset let po filmu La discrète sva si s producentom Matthieujem Tarotom spet zaželela sodelovanja s Fabriceom Luchinijem. Manjkala sta le še lik in zgodba. Med pogovori sva si Fabricea začela zamišljati kot predsednika porotnega sodišča. Zdelo se mi je, da mu bosta rdeča halja in ovratnik iz hermelina zelo lepo pristajala. Ker o sodiščih nisem vedel nič, sem se začel udeleževati nekega porotnega sojenja. Ugotovil sem, da je sodna dvorana podobna gledališču – z občinstvom, igralci, dramaturgijo in kulisami vred. Tam vlada vnaprej določen red, ki kar kliče po tem, da bi bil porušen. Predvsem pa gre za svet besed, ki temelji zlasti na oralni naravi debat: kraj, kjer so nekateri mojstri jezika, drugi pa včasih niti ne razumejo postavljenih vprašanj. Na sojenju s poroto najdemo vse: človeške stiske, vznesene govore, dolga obdobja dolgčasa, trenutke intimnosti, spopade dveh nasprotnih taborov, lažnivce, protislovne resnice ter veliko vprašanj, ki ostanejo neodgovorjena. Ko je sojenje končano, resnica včasih zmaga. A ne vedno. Večinoma … kdo ve. /…/ Filme snemam zato, da bi v objektiv ujel svojo deželo, njeno raznolikost, njene jezike in kulture. Prav zato sem se tudi odločil snemati na sodišču. Sojenje s poroto je eden redkih primerov v naši družbi, kjer vsakdo sliši vse, kar je izrečeno, kjer vse kulture sobivajo, kjer se od blizu srečajo vsi družbeni razredi. - Christian Vincent


Michel Racine is a feared president of Assize Court, as strict with himself as with others. Everything changes when he meets again Ditte when she's selected as a juror in a criminal trial over which he presides.


ponedeljek, 26. december 2016

13TH (2016)

Slo naslov: -
Država: ZDA
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 100' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni, Krimi
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Ava DuVernay
Scenarij: Ava DuVernay, Spencer Averick
Igrajo: Angela Davis, Corey Booker, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Michelle Alexander, Van Jones


The title of Ava DuVernay’s documentary 13th refers to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which reads “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States.” The progression from that second qualifying clause to the horrors of mass criminalization and the sprawling American prison industry is laid out by DuVernay with bracing lucidity. With a potent mixture of archival footage and testimony from a dazzling array of activists, politicians, historians, and formerly incarcerated women and men, DuVernay creates a work of grand historical synthesis. 


13th ... is dense with information, and it moves fast. But it's also a story told in images, and the ones DuVernay has chosen ring not just with sadness and horror but also cautious optimism. 
[Stephanie Zacharek, TIME]


sobota, 24. december 2016

The Hollars (2016)

Slo naslov: -
Država: ZDA
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 88' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Komedija, Romantični
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: John Krasinski
Scenarij: James C. Strouse
Igrajo: John Krasinski, Sharlto Copley, Margo Martindale, Richard Jenkins, Anna Kendrick, Charlie Day


John Hollar, a struggling NYC artist is forced to navigate the small middle-American town he left behind when news of his mother's illness brings him home. Back in the house he grew up in, John is immediately swept up in the problems of his dysfunctional family, high school rival, and an over-eager ex-girlfriend as he faces impending fatherhood with his girlfriend in New York. From a script by Jim Strouse that is at turns hilarious and heartbreaking, John Krasinski's second feature is a poignant look at the bonds of family and friendship.


Actor John Krasinski goes behind the camera for a second time to deliver The Hollars, an affectionate look at an oddball family which is plunged into crisis when the matriarch (Margo Martindale) is diagnosed with a brain tumour. Krasinksi, also starring as the clan’s commitment-shy youngest son John, aims for off-beat humour laced with high-stakes emotional drama. It’s not that he fails, or that his film isn’t desperately charming as it goes about its business, but this is very familiar American indie territory, and The Hollars stops well short of innovation. 
[Fionnuala Halligan, Screen Daily]


petek, 23. december 2016

The Alchemist Cookbook (2016)

Slo naslov: -
Država: ZDA
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 82',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Grozljivka 
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Joel Potrykus
Scenarij: Joel Potrykus
Igrajo: Ty Hickson, Amari Cheatom, Fiji


Young outcast Sean has isolated himself in a trailer in the woods, setting out on alchemic pursuits, with his cat Kaspar as his sole companion. Filled with disdain for authority, he's fled the daily grind and holed up in the wilderness, escaping a society that has no place for him. But when he turns from chemistry to black magic to crack nature's secret, things go awry and he awakens something far more sinister and dangerous. 


