sreda, 30. november 2016

Hwajang (2014)

aka Revivre

Slo naslov: -
Angleški naslov: Revivre 
Država: Južna Koreja
Leto: 2014
Dolžina: 93',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Im Kwon-taek
Scenarij: Song Yoon-hee
Igrajo: Ahn Sungki, Kim Hojung, Kim Qyuri, Jeon Hye-Jin


Mr. Oh, a man in his mid-fifties, loses his wife after a four-year battle with cancer and proceeds with the funeral arrangements. An executive at a major cosmetics company, Mr. Oh was an extremely devoted husband who took great care of his sick wife. After the funeral, his home becomes filled with guests, including his subordinates who needed to bring authorization-required documents for Mr. Oh with them. With the upcoming summer collection release, there are many issues to deal with, but fact is, Mr. Oh is distracted by something, or rather someone else who came as a guest, clad in a black formal pants suit to the wake: his female subordinate, Choo Eunjoo, for whom he has had feelings for some time now. Juggling between the tasks of tending to his ailing wife and demanding corporate duties, Mr. Oh occasionally fantasizes about Choo Eunjoo’s body and making love to her. One late night, while he is in a cab, he catches a glimpse of Eunjoo passing by and immediately calls her up to meet, but he ends up failing. Then one day, after the funeral, Mr. Oh’s is slapped with the realization that his wife was aware of his hearts towards Choo Eunjoo... [La Biennale]


Demanding a performer who can convey a complex range of subtle emotions not with words but through eye contact, facial expressions and the slightest of body movements, the role of Mr. Oh is a challenging one that only someone of Ahn's experience and innate sensitivity could pull off, and he does so magnificently. Speaking through his candid eyes and relaying inner turmoil through imperceptible shrugs and tired slouches, Ahn shines in a role that demands the full range of his abilities... 
[Pierce Conran, Screen Anarchy]


torek, 29. november 2016

The Ones Below (2015)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: VB
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 87',  Imdb
Žanri: Triler   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: David Farr
Scenarij: David Farr
Igrajo: Clémence Poésy, David Morrissey, Stephen Campbell, Laura Birn


Kate (Clémence Poésy) and Justin (Stephen Campbell Moore) are expecting their first baby. They are thirty-something, successful and affluent. All appears well on the surface but Kate harbours deeply rooted fears about her fitness to be a mother and her ability to love the child within. One day another couple, Jon (David Morrissey) and Teresa (Laura Birn) move in to the apartment below. They become ‘The Ones Below’ and are also expecting a baby. In contrast to Kate, Teresa is full of joy at the prospect of imminent motherhood. Pregnancy brings the women together in shared confidences, as Kate becomes entranced by Teresa’s unquestioning celebration of her family-to-be. Until one night a joint dinner begins to reveal all is not as it seems with ‘The Ones Below’ and a single tragic accident throws the couples into a nightmare of psychological terror. [BBC Films]

[RT Critics Consensus]

Creepy and well-crafted overall, The Ones Below marks an auspicious feature-length debut for writer-director David Farr.


ponedeljek, 28. november 2016

Indignation (2016)

Slo naslov: Ogorčenje
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 110',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama
Slo recenzija: RTV SLO MMC, Koridor
Režija: James Schamus
Scenarij: James Schamus, Philip Roth (knjiga)
Igrajo: Logan Lerman, Sarah Gadon, Tracy Letts, Linda Edmond, Danny Burstein, Ben Rosenfield


Via Kinodvor

Konservativna, antisemitska in spolno zavrta Amerika petdesetih let. Marcus je zadržan, a blesteč študent iz židovske delavske družine. Da bi lahko odšel na študij prava, se med korejsko vojno izogne vpoklicu. Toda ko se usodno zaljubi v prelepo sošolko, resno ogrozi svojo svetlo prihodnost in velike načrte, ki jih za mladeniča kuje njegova družina.

Ganljiva in napeta drama Ogorčenje je režijski prvenec enega najpomembnejših neodvisnih producentov sodobne ameriške kinematografije Jamesa Schamusa (Gora Brokeback, Sreča), posnet po istoimenskem romanu slovitega ameriškega pisatelja Philipa Rotha.

