aka Staying Vertical
Slo naslov: Ostati pokončen
Angleški naslov: Staying Vertical
Država: Francija
Jezik: francoščina
Leto: 2016
Žanri: drama, komedija
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Alain Guiraudie
Scenarij: Alain Guiraudie
Igrajo: Damien Bonnard, India Hair, Raphaël Thiéry, Christian Bouillette, Basile Meilleurat, Laure Calamy
Via Liffe
Zastavonoša francoskega LGBT filma Alain Guiraudie nam po izvrstnem Tujcu z jezera tokrat postreže z zelo drugačnim, izrazito antifeminističnim pogledom na starševstvo.
Filmski režiser Leo na jugu Francije išče volka za svoj naslednji film. Med enim izmed ogledov se zaplete v razmerje s pastirko Marie, ki mu devet mesecev pozneje rodi otroka. Marie nato trpi za poporodno depresijo in izgubi vero v Lea, ki nenehno odhaja in prihaja, zato nenadoma zapusti moža in otroka. Leo se znajde povsem sam z otrokom, za katerega mora zdaj skrbeti brez ženske pomoči. Ni mu lahko, a globoko v sebi so mu razmere povsem pogodu. Po zaporedju nepričakovanih in nenavadnih srečanj, v katerih išče navdih za svoj naslednji film, Leo stori vse, kar je treba, da se obdrži na nogah.
"Moški in ženske. Pravzaprav nikoli nisem snemal ničesar drugega; zgodbe o ljudeh, ki so skupaj sami. Hotel sem preobrniti podobo 'samohranilca', prikazati, da obstajajo moški, ki sami vzgajajo otroka, morda ker si tega želijo, prav tako kot ženske, ki nikogar več ne osupnejo z odločitvijo, da bodo imele otroka same. Ali navsezadnje ni to cilj filmskega junaka? Vzgajati otroka brez težav, ki jih prinašajo matere? /.../ Vedno pravijo 'vse zgodbe so že povedane', vendar se ne strinjam: vsaj Ostati pokončen je značilen primer zgodbe, ki je v kinu nikoli ne vidite." (Alain Guiraudie)
Via Liffe
Torchbearer of the French LGBT cinema who has gripped audiences with his brilliant Stranger by the Lake, Alain Guiraudie's latest picture is an alternative, expressly antifeminist take on parenthood.
Filmmaker Leo is searching for a wolf in the south of France. During a scouting excursion he is seduced by Marie, a free-spirited shepherdess. Nine months later she gives birth to their child. Suffering from post-natal depression and with no faith in Leo, who comes and goes without warning, Marie abandons both of them. Leo finds himself alone, with a baby to care for. It's not easy, but deep down, he loves it. Through a series of unexpected and unusual encounters, struggling to find inspiration for his next film, Leo will do whatever it takes to stay standing.
"Men and women. I've never really filmed anything else; the stories of people who are alone together. And I wanted to invert the image of the 'single parent', to show that there are cases where men raise a baby on their own - maybe because they want to - exactly like a woman, who no longer shocks anyone by having a baby on her own. In the final count, is that not what the film's hero was after? To have the child without the hassle of the mother? /.../ They always say "all the stories have been told," but I disagree: Staying Vertical, at least, is typical of the kind of story you never see in cinema." (Alain Guiraudie)