petek, 30. september 2016

The Preppie Connection (2015)

Slo naslov:
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 95',  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Joseph Castelo
Scenarij: Joseph Castelo, Ashley Rudden
Igrajo: Thomas Mann, Lucy Fry, Sam Page, Logan Huffman, Bill Sage, Amy Hargreaves, Jessica Rothe


Based on a true story of a prep school student who smuggled $300k of uncut cocaine into the US in 1984. THE PREPPIE CONNECTION chronicles the exploits of a group of private school students who ran a drug distribution operation in the early 1980s. The story centers on Toby, the lower-class scholarship student, who uses his street cred and access to drugs to make friends with the popular kids, eventually allowing him to cultivate a drug trafficking network. Toby gets in far over his head as he leads his friends into the dangerous world of Colombian drug cartels.


A dramatized real-life scandal of 1980s prep-school drug dealing plays like a tepid compilation of fictive cliches in “The Preppie Connection.” Joseph Castelo’s third feature stars Thomas Mann (“Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”) as a working-class scholarship student whose attempts to fit in with the brahmin youth at an elite preparatory institution somehow lead to cocaine-running directly from the slums of Bogota, Colombia. Unconvincingly presented in a way that belies the factual basis of a case that won national notoriety at the time, the film will make serviceable small-screen fodder, but lacks the deeper insight or distinguishing directorial style that might have tempted arthouse distributors. [Dennis Harvey, Variety]


četrtek, 29. september 2016

Krisha (2015)

Slo naslov:
Država: ZDA
Leto: Drama, Komedija 
Dolžina: 83', Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Komedija  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Trey Edward Shults
Scenarij: Trey Edward Shults
Igrajo: Krisha Fairchild, Alex Dobrenko, Robyn Fairchild, Bryan Casserly  


When Krisha shows up at her sister’s Texas home on Thanksgiving morning, her close and extended family greet her with a mixture of warmth and wariness. Almost immediately, a palpable unease permeates the air, one which only grows in force as Krisha gets to work cooking the turkey and trying to make up for lost time by catching up with her various relatives, chief among them her nephew, Trey. As Krisha’s attempts at reconciliation become increasingly rebuffed, tension and suspicion reach their peak, with long-buried secrets and deep-seated resentments coming to the fore as everyone becomes immersed in an emotionally charged familial reckoning.


How do you solve a problem like Krisha? A jittery character drama which mixes tones and influences, the feature debut of writer-director-editor Trey Edward Shults does a very good job of finding fresh emotional terrain in what is a very familiar setup: a Thanksgiving meal tormented by the family black sheep. Krisha is a little bit of Terrence Malick by way of John Cassavetes, with a dash of psychological horror thrown in for spice, but even when the filmmaking falters, Krisha Fairchild’s unsettlingly intense lead performance dominates the movie, leaving us feeling as captive as the character’s wary kin. [Tim Grierson, Screen Daily]


sreda, 28. september 2016

Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)

Slo naslov:
Država: Nova Zelandija
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 101',  Imdb
Žanri: Avantura, Komedija, Drama  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Taika Waititi
Scenarij: Taika Waititi, Barry Crump (knjiga)
Igrajo: Sam Neill, Julian Dennison, Rima Te Wiata, Rachel House, Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne  


Raised on hip-hop and foster care, defiant city kid Ricky gets a fresh start in the New Zealand countryside. He quickly finds himself at home with his new foster family: the loving Aunt Bella, the cantankerous Uncle Hec, and dog Tupac. When a tragedy strikes that threatens to ship Ricky to another home, both he and Hec go on the run in the bush. As a national manhunt ensues, the newly branded outlaws must face their options: go out in a blaze of glory or overcome their differences and survive as a family.