Učil sem se pri Angu Leeju, toda marsikaj sem pobral tudi pri Edgarju Wrightu, Gusu Van Santu in bratih Coen. Vedno sem imel privilegij, da sem lahko opazoval njihovo delo iz prve vrste in se s temi režiserji tudi ves čas pogovarjal. Med drugim sem se naučil, da se od njih ne smem preveč naučiti, saj je vsak režiser drugačen. Drugače vodi stvari na setu. Ne moreš si preprosto reči: 'Ang počne stvari takole, zato je to pravi način.' Ang to počne takole, zato ker je genij in si to lahko privošči. /…/ Ker sem prvič režiral, je bila moja glavna naloga poskrbeti, da igralci ustvarijo iskren odnos do filma, zato jim nisem hotel vsiliti svojega sloga. Seveda ima film specifičen videz, ki sem ga skrbno začrtal s tehnično ekipo, raziskovalnim delom in skozi lastno razmišljanje. Toda tega sloga nisem želel vsiliti igralcem pri njihovem delu, pač pa sem skušal ustvariti svet, v katerem bi lahko udobno zaživeli. Pri debitantskih režiserjih, ki imajo zelo jasno predstavo, kakšen natanko naj bo film videti, sem pogosto opazil, da skušajo na setu kup mačk stlačiti v škatlo, v kateri ni nič prostora. Od igralcev zahtevajo, naj počnejo stvari, s katerimi bi se izneverili samim sebi in svojemu načinu igre. To se na filmu pozna. Sam ljudi nisem hotel tlačiti v škatlo. /…/ Philipa Rotha navadno ne povezujemo z ljubezenskimi zgodbami, toda v njegovi knjigi se skriva iskrena tragična romanca, ki jo je v sodobnem ameriškem filmu zelo težko poustvariti. Prave ljubezenske zgodbe, tistega pristnega občutka mladostne ranljivosti in kam lahko ta pripelje, tega dandanes, ko smo vsi tako cinični, ne vidimo pogosto. [James Schamus]


Set in 1951, the story follows Marcus Messner, the idealistic son of a humble kosher butcher from Newark, N.J. Marcus leaves for Ohio to study at a small, conservative college, where he finds himself at odds with the administration, grapples with anti-Semitism and sexual repression and pines after a troubled girl. [Imdb]


nedelja, 27. november 2016

Olive Kitteridge (2014)

Slo naslov: Olive Kitteridge 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2014
Dolžina: 4x60',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Lisa Cholodenko
Scenarij: Jane Anderson, Elizabeth Strout (knjiga) 
Igrajo: Frances McDormand, Richard Jenkins, Bill Murray, John Gallagher Jr., Zoe Kazan


Drama v štirih delih spremlja grenko-sladko in trpko zabavno dogajanje v navidez spokojnem mestu, prepredenem s spletkami, zločini in tragedijami, kakor ga vidi Olive. Njena bistroumnost in strogost prikrivata toplo, vendar nemirno srce.
Dobitnica oskarja Frances McDormand in nominiranec za to odličje Richard Jenkins sta soigralca v 4-delni drami programa HBO. Zgodba skozi čas 25 let spremlja grenko-sladko in trpko zabavno dogajanje v navidez spokojnem mestu Nove Anglije, prepredenem s spletkami, zločini in tragedijami, kakor ga vidi srednješolska učiteljica matematike Olive Kitteridge. Njena osupljiva bistroumnost in strogost prikrivata toplo, vendar nemirno srce. Pripoved se dotika njenega odnosa s prijaznim mestnim lekarnarjem Henryjem, njunim sinom Christopherjem, ki prezira vzgojne metode svoje matere, in nekaterimi drugimi prebivalci mestne skupnosti. [HBO Slovenija]


Olive Kitteridge is a misanthropic and strict, but well-meaning, retired schoolteacher who lives in the fictional seaside town of Crosby, Maine. She is married to Henry Kitteridge, a kind, considerate man who runs a pharmacy downtown, and has a troubled son named Christopher, who grows up to be a podiatrist. For 25 years, Olive has experienced problems of depression, bereavement, jealousy, and friction with family members and friends. [Wikipedia]


sobota, 26. november 2016

A Patch of Fog (2015)