četrtek, 22. december 2016

The Sea of Trees (2015)

Slo naslov: -
Država: ZDA
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 110' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Drama
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Gus Van Sant
Scenarij: Chris Sparling
Igrajo: Matthew McConaughey, Naomi Watts, Ken Watanabe


The film follows Arthur Brennan (McConaughey) trekking into Aokigahara, known as the Sea of Trees, a mysterious dense forest at the base of Japan's Mount Fuji where people go to contemplate life and death. Having found the perfect place to die, Arthur encounters Takumi Nakamura (Watanabe), a Japanese man who has also lost his way. The two men begin a journey of reflection and survival, which affirms Arthur's will to live and reconnects him to his love with his wife (Watts).


sreda, 21. december 2016

Goldstone (2016)

Slo naslov: -
Država: Avstralija
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 109',  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Triler 
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Ivan Sen
Scenarij: Ivan Sen
Igrajo: Aaron Pedersen, Alex Russell, Jacki Weaver, Cheng Pei-Pei, David Wenham, David Gulpilil, Michelle Lim Davidson, Tom E. Lewis


Australian auteur Ivan Sen’s new feature is a complex and stylish outback noir that reflects on Australia’s history with a compelling tale of its present. Goldstone sees the excellent Aaron Pedersen (Mystery Road, SFF 2013) reprise his role as troubled Indigenous detective Jay Swan. On the trail of a missing person, Jay finds himself in the small mining town of Goldstone, where he is immediately arrested for drink driving by young local cop Josh (Alex Russell). When Jay’s motel room is blasted with gunfire, it becomes clear that something larger is at play in the district. Jay and Josh struggle to overcome their mutual distrust to uncover the unpleasant truth.

Sen, who also wrote, shot, edited and scored the film, takes full advantage of the beauty of the outback without shying away from the scars it bears – both societal and environmental. With a stellar cast including Jacki Weaver, David Wenham, David Gulpilil, Cheng Pei-Pei, Michelle Lim Davidson and Tom E. Lewis, this is a taut, intelligent thriller encompassing the environment, corruption, politics, corporate greed, tradition and mythology. [Sydney Film Festival]


torek, 20. december 2016

V paprscích slunce (2015)

aka Under the Sun 

Slo naslov: -
Angleški naslov: Under the Sun
Država: Češka, Rusija, Nemčija
Jezik: Korejščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 106' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Vitaly Mansky
Scenarij: Vitaly Mansky
Igrajo: Lee Zin-Mi, Yu-Yong, Hye-Yong


Zin-Mi is both excited and flustered as she prepares for supreme leader Kim Jong-il’s birthday celebrations. She gets all the help she needs from her well-situated parents – a factory engineer and an exemplary employee of a prosperous company. While this image of the model family might appear relatively untarnished, just like everything else in a closed communist country, it bows to the dictates of propaganda. The supervised crew were given the go-ahead to film in North Korea on condition that they wouldn’t deviate from the approved script. With the aim of conveying the reality of life in the DPRK, however, respected director Vitaly Mansky decided to leave his camera rolling beyond his prescribed shooting schedule, thus exposing the extent of the manipulation involved in staging the various events. The outcome is a formally refined piece which somewhat uncomfortably reveals the underside of an official rendering that clings to iconography, mythmaking and distorting idealisation. The film also considers the crucial value of human freedom, something that can’t always be taken for granted. [KVIFF, Sandra Hezinová]


The script of this extraordinary and revealing film, about an ordinary family in Pyongyang, was assigned to the filmmakers by the North Korean authorities. The crew was accompanied at all times by minders 'to prevent us from getting lost'; the locations were pre-selected; the performances orchestrated to depict suitably fervent levels of patriotism. All the footage was scrutinized by DPRK officials to check for mistakes in showing a typical family in 'the best country in the world'. It's no wonder that the smiles start look a little forced. What's more unexpected is just how much Russian documentary filmmaker Vitaly Mansky is able to reveal despite, and often because of, the stringent restrictions imposed upon him. 
[Screen Daily, Wendy Ide]


ponedeljek, 19. december 2016

Chevalier (2015)

Slo naslov: Chevalier
Država: Grčija
Jezik: Grščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 105',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama
Slo recenzija: Mladina, RTV SLO MMC, Filmstart
Režija: Athina Rachel Tsangari
Scenarij: Efthymis Filippou, Athina Rachel Tsangari
Igrajo: Vangelis Mourikis, Nikos Orphanos, Yorgos Pirpassopoulos, Yiorgos Kendros, Sakis Rouvas


Via Kinodvor

Šest moških na razkošni jahti sredi Egejskega morja sklene odigrati igro. V tej igri se bo veliko primerjalo in merilo. Testiralo se bo kri in pelo se bo pesmi brez posluha. Prijatelji bodo postali tekmeci in tekmeci bodo postali lačni. Toda na koncu popotovanja, ko bo igra odigrana, bo zmagovalec mož, ki je najboljši v vsem. Na mezinec si bo nadel pečatni prstan zmagoslavja, tako imenovani "chevalier".

