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Photo: Official Site |
Slo naslov: Manchester by the Sea
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2016
Dolžina: 137', Imdb
Žanri: Drama
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Kenneth Lonergan
Scenarij: Kenneth Lonergan
Igrajo: Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams, Kyle Chandler, Lucas Hedges, C.J. Wilson, Heather Burns, Tate Donovan, Josh Hamilton, Anna Baryshnikov, Matthew Broderick, Gretchen Mol
Via Liffe
Film dvakratnega oskarjevskega nominiranca Kennetha Lonergana o družinski tragediji v obmorskem mestecu poskrbi za vlogo uspešne poti Caseyja Afflecka.
Lee Chandler dela kot hišnik v majhnem stanovanjskem naselju v predmestju Bostona. Dni preživlja ob majhnih popravilih, večere pa povsem sam v svojem stanovanju ali ob pivu v gostilni, kjer se spusti v pretep z vsakim, ki si ga drzne pogledati. Nekega dne Leeju zaradi srčne odpovedi umre starejši brat Joe, s tem pa mu je dodeljeno skrbništvo nad njegovim najstniškim sinom Patrickom. Lee se mora zdaj vrniti v domači Manchester ob morju, na katerega ga vežejo tako lepi kot boleči spomini. Nenavaden par se mora na hitro spoprijateljiti in sproti reševati vsakdanje težave.
Film ljudi zaznamuje. Lonerganovi liki so tako poglobljeno in bogato zasnovani, tako podrobno, da verjameš vanje. Številni filmski liki so samo skice. /.../ S tako dobrimi igralci in scenarijem ter Kennyjevo režijo je film preprosto nepozaben.
(Matt Damon, producent)
Academy Award-nominee Kenneth Lonergan's affecting drama about a family tragedy in a small town by the sea, and Casey Affleck's role of a lifetime.
Lee Chandler is the resident handyman for a small apartment complex in a Boston suburb. He spends his days doing odd jobs, and his evenings either alone in his basement apartment or nursing a beer at his local bar, where he'll pick a fight with anyone who throws a glance his way. When he receives the news that his older brother Joe has died of a congenital heart condition and that he's been appointed legal guardian of Joe's teenage son, Patrick, Lee returns to his nearby seaside hometown, a place of both cherished and painful memories. This mismatched pair has to stumble through the complex details of mundane reality and the awkward strain of adolescence.
This is a movie that will stay with people. Lonergan's characters are so deeply and richly drawn, with such great detail, that you believe in them. A lot of movie characters are pencil sketches. /.../ With actors and writing of this calibre and Kenny's direction, the movie is unforgettable.
(Matt Damon, producer)
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