Equal parts road comedy and coming-of-age drama, director Taika Waititi masterfully weaves lively humor with emotionally honest performances by Sam Neill and Julian Dennison. Never short on laughs, this touching story reminds us about the journey that growing up is (at any age) and those who help us along the way. [Sundance]


There's brilliant chemistry between Dennison and Neil, the pair quite obviously bouncing off each other; a joy to watch on screen, and as the story progresses you begin to feel like a member of their special pack, gleefully part of the adventure. [Jack Shepherd, Independent]

[RT Critics Consensus]

The charmingly offbeat Hunt for the Wilderpeople unites a solid cast, a talented filmmaker, and a poignant, funny, deeply affecting message.


torek, 27. september 2016

Baba Joon (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: Izrael
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 91',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Yuval Delshad
Scenarij: Yuval Delshad
Igrajo: Navid Negahban, Asher Avrahami, Fariborz David Diaan, Viss Elliot Safavi, Rafael Faraj Elliasi


Yitzhak runs the turkey farm his father built with his own two hands after they emigrated from Iran to Israel. When his son Moti turns thirteen, Yitzhak teaches him the trade, hoping that he will continue the proud family tradition. But Moti doesn't like working in the turkey barn; his passion is fixing up junkyard cars and bringing them back to life. Moti's mother Sarah tries to reconcile between the two, while his grandfather pushes Yitzhak to take a firm hand with his son. Yitzhak takes Moti's refusal to work in the turkey barn as a personal rejection. Though he loves his son dearly, he makes it his mission to impose the family farm on Moti. The arrival of Darius, the uncle from America, sets off a chain of events that will undermine the familial harmony. Soon enough Yitzhak will learn that his son is just as stubborn as he is. The conflict is inevitable.


In this period of greater nuclear tensions between Israel and Iran, who would have guessed that Israel’s foreign-language Oscar submission would be mostly in Farsi? “Baba Joon” is a coming-of-age drama from debuting feature writer-director Yuval Delshad set in a Persian-immigrant moshav in the Negev during the early 1980s. Although some may find it a tad too sentimental and under-nuanced, the film depicts the ways of a community infrequently seen on Israeli screens. More universally, it provides a metaphor for the struggle between the migrant generation, which is holding on to the past and traditions from another country, and the sabra generation born into a new identity and seeking out a fresh path. Expect generous fest and niche arthouse play offshore. [Alissa Simon, Variety]


ponedeljek, 26. september 2016

Zvizdan (2015)

Slo naslov: Zenit 
Angleški naslov: The High Sun
Država: Hrvaška, Srbija, Slovenija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 118',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Romantični   
Slo recenzija: Mladina
Režija: Dalibor Matanić
Scenarij: Dalibor Matanić
Igrajo: Tihana Lazović, Goran Marković, Nives Ivanković, Dado Ćosić, Stipe Radoja


Via Kinodvor

1991: Jelena in Ivan sta mlada in zaljubljena, a v zraku je že čutiti zlovešč vrtinec norosti, strahu in zmede prihajajoče vojne, ki kani njuni ljubezni pristriči krila. 2001: Med Natašo in Antejem se krešejo očitne iskre ljubezni, a rane, ki so ostale po koncu vojne, so še preveč sveže, da bi se iz te zagledanosti lahko rodil odnos. 2011: Zlo in nezaupanje še vedno nista popolnoma izkoreninjena, a če bosta ljubimca lahko pustila preteklost za sabo, bo ljubezen morda končno vzklila.

Tri zgodbe o prepovedani ljubezni med hrvaškim fantom in srbskim dekletom, postavljene v tri zaporedna desetletja v sosednji vasi z dolgo zgodovino medetničnega sovraštva. Nagrada žirije v sekciji Posebni pogled v Cannesu.