Slo naslov: Prijatelja
Država: VB
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 92',  Imdb
Žanri: Trlier  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Michael Lennox
Scenarij: John Cairns, Michael McCartney
Igrajo: Stephen Graham, Conleth Hill, Lara Pulver


Sandy Duffy, slavni pisatelj in televizijska osebnost, se znajde v zagati – ko ga med poskusom kraje v trgovini zaloti osamljeni varnostnik Robert ter v zameno za molk nato izkoristi za izrazito enostransko prijateljstvo.
Sandy Duffy živi udobno življenje v Belfastu. Je univerzitetni profesor in redni gost priljubljenega televizijskega programa o umetnosti, njegov roman izpred mnogih let pa je še vedno na knjižnih policah kot sodobna literarna klasika. Vendar ima Sandy neko sramotno skrivno razvado: rad krade. Občasno izmikanje prodajnih artiklov iz trgovin je edina vznemirljiva stvar v njegovem utečenem vsakdanu – a ko ga nekoč pri tem zaloti varnostnik Robert, se njegovo življenje obrne na glavo. Robert mu diskretno obljubi molk v zameno za skupno pijačo po končani službi. Srečanje se kmalu spremeni v serijo moških druženj, v katerih Robert razkrije, kako obupano osamljen je. Sandyja je sklenil za vsako ceno spreobrniti v svojega najboljšega prijatelja, kakršnega v resnici nikoli ni imel. Poslej obiskuje njegova predavanja, se vsili v njegov družabni krog ter celo zbliža s Sandyjevo punco Lucy. Vsakokrat, ko cenjeni profesor misli, da se je otresel svojega izsiljevalca, ga okoliščine prepričajo v nasprotno; v svetu, kjer kamere beležijo vsak človekov korak, je težko povsem zabrisati svoje sledi. [HBO Slovenija]


In this unnerving psychological tale, Sandy Duffy (Hill) is a celebrated novelist and TV personality who finds his reputation on the line when caught shoplifting by a friendless security guard Robert (Graham).  Robert lets Sandy go on the condition that they share a drink after work, but one drink quickly turns into a string of rendezvous as Robert reveals just how desperately lonely he is.  His determination to fashion Sandy into the best friend he never had soon becomes obvious. He audits Sandy’s class, worms his way into his social calendar, and finds ways to get close to Sandy’s girlfriend, Lucy (Lara Pulver). Every time the beleaguered professor is certain he’s shaken off his blackmailer, he is reminded that, in a world where much of what we do is captured on camera, it’s impossible to avoid leaving a trail.


četrtek, 24. november 2016

Jason Bourne (2016)

Slo naslov: Jason Bourne 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 123',  Imdb
Žanri: Akcija, Triler  
Slo recenzija: Mladina, RTV SLO MMC, Filmstart
Režija: Paul Greengrass
Scenarij: Paul Greengrass, Christopher Rouse
Igrajo: Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones, Alicia Vikander, Vincent Cassel, Riz Ahmed


»Shekali so nas. Morda je huje od Snowdna … Kristus. Jason Bourne je!« 

Pred skoraj dvema desetletjema se je perspektiven mlad vojak pridružil eksperimentalnemu urjenju specialnih enot, potem ko je njegov oče umrl v domnevnem terorističnem napadu. Obljubili so mu, da bo s pomočjo programa, ki je njegove psihofizične sposobnosti povzdignil na nepredstavljivo raven, izkazal čast svoji družini in domovini. 

Vse to je bila laž.
Po brutalnem usposabljanju, ki se ga ne spominja, in katerega so vršili ljudje, ki jih ne more identificirati, je postal elitni morilec po imenu Jason Bourne. Njegovi stvaritelji so ga izoblikovali v človeško orožje, vredno 100 milijonov dolarjev, ki pa se je po njihovih besedah pokvarilo. 