Suh, sarkastičen humor in hladna distanca odlikujeta najnovejšo vivisekcijo absurdov človeškega vedenja v režiji prve dame mladega grškega filma, ki pod drobnogled tokrat vzame moško tekmovalnost, skupinsko dinamiko in "krizo srednjih let". Igralska šesterica je prejela skupno srce Sarajeva za najboljšo moško vlogo.

Vselej mi je najtežje opisati, od kod izvirajo moji filmi. Ne pripravljam jih na tak način, ne rečem si: 'Okej, zdaj bom posnela film o moškosti ali o šestih moških na ladji.' Nikoli ne začnem z zgodbo, pač pa z nekaj podobami in splošno predstavo o situaciji. Po Attenbergu sem posnela srednjemetražec The Capsule. Gre za pendant k filmu Chevalier, ki prav tako govori o moči in nadzoru znotraj istospolne skupine, le da so tu vsi liki ženski. Fascinantno je bilo videti, kako se razmerja moči in želje razvijajo, če iz enačbe odstranite spolno dinamiko, ki je navadno na delu znotraj heteroseksualnih skupin. /…/ Zdelo se mi je, da bi bilo zanimivo nekaj takega poskusiti še s skupino moških, prav tako v omejenem prostoru, ki ga ne morejo zapustiti. Attenberg se je odvijal v utesnjenem okviru zapuščenega industrijskega mesta. Moj prvenec Sposojeni spomini je bil umeščen v hotelske sobe v bližnji prihodnosti. Zanima me vzpostavljanje razmerij v nadzorovanih prostorih, ki so za tri korake odmaknjeni od realizma. Nisem še povsem prestopila v naturalizem. Mislim, da zaenkrat preizkušam formo, ki ji pravim screwball tragedija – ta je deloma komedija zmešnjav, deloma grška tragedija.
[Athina Rachel Tsangari]


In the middle of the Aegean Sea, six men on a fishing trip on a luxury yacht decide to play a game. During this game, things will be compared. Things will be measured. Songs will be butchered, and blood will be tested. Friends will become rivals and rivals will become hungry. But at the end of the journey, when the game is over, the man who wins will be the best man. And he will wear on his smallest finger the victory ring: the Chevalier.


nedelja, 18. december 2016

Weiner (2016)

Slo naslov: -
Država: ZDA 
Jezik: Angleški
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 96',  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni 
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Elyse Steinberg, Josh Kriegman
Scenarij: Elyse Steinberg, Josh Kriegman
Igrajo: Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, Amit Bagga, Adam S. Barta


Serving seven consecutive terms, Anthony Weiner, good friends with and political allies to the Clintons, was once a highly respected member of Congress from New York City, he seen as a man sticking up for the every day person. That all changed in June, 2011 when he was forced to resign in disgrace after admitting that he did tweet lewd "headless" photos of himself from his public Twitter account to women he met online, and that it was not the work of a hacker or that the photos were of someone else. At the time, his wife Huma Abedin, herself a key aide to Hillary Clinton, was pregnant with their first child, she who decided to stand by her man. Two years later with Abedin still by his side, Weiner tries to resurrect his political career in a run for New York City mayor. He realizes that he has an uphill battle not only because of the known previously tweeted photos, but that there are other lewd photos from that era that may also come to light during the campaign. Regardless of the ... [Imdb]


The dizzying rush of Weiner is that the phenomenon it captures — a political culture in which candidates are round-the-clock addicts of image control — becomes, by the end, a powerful premonition of the current presidential campaign. The achievement of Weiner is that the movie shows us what that looks like — and the crushing toll it takes not just on democracy, but on reality. 
[Owen Gleiberman, Variety]

[RT Critics Consensus]

Weiner uses sharp insight and untrammeled access to offer a portrait of a political and personal collapse that's as queasy as it is undeniably compelling.


sobota, 17. december 2016

Army of One (2016)

Slo naslov: -
Država: ZDA 
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 92' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Larry Charles
Scenarij: Rajiv Joseph, Scott Rothman
Igrajo: Nicolas Cage, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Rainn Wilson