Glavni sprožilec za ta film je bilo nekaj, kar je ponavljala moja pokojna babica, kadar smo se pogovarjali o dekletih: 'Samo, da ni ena tistih ...', kar je pomenilo, da naj se izogibam srbskim dekletom. Babica mi je vedno dajala brezpogojno ljubezen in me podpirala, zato sem bil spričo njenega stališča precej zmeden. /.../ S filmskimi sredstvi sem se želel spopasti s to srhljivo izjavo, ki jo je izustil nekdo, ki mi je tako blizu. /.../ Vedno sem si želel posneti film, ki bi za nas iz regije deloval kot zrcalo; film, skozi katerega bi se lahko soočili s trenutki, ko smo si dovolili, da se namesto kot vsakdanji spodobni ljudje vedemo kot skupnost, ki jo držijo v šahu temne, vnaprej določene sile. Rad bi pokazal, kaj se je zgodilo, ko so ljudje sledili poti, ki jih je kratkoročno pripeljala v stanje sramotne evforije, nazadnje pa je povzročila globoko nesrečo in nepotrebno trpljenje. Zenit slavi nesebičnost in ljubezen – tisto najboljše v človeški naravi, kar se še vedno bori, da bi v naši regiji znova zmagoslavno vstalo. Kajti prepričan sem, da politika in ekstremni nacionalizem na koncu koncev nikoli ne zmagata. Zmaga ljubezen. /.../ Mnogi elementi filma so namenjeni učinkovanju na nezavedni ravni – od ponavljanja vizualnih motivov do uporabe istih igralcev in prizorišč – da bi bil trenutek zgodovine viden ne kot del linearne zgodbe, ampak kot del ponavljajočega se kroga. Svet se ves čas spreminja, a od časa do časa nas lahko grdo presenetijo duhovi preteklosti, ravno ko smo začeli verjeti, da živimo v sodobnem, naprednem času. /.../ Tistim, ki so dopustili, da njihovim življenjem vladata nestrpnost in zlo, film ne bo všeč, a se bodo s tem morali soočiti. In prav to soočenje sem želel spodbuditi. Naj se medtem, ko se bodo ogledovali v filmskem ogledalu, spomnijo vsake sekunde, ki so jo vrgli proč, medtem ko so v svet pošiljali negativno energijo. /.../ Moj namen je bil vzpostaviti kontrast med bujno naravo in brezskrbno gotovostjo mladosti ter človeškimi dejanji, ki so sad starih sovraštev, zgodovine, tradicije, zmede in strahu, pri tem pa uporabiti filmska pripovedna sredstva, da bi analiziral s temi občutki pogojene spremembe, ki vplivajo na življenja mladostnikov v regiji. V smislu igralske izvedbe sem želel, da se je vsak lik, ki nasprotuje ideji o tem, da je ljubezen najpomembnejša, prisiljen soočiti z razlogi, ki mu preprečujejo, da bi ravnal humano.
- Dalibor Matanić


Boy and girl are in love but can not get together because of their different backgrounds. The story of Romeo and Juliet is of all times and places, but particularly in place in Yugoslavia in the nineties. Against the backdrop of the Balkan Wars tells The High Sun on not one, not two, but three doomed loves. In 1991, at the start of the conflict, Jelena and Ivan want to escape the oppressive village life but her brother is in the way. Ten years later succeed Ante and Natasa not celebrate peace. And again still after a decade later, the national trauma rumbles Luka and Marija. 

At the Cannes Film Festival, where the film received the Jury Prize in the Un Certain Regard program, were critics unanimous in their opinion that this Dalibor Matanics best film to date far. Part of that praise is sure to Tihana Lazovic and Goran Markovic, all three express the set. Who's Croat and Serb who is not always immediately apparent. Who gets emotionally wounded though. [IFFR]


nedelja, 25. september 2016

The Daughter (2015)

Slo naslov:
Država: Avstralija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 96',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Simon Stone
Scenarij: Simon Stone, Henrik Ibsen (igra)
Igrajo: Geoffrey Rush, Sam Neill, Ewen Leslie, Paul Schneider, Anna Torv, Miranda Otto, Odessa Young


Set in the last days of a dying logging town, Christian (Schneider) returns to his family home for his father Henry's (Rush) wedding. Reconnecting with his childhood friend Oliver (Leslie) and Oliver's family, wife Charlotte (Otto) and daughter Hedvig (Young), he unearths a long-buried secret. As he tries to right the wrongs of the past, his actions threaten to shatter the lives of those he left behind years before.


Making his feature debut, Sydney theatre’s enfant terrible Simon Stone corrals stars Geoffrey Rush, Paul Schneider, Sam Neill and Miranda Otto into a family tragedy which plumbs the usual depths of secrets and lies. Two layers of adaptations converge in the writer/director’s The Daughter, a version of his own award-winning staging of Ibsen’s The Wild Duck. The weighty effort, which premiered at the Sydney Film Festival, succeeds in conveying intimacy and conjuring tension courtesy of strong performances, and will appeal to audiences fond of textured emotional dramas, even though its narrative wallows in familiar territory. [Sarah Ward, Screen Daily]


sobota, 24. september 2016

Something, Anything (2014)

Slo naslov:
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2014
Dolžina: 88',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Romantični   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Paul Harill
Scenarij: Paul Harill
Igrajo: Ashley Shelton, Bryce Johnson, Linds Edwards, Amy Hubbard