Bourne se je podal na lov za odgovornimi osebami, da bi razkrinkal njihove načrte, ti pa so ga skušali izbrisati in mu vzeli edino žensko, ki jo je kdaj ljubil. Potem ko je dosegel maščevanje, spoznal svojo pravo identiteto in razkrinkal sporne vladne programe, je zaznal miru podoben občutek in izginil. Upal je, da za vedno … 

Obdobje njegovega življenja v sencah se konča, ko se aktivira nov program. Ljudje na pozicijah moči sicer menijo, da bo Bourne odnehal, če mu razodenejo še poslednje skrivnosti iz njegove preteklosti, a ga ponovno podcenijo. Nekdanji elitni morilec namreč ve, da tudi zlomljeni vojaki še vedno branijo nedolžne pred tistimi z nenadzorovano močjo in nenasitnim apetitom po manipulaciji sveta. [Cineplexx]


Jason Bourne is again being hunted by the CIA. It begins when Nicky Parson a former CIA operative who helped Bourne who then went under and now works with a man who's a whistle blower and is out to expose the CIA's black ops. So Nicky hacks into the CIA and downloads everything on all their Black Ops including Treadstone which Bourne was a part of. And Heather Lee, a CIA agent discovers the hack and brings it to the attention of CIA Director Dewey, the man behind the Black Ops. He then orders Parsons be found and hopefully Bourne too. [Imdb]


sreda, 23. november 2016

Zero Days (2016)

Slo naslov: Ni naslova
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 116' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Dokumentarni   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Alex Gibney
Scenarij: Alex Gibney
Igrajo: David Sanger, Emad Kiyaei, Eric Chien


Alex Gibney’s ZERO DAYS is a documentary thriller about the world of cyberwar. For the first time, the film tells the complete story of Stuxnet, a piece of self-replicating computer malware (known as a “worm” for its ability to burrow from computer to computer on its own) that the U.S. and Israel unleashed to destroy a key part of an Iranian nuclear facility, and which ultimately spread beyond its intended target. ZERO DAYS is the most comprehensive accounting to date of how a clandestine mission hatched by two allies with clashing agendas opened forever the Pandora’s Box of cyberwarfare. Beyond the technical aspects of the story, ZERO DAYS reveals a web of intrigue involving the CIA, the US Military's new cyber command, Israel's Mossad and Operations that include both espionage and covert assassinations but also a new generation of cyberweapons whose destructive power is matched only by Nuclear War. 
[Official Site]


His new film Zero Days may ostensibly be an investigation of the 2010 malware worm known as Stuxnet, but over its swift-moving 116-minute runtime, Gibney does a much broader and more important job: relating the rather airless, abstract concepts of cyber-terrorism and internet espionage to their real-world consequences. 
[Jessica Kiang, The Playlist]


torek, 22. november 2016

Dora oder Die sexuellen Neurosen unserer Eltern (2015)

aka Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents

Slo naslov: - 
Angleški naslov: Dora or The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents
Država: Švica, Nemčija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 90',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Družinski, Romantični   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Stina Werenfels
Scenarij: Boris Treyer, Lukas Bärfuss (igra)
Igrajo: Victoria Schulz, Jenny Schily, Lars Eidinger, Urs Jucker


When her mother decides to stop administering medication to her mentally challenged daughter, 18-year-old Dora awakes, as if from a deep sleep. Dora discovers her body, her sensuality and finally, sex, too. Her parents are shocked by Dora’s sudden unbridled lust for life and, when she gets involved with a man she meets at her market stall vendor job, they are furious. Seeing her relationship as unscrupulous and abusive, they demand their daughter stops seeing her lover. But their efforts are to no avail and, when Dora’s affair leads to a more serious situation, everyone has to reassess the limits of their relationship to each other, and reconsider such topics as self-determination, trust and jealousy. [Cineeuropa]


ponedeljek, 21. november 2016

The Conjuring 2 (2016)

Slo naslov: Priklicano zlo 2
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016 
Dolžina: 134' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Grozljivka, Triler, Misterij   
Režija: James Wan
Scenarij: James Wan, Carey W. Hayes
Igrajo: Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Frances O'Connor, Madison Wolfe, Lauren Esposito, Patrick McAuley 


Nadaljevanje filma, posnetega po originalnih zapisih najslavnejših demonologov, zakonskega para Eda in Lorraine Warren!

V novem nadaljevanju bomo znova videli Eda (Patrick Wilson) in Lorraine Warren (Vera Farmiga) v vlogi raziskovalcev nadnaravnega, ki bosta tokrat odpotovala v Anglijo.