Gary Faulkner (Cage) is an ex-con, unemployed handyman, and modern day Don Quixote who receives a vision from God (Brand) telling him to capture Osama Bin Laden. Armed with only a single sword purchased from a home-shopping network, Gary travels to Pakistan to complete his mission. While on his quest, Gary encounters old friends back home in Colorado, the new friends he makes in Pakistan, the enemies he makes at the CIA - and even God and Osama themselves.


petek, 16. december 2016

Sunset Song (2015)

Slo naslov: Pesem somraka
Država: VB
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 135',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama 
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Terence Davies 
Scenarij: Michael McDonough
Igrajo: Agyness Deyn, Peter Mullan, Kevin Guthrie, Mark Bonnar, Ron Donachie 

Via Liffe


Vizualno impresivna pripoved epskih razsežnosti, ki prek človekove povezanosti z naravo osvetljuje težak položaj žensk v prvi polovici prejšnjega stoletja. 

Chris se kljub prelepi naravi, ki jo ponuja škotski Aberdeen, ne počuti dobro. Življenje na deželi je trdo in neizprosno, njen oče pa pravi tiran brez posluha za kaj drugega kot kmetovanje, še posebej za njeno skrito željo, da bi zapustila domačijo in postala učiteljica. Chris spozna Ewana, se z njim poroči in se odreče svojim sanjam. A ko njen mož ob začetku prve svetovne vojne obleče uniformo in odide, ji ne preostane drugega, kot da se doma z vsem močmi bori za samostojnost ... Filmska priredba prvega dela trilogije A Scots Quair Lewisa Grassica Gibbona.

Želim, da moj gledalec verjame, da sem poskušal povedati resnico. To bo morda dolgočasna resnica, saj vsem nisem po volji, zame je treba imeti izbran okus. /.../ Film sem posnel iz srca. Vse, kar prosim, je, da ga gledate s svojim, in če vam ne bo všeč, morate to izraziti.
(Terence Davies)


Spanning the 1910 decade, six years in the life of a girl named Chris, one of the numerous children of a tyrannical Scottish farmer. Years of high hopes and of disillusionment, of mirth and sorrow, of dreaming and toiling, of sweetness and violence, of love and hate, of peace and war. And in the end, the dignified loneliness of a new Chris, a woman who seems to have gone through several lives, now and forever as one with the land, the earth eternal... [Imdb]


četrtek, 15. december 2016

War Dogs (2016)

Slo naslov: Vojni psi
Država: ZDA
Jezik: Angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 114',  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Krimi, Drama
Slo recenzija: Mladina, RTV SLO MMC, Koridor
Režija: Todd Phillips
Scenarij: Stephen Chin, Todd Phillips
Igrajo: Miles Teller, Jonah Hill, Ana de Armas, Kevin Pollak, Jeff Pierre, Valentina Lucia Faltoni, Barry Livingston


Jonah Hill in Miles Teller kot trgovca z orožjem. Zabava je zagotovljena!

Film je režiral Todd Philips, zaslužen za trilogijo Prekrokana noč, po neverjetni resnični zgodbi o dveh dvajsetletnikih Davidu Packouzu in Efraimu Diveroliju, ki sta uspela podpisati 300 milijonov vredno pogodbo s Pentagonom za oskrbo z orožjem zaveznikov v Afganistanu. V filmu ju spremljamo sredi absurdnega vrtiljaka političnega sveta mednarodne trgovine z orožjem, zaradi katerega bosta obtožena za prevaro.

Dva prijatelja (oskarjevi nominiranec Jonah Hill in Miles Teller) z Miami Beacha med iraško vojno s pridom izkoriščata slabo poznano vladno iniciativo, ki manjšim podjetnikom omogoča, da se priglasijo za pogodbe za sodelovanje z ameriško vojsko. Začneta skromno, počasi začneta pridobivati vse več denarja in si privoščita življenje na veliki nogi. A kmalu se znajdeta v godlji, ko dobita posel za 300 milijonov dolarjev, prek katerega naj bi orožje prodajala afganistanski vojski – pri tem pa morata sodelovati s precej sumljivimi posamezniki, med katerimi so tudi predstavniki ameriške vlade. [Kolosej]


Two friends in their early 20s (Hill and Teller) living in Miami Beach during the Iraq War exploit a little-known government initiative that allows small businesses to bid on U.S. Military contracts. Starting small, they begin raking in big money and are living the high life. But the pair gets in over their heads when they land a 300 million dollar deal to arm the Afghan Military - a deal that puts them in business with some very shady people, not the least of which turns out to be the U.S. Government. Based on true events. [Warner Bros]