In this low-key jewel of a movie, newcomer Ashley Shelton delivers a stirring performance as Peggy, a seemingly typical Southern newlywed on the path to a perfect career, home, and family. But when a tragedy shatters her plans for domestic bliss, Peggy spins away from her husband and career and gradually transforms into a spiritual seeker, quietly threatening the closest relationships around her. With his debut feature, award-winning writer/director Paul Harrill reveals a unique directorial sensibility and delivers a refreshing story of human transformation. [Google Play]


Marked by an affecting and understated performance from newcomer Ashley Shelton, this lovely drama tends toward the over-emphatic at times, but overall demonstrates a warm, subtle intelligence in the way it captures a person's growing sense of dislocation from the traditional pressures of marriage, family and career. [Justin Chang, Variety]


petek, 23. september 2016

Geukbisusa (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Angleški naslov: The Classified File
Država: Južna Koreja
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 107' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Kwak Kyung-taek
Scenarij: Han Dae-Duk, Kwak Kyung-Taek
Igrajo: Kim Yoon-seok, Yu Hae-Jin, Lee Jung-Eun, Jang Young-Nam   


Busan in 1978. Gil-young, a veteran detective got the special request from the parents of a missing child, Eun-joo, to investigate her case. As the clever kidnapper eludes the police, the case becomes more and more of a mystery. When Joong-san, the fortuneteller foretells Eun-joo’s whereabouts, people get to listen to what he says as the situation goes into more despair with no remark on Eun-joo. He also tells that Gil-young is the only one who can save her. With no one to trust, Gil-yong and Joong-san come closing in around the kidnapper using any means possible. This movie is the record of 33 days of two men going through hell to find a missing girl and bring her back home alive. [Korean Film]

Movie is based on a true story. An elementary school aged daughter from a wealthy family in Busan, South Korea was kidnapped two separate times for ransom. The first kidnapping occurred September 15, 1978 and the second kidnapping occurred April 14, 1979.


četrtek, 22. september 2016

Blood Father (2016)

Slo naslov: Krvavi zaščitnik 
Država: Francija
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 88',  Imdb
Žanri: Akcija, Triler   
Slo recenzija: Filmoljub
Režija: Jean-François Richet
Scenarij: Peter Craig, Andrea Berloff
Igrajo: Mel Gibson, William H. Macy, Diego Luna, Erin Moriarty


Gibson se po Apokaliptu (2006) in Gringu (2012) spet potika po deželi tortilj in tamkajšnji kulturi nasilja oziroma vrača na območje sodobne jugozahodne ameriške meje, kraj prvobitnega biblijskega kaosa in smrti. Tam v razpadajoči prikolici sredi kalifornijske pustinje živi okoreli ex-con, bivši pijanec ter nekdanji član motociklistične tolpe John Link, preživlja se kot garažni tatuist in skuša ostati trezen ter na pravi strani zakona. To mu s pomočjo mentorja za pogojni izpust in dobrega prijatelja tudi uspeva, dokler se ne pojavi njegova odtujena hči iz propadlega zakona; uporniška mladenka se je medtem zapletla z morilsko mehiško sodrgo (jabolko pač ne pade daleč od drevesa), po nekem usodnem dogodku pa ji taisti delinkventi zdaj strežejo po življenju. Stvar je nadvse resna in za petami ji je celo strašljivi sicario z druge strani meje. Če je prekaljeni ata ne bo uspel zaščititi, bo namreč po njej, zato pravzaprav nima druge izbire. Enako velja za Linka: brezupno nepremišljeno ter z mamili zasvojeno dekle je njegov edini otrok — in sam navsezadnje nima več kaj izgubiti; morda pa se bo lahko nekako odkupil za vsa leta zavoženega življenja in vse nemarnosti, ki jih je počel v mladosti. [Filmoljub]


BLOOD FATHER stars Mel Gibson as Link, an ex-convict who fights to protect his estranged daughter from the drug cartel that is hunting her down. In this thrilling action film, John must use his connections from his past life and his skills as an ex-criminal to keep him and his daughter alive. [RT]


sreda, 21. september 2016

Chu Tai Chiu Fung (2016)

Slo naslov:
Angleški naslov: Trivisa
Država: Hong Kong, Kitajska
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 97',  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Triler   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Jevons Au, Frank Hui, Vicky Wong
Scenarij: Tin Shu Mak 
Igrajo: Lam Ka-tung, Richie Jen, Jordan Chan, Tommy Wong Kwong-leung, Yueh Hua, Stephen Au, Lam Suet


Hong Kong, summer 1997: while preparations are underway for the handover of the British Crown Colony to China, the underworld finds that it too must adapt to profound changes. With the opening of the border to China, new codes and mores make their way into the world of the triads – and those who don’t adjust their business models have already lost. 