Zgodba temelji na resničnih dogodkih, ki so se med leti 1977 in 1979 dogajali v neki hiši v angleškem mestu Brimsdown. Gre za enega najpomembnejših dokumentiranih nadnaravnih primerov v svetu, ki je prizadel družino Hodgson, Ed Warren pa je ta primer označil kot eno najgrozovitejših izkušenj v svoji karieri. Ed je umrl leta 2006, Lorraine pa se še danes ukvarja z raziskovanjem nadnaravnih pojavov. Ta primer je tema mnogih knjig, dokumentarcev, grozljivk in televizijskih nadaljevank. [Kolosej]


In 1977, paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren travel to London, England, where single mother Peggy Hodgson believes that something evil is in her home. When Peggy's youngest daughter starts showing signs of demonic possession, Ed and Lorraine attempt to help the besieged girl, only to find themselves targeted by the malicious spirits. [Imdb]


nedelja, 20. november 2016

Dog Eat Dog (2016)

Slo naslov: - 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 93',  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Drama, Triler   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Paul Schrader
Scenarij: Matthew Wilder, Edward Bunker (knjiga)
Igrajo: Nicolas Cage, Willem Dafoe, Christopher Matthew Cook 


Carved from a lifetime of experience that runs the gamut from incarceration to liberation, Dog Eat Dog is the story of three men who are all out of prison and now have the task of adapting themselves to civilian life. The California three strikes law looms over them, but what the hell, they're going to do it, and they're going to do it their way. Troy, an aloof mastermind, seeks an uncomplicated, clean life but cannot get away from his hatred for the system. Diesel is on the mob's payroll and his interest in his suburban home and his nagging wife is waning. The loose cannon of the trio, Mad Dog, is possessed by true demons within, which lead him from one situation to the next. One more hit, one more jackpot, and they'll all be satisfied. Troy constructs the perfect crime and they pull it off, but in the aftermath, they keep finding the law surrounding them wherever they go. [Imdb]


One thing that can be said about brazen crime comedy Dog Eat Dog is that it's a full-blooded venture in every respect, with Schrader and his leads Cage and Willem Dafoe clearly enjoying the gore-soaked frenzy. But the film also feels like a too- familiar reheating of in-your-face Tarantino-style crime tropes. 
[Jonathan Romney, Screen International]


sobota, 19. november 2016

El Clan (2015)

aka The Clan

Slo naslov: Klan 
Angleški naslov: The Clan
Država: Argentina, Španija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 110'.  Imdb
Žanri: Biografija, Krimi, Drama   
Slo recenzija: Primorski dnevnik
Režija: Pablo Trapero
Scenarij: Pablo Trapero, Esteban Student, Julian Loyola  
Igrajo: Guillermo Francella, Peter Lanzani, Lili Popovich, Gaston Cocchiarale, Giselle Motta, Franco Masini, Antonia Bengoechea, Stefania Koessl

Via Liffe


"Los desaparecidos" oziroma "izginuli" je evfemizem, ki še danes močno odmeva v Argentini. Pablo Trapero je po resnični zgodbi posnel film o na videz običajni argentinski družini, katere člani so v osemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja ugrabljali ljudi.

Na prvi pogled se zdijo Puccii povsem običajna argentinska družina: z očetom Arquimedesom na čelu se vsak večer zberejo za mizo in ob večerji premlevajo dnevne dogodke. Najstarejši sin Alejandro je celo zvezda argentinske ragbi reprezentance. A za to krinko se skriva nekaj povsem drugega. Arquimedes je hladnokrven zločinec, ki skrbno načrtuje ugrabitve številnih ljudi, pri tem pa mu pomaga Alejandro, s katerim si tudi razdelita odkupnine. 

In bolj ko sem bral, bolj sem ugotavljal, da je v srčiki zgodbe odnos med očetom in sinom, Arquimedesom in Alejandrom. Vedel sem, da bo portret razmerja med očetom in sinom preglasil kriminalni primer, zgodovinsko obdobje, ki sem ga osvetljeval. Ta je pogonska sila filma. 
(Pablo Trapero) 


'Los desaparecidos' or the 'disappeared' is a euphemism that continues to resonate heavily across Argentina. Pablo Trapero based his film on a true story about a seemingly ordinary Argentinian family in the eighties involved in a series of abductions.

