sreda, 7. junij 2017

Christine (2016)

Slo naslov: -
Država: ZDA
Jezik: angleščina
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 119',  Imdb
Žanri: biografija, drama
Slo recenzija: Filmoljub
Režija: Antonio Campos
Scenarij: Craig Shilowich
Igrajo: Rebecca Hall, Michael C. Hall Tracy Letts, Maria Dizzia, J. Smith-Cameron, John Cullum, Timothy Simons, Morgan Spector


Drama ameriškega režiserja Antonia Camposa (Afterschool, Simon Killer) prinaša strnjen biografski prikaz resničnega življenja in smrti poročevalke Christine Chubbuck (1944—1974), ki je delala na lokalni televizijski postaji WXLT-TV v Sarasoti na Floridi, kjer je vodila niz jutranjih pogovornih oddaj Suncoast Digest. Njeni intervjuji so predstavljali resnične zgodbe vsakdanjih ljudi iz krajevnih skupnosti s poudarkom na socialno šibkejših ter njihovi zlorabi mamil in alkohola. Prostovoljno je delala tudi v krajevnem domu za duševno motene otroke, ki jih je zabavala z lastnimi lutkovnimi predstavami. Bila je samska in je še vedno živela pri materi. Njeni prijatelji in kolegi v službi so pri nemirni, napeti 29-letnici čedalje pogosteje opažali manično obnašanje, obsedenost z delovnimi obveznostmi in sila odljudno vedenje; do sebe je imela nadvse kritičen odnos in se ni menila za iskrene pohvale ali poskuse zbližanja drugih. -Filmoljub


Rebecca Hall stars in director Antonio Campos' third feature film, CHRISTINE, the story of a woman who finds herself caught in the crosshairs of a spiraling personal life and career crisis. Christine, always the smartest person in the room at her local Sarasota, Florida news station, feels like she is destined for bigger things and is relentless in her pursuit of an on-air position in a larger market. As an aspiring newswoman with an eye for nuance and an interest in social justice, she finds herself constantly butting heads with her boss (Tracy Letts ), who pushes for juicier stories that will drive up ratings. Plagued by self-doubt and a tumultuous home life, Christine's diminishing hope begins to rise when an on-air co-worker (Michael C. Hall) initiates a friendship which ultimately becomes yet another unrequited love. Disillusioned as her world continues to close in on her, Christine takes a dark and surprising turn. Based on true events, Campos' intimate and sensitive portrait of a woman on the brink is grounded by Hall's impeccable and transformative performance as Christine.


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