A genre film from Hong Kong that chooses to set its story during those years of turmoil is tantamount to a double swan song. For these political changes also effectively spelled the end of an independent Hong Kong cinema that was admired across Asia. One of the few directors who has continued to defend and develop the genre is Johnnie To. By producing Triviṣa, To is flying the flag for three up-and-coming directors who tell the stories of three legendary gangsters of the period. This is not an anthology film, but rather an overlapping story of men who become victims of their own legends. As chance brings them all together one day in the same restaurant on the Chinese side of the border, rumours swirl that the three are planning a joint coup. In elegant fashion, hype and hubris lead to their downfall. [Berlinale]


Taking its title from the Buddhist notion of the “three root poisons” of greed, anger and ignorance, the Johnnie To-mentored Trivisa is set in Hong Kong on the eve of the British administered territory’s handover to China in the summer of 1997. Directed separately by three up-and-coming talents and blended cleverly into a dark and spiky whole, Trivisa looks at the recent past through the filter of the present; it’s an uneven but invigorating blend of Hong Kong noir crime with Mainland corruption reflecting the disenchantment of the “special relationship”. [Fionnuala Halligan, Screen Daily]


torek, 20. september 2016

The Other Side (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: Francija, Italija
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 92',  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni, Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Roberto Minervini
Scenarij:  Roberto Minervini, Denise Ping Lee
Igrajo: Mark Kelley, Lisa Allen, James Lee Miller


Having wrapped his Texas trilogy —  “The Passage,” “Low Tide” and “Stop the Pounding Heart” — Italian chronicler of the American margins Roberto Minervini heads next door to Louisiana, where he finds a fresh group of desperados to observe in “The Other Side,” a soul-draining, feature-length look at the bastard stepchildren of the American Dream. By immersing himself among drug addicts, anti-government zealots and various other extreme personalities, the helmer manages to capture a troubling side of the country’s identity that locals prefer to ignore. Meanwhile, foreign audiences will be free to confirm their worst assumptions about America’s character, especially as it relates to the Second Amendment, in this loosely structured and frequently off-putting documentary, which is sure to follow the earlier triptych’s well-traveled festival footsteps. [Imdb]


Having wrapped his Texas trilogy —  “The Passage,” “Low Tide” and “Stop the Pounding Heart” — Italian chronicler of the American margins Roberto Minervini heads next door to Louisiana, where he finds a fresh group of desperados to observe in “The Other Side,” a soul-draining, feature-length look at the bastard stepchildren of the American Dream. By immersing himself among drug addicts, anti-government zealots and various other extreme personalities, the helmer manages to capture a troubling side of the country’s identity that locals prefer to ignore. Meanwhile, foreign audiences will be free to confirm their worst assumptions about America’s character, especially as it relates to the Second Amendment, in this loosely structured and frequently off-putting documentary, which is sure to follow the earlier triptych’s well-traveled festival footsteps. [Peter Debruge, Variety]


ponedeljek, 19. september 2016

The Night Of (2016)

Slo naslov: Usodna noč  
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 8 epizod (6 x60', 2x90'),  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Drama  
Slo recenzija:
Režija: Steven Zaillian, James Marsh
Scenarij: Steven Zaillian, Richard Price
Igrajo: John Turturro, Riz Ahmed, Bill Camp, Peyman Moaadi, Poorna Jagannathan, Sofia Black-D'Elia, Frank Ridley, Jeannie Berlin, Amara Karan, Michael Kenneth Williams, Jeff Wincott


Kriminalna serija spremlja zapleten primer umora v New Yorku: policijsko preiskavo, uradne postopke kriminalistov, kolesje pravosodnega sistema in pekel otoka Rikers, kjer obtoženec čaka na sojenje.