On the surface the Puccios look like most other families. Steely-eyed patriarch Arquimedes presides over a household where his wife, sons, and daughters gather for evening meals and discuss their days. Alejandro, the eldest son, is a famed rugby player on Argentina's national team. But under the surface Arquimedes is a cold-blooded criminal, who plans his kidnaps with meticulous precision. Alejandro starts to collaborate with his father and the two split the ransom money between them. 

And the more I read I found that at the heart of the story was this father-son relationship between Alejandro and Arquimedes. You know, over the criminal case, over the historical period I'd be tackling, above all, I knew there was going to be a portrait of the relationship between a father and a son. That's the motivating engine of the film. 
(Pablo Trapero) 


petek, 18. november 2016

Mr. Robot (2015– ) 2. sezona

Slo naslov: - 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 12 x 50',  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Drama, Triler   
Slo recenzija: -
Avtor: Sam Esmail
Igrajo: Rami Malek, Christian Slater, Portia Doubleday, Martin Wallström, Carly Chaikin, Michael Cristofer


MR. ROBOT follows Elliot (Rami Malek, “The Pacific”), a young programmer who works as a cyber-security engineer by day and as a vigilante hacker by night.  Elliot finds himself at a crossroads when the mysterious leader (Christian Slater, “The Adderall Diaries”) of an underground hacker group recruits him to destroy the firm he is paid to protect.  Compelled by his personal beliefs, Elliot struggles to resist the chance to take down the multinational CEOs he believes are running (and ruining) the world.  The series also stars Portia Doubleday (“Her”), Carly Chaikin (“Suburgatory”) and Martin Wallström (“Simple Simon”).

Season 2 opens 30 days after the hack, now known as the five/nine hack. The season will explore the repercussions of the hack, and the "illusion of control", as Elliot and fsociety come to grips with the consequences of their actions. Season 2 will also explore the Internet of Things, small personal, home and automotive devices that are connected to the internet.

[RT Critics Consensus]

Unique storytelling, a darker tone, and challenging opportunities for its tight cast push Mr. Robot even further into uncharted television territory.


četrtek, 17. november 2016

Little Men (2016)

Slo naslov: Najstnika
Država: ZDA, Grčija
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 85',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Družinski   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Ira Sachs
Scenarij: Ira Sachs, Mauricio Zacharias
Igrajo: Greg Kinnear, Jennifer Ehle, Paulina Garcia, Michael Barbieri, Theo Taplitz, Talia Balsam, Maliq Johnson

Via Liffe


Zgodba o prijateljstvu med trinajstletnikoma, ki ga ogrozi spor med njunimi starši, pa tudi kritičen filmski pogled na problem razvoja brooklynskih četrti. 

Jake Jardine je tih in občutljiv trinajstletnik, ki sanja, da bo nekoč postal umetnik. Na dedkovem pogrebu spozna prijaznega in navihanega vrstnika Tonyja, sina najemnice butika z oblačili v stanovanjski hiši, ki je v lasti Jakove družine. Fanta se hitro spoprijateljita, a njuno prijateljstvo kmalu postavi na preizkušnjo spor med Tonyjevo mamo Leonor in Jakovim očetom, ki hoče povišati najemnino za Leonorin butik.

Nekoč sem prebral, da knjige Jane Austen lahko označimo za dela o dveh tematikah: ljubezni in denarju. Občutek imam, da se s tem lahko identificiram, ne ker bi bili moji filmi zelo austenovski, temveč ker v povezavi s tema vprašanjema lahko veliko izveš o likih in tudi o neki kulturi. Sam vidim ogromno drame v dejstvu, da se liki ukvarjajo s svojo družino in medsebojnimi odnosi ter se zatem poglabljajo v vprašanja finančnih ali osnovnih človeških potreb. (Ira Sachs)


Jake (Theo Taplitz) is a quiet, sensitive middle schooler with dreams of being an artist. He meets the affably brash Tony (Michael Barbieri) at his grandfather's funeral, and the unlikely pair soon hit it off. The budding friendship is put at risk, however, when a rent dispute between Jake's father, Brian (Greg Kinnear), and Tony's mother, Leonor (Paulina Garcia), threatens to become contentious.