Sodobna kriminalna serija v osmih delih spremlja zapleten primer umora v New Yorku. John Turturro je zagnani odvetnik, Riz Ahmed pa njegov mladi pakistansko-ameriški varovanec. Zgodba se začne s prisrčno nerodnim študentom Nazom Khanom, ki ga neki košarkar povabi na zabavo v newyorški četrti Lower East Side. Ko tik pred zdajci ostane brez prevoza, si brez dovoljenja izposodi službeni taksi svojega očeta in se od doma v soseski Jackson Heights v Queensu odpelje na Manhattan. Taksi ustavi čedna mlada ženska – in tedaj Nazovi prvotni načrti skrenejo v nepričakovano smer. Dogodki se tiste usodne noči odvijejo tragično: Naza pozneje obtožijo za zločin, za katerega trdi, da ga ni zagrešil. Na lastni koži občuti zmedo, kaos in manipulativnost pravosodnega sistema. Njegova kulturna pripadnost, videz in dejstvo, da gre za sina pakistanskih priseljencev, mu pri dokazovanju nedolžnosti nikakor niso v prid. Scenarij sta napisala Steven Zaillian (dobitnik oskarja za film "Schindlerjev seznam") ter Richard Price (serija "Skrivna naveza", oskarjevska nominacija za film "Barva denarja"). Serija nas popelje v dvolično zakulisje ameriškega in newyorškega pravosodnega sistema ter pekel otoka Rikers, kjer obtoženec čaka na sojenje. [HBO Adria]


From creators Steven Zaillian and Richard Price, The Night Of is an eight-part limited series that delves into the intricate story of a fictitious murder case in New York City. The series follows the police investigation and legal proceedings, all the while examining the criminal justice system and the purgatory of Rikers Island, where the accused awaits his trial. 

Filmed in and around Manhattan, the HBO series is based on the BBC’s “Criminal Justice,” created by Peter Moffat.

[RT Critics Consensus]

The Night Of is a richly crafted, exquisitely performed mystery that will keep viewers enthralled and leave them devastated.


nedelja, 18. september 2016

Busanhaeng (2016)

Slo naslov: - 
Angleški naslov: Train to Busan
Država: Južna Koreja
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 118',  Imdb
Žanri: Akcija, Grozljivka, Triler   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Yeon Sang-Ho
Scenarij: Park Joo-Suk, Yeon Sang-Ho
Igrajo: Gong Yoo, Jung Yu-Mi, Ma Dong-Seok, Kim Soo-Ahn, Kim Eui-Sung 


Seok-Woo (Gong Yoo) is a fund manager in Seoul. He is separated from his wife and lives with his daughter Soo-An (Kim Soo-Ahn). Seok-Woo doesn't spend much time with his daughter or show affection to her. On the night before Soo-An's birthday, Soo-An insists on seeing her mother for her birthday. Seok-Woo has no other choice, but to take her to Busan. Early the next morning, they board the KTX train for Busan at Seoul Station.

Before the KTX train leaves Seoul Station, a zombie like girl jumps onto the train. The girl is infected with a horrific virus that is spreading like wildfire. Seok-Woo, Soo-An and the other passengers on the KTX train must now fight for their lives.


For almost 45 minutes, Yeon Sang-ho's Train to Busan is on pace to become the best, most urgent zombie movie since “28 Days Later.” And then - at once both figuratively and literally - this broad Korean blockbuster derails in slow-motion, sliding off the tracks and bursting into a hot mess of generic moments and digital fire. 
[David Ehrlich, indieWIRE]


[RT Critics Consensus]

Train to Busan delivers a thrillingly unique -- and purely entertaining -- take on the zombie genre, with fully realized characters and plenty of social commentary to underscore the bursts of skillfully staged action.


sobota, 17. september 2016

The Shallows (2016)

Slo naslov: Nevarnost iz globine
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 86',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Grozljivka, Triler   
Slo recenzija: Filmoljub, Mladina, Filmstart
Režija: Jaume Collet-Serra
Scenarij: Anthony Jaswinski
Igrajo: Blake Lively, Óscar Jaenada, Angelo Josue Lozano Corzo  


V napeti grozljivki igra Blake Lively Nancy, ameriško deskarko, ki se nekega dne odloči, da bo sama uživala v deskanju na samotni obali. Nenadoma jo napade veliki beli morski pes in Nancy se znajde v plitvini, na skali nedaleč od obale. Čeprav je kopno oddaljeno le kakšnih dvesto metrov, ne more kar odplavati do obale, saj okoli skale ves čas preži morski pes. [Cineplexx]


In the taut thriller The Shallows, when Nancy (Blake Lively) is surfing on a secluded beach, she finds herself on the feeding ground of a great white shark. Though she is stranded only 200 yards from shore, survival proves to be the ultimate test of wills, requiring all of Nancy's ingenuity, resourcefulness, and fortitude. [Sony Pictures Entertainment]


petek, 16. september 2016

Wiener-Dog (2016)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 88' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama 
Slo recenzija:
Režija: Todd Solondz
Scenarij: Todd Solondz
Igrajo: Keaton Nigel Cooke, Tracy Letts, Julie Delpy, Greta Gerwig, Kieran Culkin, Connor Long, Bridget Brown, Danny DeVito, Sharon Washington, Ellen Burstyn


From director Todd Solondz (WELCOME TO THE DOLLHOUSE, HAPPINESS), WIENER-DOG is a dark, starkly funny story of a single dog and the many different people she touches over her short lifetime. Man’s best friend starts out teaching a young boy some contorted life lessons before being taken in by a compassionate vet tech named Dawn Wiener. Dawn reunites with someone from her past and sets off on a road trip. After leaving Dawn, Wiener-Dog encounters a floundering film professor, as well as an embittered elderly woman and her needy granddaughter—all longing for something more. Solondz’s perversely dark comedy offers an appallingly honest look at the American experience, brought to life by its all-star cast.


Bizarre and challenging when it's not outright goofy, Wiener-Dog never feels remotely compromised. Somehow hilarious and gloomy at the same time, it represents a big middle finger to anyone who wishes Solondz would lighten up. (indieWIRE, Eric Kohn)

The proverbial dog has its day — a day of misfortune, indigestion and possible death, but a day nonetheless — in “Wiener-Dog,” the eighth and perhaps most blithely eccentric feature to date from Todd Solondz. A wandering short story compendium, bound by deadpan musings on mortality and the presence of one winsome Dachshund, this elegantly wrought oddity appears at the halfway mark to be heading into uncharacteristically hopeful territory for Solondz — until a toe-tapping intermission marks a reassuring plunge into abject despair. Students of the filmmaker’s exactingly composed mise-en-thropy will revel in the new pic’s freezing wit, jaundiced societal observation and inventive star casting, feeling the human ache in its glassy delivery. The unconverted will remain bemusedly in their camp, though all should agree that the eponymous pooch is now an uncontested winner in the “most lovable Todd Solondz character” sweepstakes. (Guy Lodge, Variety)


četrtek, 15. september 2016

Ixcanul (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: Gvatemala, Francija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 91' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Jayro Bustamante
Scenarij: Jayro Bustamante
Igrajo: Maria Mercedes Coroy, Maria Telon, Manuel Antun, Justo Lorenzo, Marvin Coroy


María, a 17-year-old Kaqchikel Maya, lives with her parents on a coffee plantation at the foot of an active volcano. She is set to be married to the farm's foreman. But María longs to discover the world on the other side of the mountain, a place she cannot even imagine. And so she seduces a coffee-harvester who wants to escape to the USA. When this man leaves her behind, María discovers her own world and culture anew.

Director Jayro Bustamante grew up in the region of the Kaqchikel Maya in Guatemala and returned there to make his film. He held workshops, asked people to tell stories from their own lives and examined the current living conditions of the Maya at close range. In doing so, he learnt about the special connection the women there have with the rituals of their mothers and grandmothers. The plot picks up the rhythm of a life defined by ancestral beliefs and traditions. An unfamiliar daily routine awaits the audience, far from the globalised world. Ixcanul is not a film about Indigenous culture but one that was developed from within it. [Berlinale]


A young Mayan woman finds herself at a crossroads between the ancient and modern worlds in “Ixcanul Volcano,” a transporting, hypnotically beautiful debut feature from Guatemalan director Jayro Bustamante. A simple, fable-like movie made in close collaboration with a real Mayan farming community from the Guatemalan highlands, Bustamante’s film is downright Herzogian (far more than Herzog’s own “Queen of the Desert”) in its surfeit of physical detail, observed ritual and looming clash of civilizations. Festivals will take extensive note, though paying spectators will be hard to come by outside major arthouse markets. [Scott Foundas, Variety]