Little Men is a critical yet empathetic look at the dangers of gentrification. Ira Sachs, director of Love Is Strange and the Sundance Grand Jury Prize WinnerForty Shades of Blue, accentuates the natural vibrancy of Brooklyn and brings out the best in his actors. Taplitz and Barbieri have a natural rapport and earnestness that belies their young age. Kinnear and Garcia bring weight to their roles as the feuding parents, and Jennifer Ehle, Talia Balsam, and Alfred Molina round out the cast with wonderful supporting turns. It's a triumphant return to the Festival for Sachs, who has made a film that never lets its abundant kindness interfere with its honest portrayal of a rapidly changing neighborhood. [Official Site]


sreda, 16. november 2016

Toni Erdmann (2016)

Photo: Komplizen Film

Slo naslov: Toni Erdmann
Država: Nemčija
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 162' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Komedija, Drama   
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Maren Ade
Scenarij: Maren Ade
Igrajo: Peter Simonischek, Sandra Hüller, Michael Wittenborn, Thomas Loibl, Trystan Pütter, Hadewych Minis, Lucy Russell

Via Liffe


S človeško toplino in drznim humorjem prežeta pripoved o obujanju ljubezni med očetom in hčerjo, ki je navdušila kritike na letošnjem festivalu v Cannesu. 

Zgodba o odnosu med ambiciozno tridesetletnico Ines, vodjo poslovnega sektorja v pomembnem finančnem podjetju, in njenim očetom Winfriedom, postaranim, nikoli zares odraslim hipijem, ki rad stresa neslane šale in ljudi okrog sebe spravlja v zadrego. Ker Winfried ob nenapovedanem obisku svojo hčer dojame kot izgubljeno ter podrejeno službi in skrajno formalnim srečanjem na najvišji poslovni ravni, se prelevi v "Tonyja Erdmanna", alter ego z groteskno lasuljo in črvivimi zobmi, nakar se kot lažen poslovnež nenapovedano pojavlja v hčerkinem službenem in družabnem okolju … 

Toni Erdmann se rodi iz obupa. Humor je pogosto način za obvladovanje težav in kot tak vedno plod bolečine. Winfriedu se hčeri ne uspe približati na noben drug način. /.../ Humor je njegovo edino orožje, začne ga uporabljati z vso silo. To pomeni, da je igra veliko bolj nepopustljiva, in ker tudi Ines ni do muh, nenadoma govori jezik, ki ga hči razume. 
(Maren Ade)


Winfried doesn’t see much of his working daughter Ines. The suddenly student-less music teacher decides to surprise her with a visit after the death of his old dog. It’s an awkward move because serious career woman Ines is working on an important project as a corporate strategist in Bucharest. The geographical change doesn’t help the two to see more eye to eye. Practical joker Winfried loves to annoy his daughter with corny pranks. What’s worse are his little jabs at her routine lifestyle of long meetings, hotel bars and performance reports. Father and daughter reach an impasse, and Winfried agrees to return home to Germany. Enter flashy "Toni Erdmann": Winfried’s smooth-talking alter ego. Disguised in a tacky suit, weird wig and even weirder fake teeth, Toni barges into Ines’ professional life, claiming to be her CEO’s life coach. As Toni, Winfried is bolder and doesn’t hold back, but Ines meets the challenge. The harder they push, the closer they become. In all the madness, Ines begins to understand that her eccentric father might deserve some place in her life after all. [Komplizen Film]


torek, 15. november 2016

Goksung (2016)

aka The Wailing

Slo naslov: - 
Angleški naslov: The Wailing
Država: Južna Koreja
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 156',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Grozljivka, Misterij  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Na Hong-Jin
Scenarij: Na Hong-Jin
Igrajo: Kwak Do-Won, Hwang Jung-Min, Jun Kunimura, Chun Woo-Hee, Kim Hwan-Hee


Within a seemingly peaceful village, a plague of mysterious & violent deaths suddenly take place. The police conclude poisonous wild mushrooms are the cause of the deaths. Police Officer Jong-Goo (Kwak Do-Won) hears a rumor from a coworker about a mysterious Japanese man (Jun Kunimura) living nearby. The rumor fingers the Japanese man as the man causing these mysterious & violent deaths. Jong-Goo, while on duty, meets Moo-Myeong (Chun Woo-Hee). She tells Jong-Goo that she saw the Japanese man where the last deaths took place. Jong-Goo's doubts about the man begin to waver.

Jong-Goo's daughter Hyo-Jin then comes down with the crazed symptoms similar to what the other villagers had before their deaths. Jong-Goo becomes desperate. He heads out into the mountains to find the old Japanese man's home. Meanwhile, his mother-in-law calls in a shaman, Il-Gwang (Hwang Jung-Min), to perform an exorcism on Hyo-Jin. Death lingers in the air.


As dark and pessimistic as the rest of South Korean thrill-master Na Hong Jin's work, The Wailing (Goksung, a.k.a. The Strangers in France) is long and involving, permeated by a tense, sickening sense of foreboding, yet finally registers on a slightly lower key than the director's acclaimed genre films The Chaser (2008) and The Yellow Sea (2010). 
[Deborah Young, The Hollywood Reporter]

Renowned for his relentless storytelling, Na Hong-jin takes The Wailing to a new level, confirming his place as one of Korea’s leading contemporary filmmakers. Its sheer intensity and ambiguous narrative might put off some viewers, but this latest film - set in a village where people start to mysteriously die when a Japanese stranger appears - could well be regarded as one of the best films to emerge from Korea in recent years. 
[Screen Daily, Jason Bechervaise] 


ponedeljek, 14. november 2016

Hell or High Water (2016)

Slo naslov: Za vsako ceno 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 102' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Krimi, Drama   
Slo recenzija: Filmoljub, Filmstart
Režija: David Mackenzie
Scenarij: Taylor Sheridan
Igrajo: Ben Foster, Chris Pine, Jeff Bridges, Gil Birmingham

Via Liffe


Divja vožnja po kriminalnem svetu ameriškega juga - klasični žanrski spopad med teksaškim rangerjem in bančnima roparjema, nadgrajen z izvrstno glasbeno podlago Nicka Cava in Warrena Ellisa. 

Brata Toby in Tanner iz Teksasa po letih ločenega življenja spet združita moči, saj njuni družini grozi, da bo ostala brez posestva. V svojem maščevanju se lotita ropanja bančnih podružnic, s čimer bi družini vrnila ukradeno prihodnost. Njuni podvigi potekajo povsem po načrtu, vse dokler njuna dejanja ne pritegnejo pozornosti teksaškega rangerja Marcusa, ki išče svoj zadnji izziv pred upokojitvijo. Ko brata že skorajda v celoti uresničita svoj načrt, se z rangerji za petami lotita še zadnjega obračuna, v katerem trčijo vrednote starega in novega Zahoda. 

Kot filmskega ustvarjalca me vedno privlačijo zgodbe, ki niso črno-bele glede svojih moralnih odtenkov … tako me je kot ena od prvin pri tem filmu zanimala tako imenovana 'povračilna kriminalnost', ko dobri ljudje počnejo slabe stvari iz dobrih razlogov. Mislim, da ima to ravnovesje neko zelo zanimivo razsežnost, zelo privlačno zame kot režiserja, še zlasti pri tem filmu. 
(David Mackenzie)


A wild ride across the criminal world of the American South - heading for the showdown between a Texas Ranger and a bank robber in the classical vein of the genre, and featuring astonishing soundtrack by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis. 

Texan brothers Toby and Tanner come together after several years apart to rob branches of the bank threatening to foreclose on their family land. The hold-ups are just part of a last-ditch scheme to take back a future that seemed to have been stolen from under them. Vengeance seems to be theirs, until they find themselves on the radar of a Texas Ranger, Marcus, looking for one last grand pursuit on the eve of his retirement. As the brothers plot a final bank heist, and with the Rangers on their heels, a showdown looms at the crossroads where the values of the Old and New West collide.

As a filmmaker I'm always drawn to stories which are not black and white in terms of their moral shades … so one of the elements of this film I was interested in was this thing that I call 'redemptive criminality' where good people do bad things for good reasons. I think there's something really interesting about that balance, and that is definitely an area of attraction for me as a filmmaker, and in particular in this film. 
(David Mackenzie)
