četrtek, 7. april 2016

Domácí péce [Home Care] (2015)

Drugi naslovi: Home Care
Slo naslov: Oskrba na domu
Država: Češka, Slovaška
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 92',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Komedija  
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Slávek Horák
Scenarij: Slávek Horák
Igrajo: Alena Mihulová, Bolek Polívka, Tatiana Vilhelmová, Zuzana Krónerová, Sara Venclovská


Slávek Horák se značilno češko - lahkotno, zabavno, a tudi nadvse iskreno - spoprime z najtežjimi človeškimi vprašanji.

Predana patronažna sestra Vlasta živi za svojega moža, hčerko in svoje paciente. Vsako jutro zvrne šilce slivovke ter polna radosti in optimizma odhiti k svojim strankam. Zdi se, da ni stvari, ki bi jo spravila iz tira. Potem pa se nekega dne vse spremeni in ne le Vlasta, pač pa tudi vsi okoli nje se bodo morali navaditi na dejstvo, da je zdaj ona tista, ki potrebuje pomoč ... (Vir: LIFFe)

"Veliko sem razmišljal o temi, ki bi bila vredna mojega celovečernega prvenca. Umaknil sem se v osamo ter poiskal mir in tišino za pisanje scenarija v hiši svojih staršev, vendar me je moja zgovorna mati neprestano motila z neskončnimi, bizarnimi službenimi prigodami. Bila je medicinska sestra, skrbela je za bolnike na domu, pri tej oskrbi pa spoznaš cel kup zanimivih ljudi. Danes se zdi samoumevno, vendar je minilo precej časa, preden sem spoznal, da imam najboljšo temo že vse življenje tik pred nosom - lik moje matere." (Slávek Horák)


Adopting a typically Czech perspective, an easygoing, amusing, yet totally honest style, Slávek Horák addresses the most difficult of human issues.

Dedicated home-care nurse Vlasta lives for her husband, her daughter and her patients. This abstemious woman who radiates joy begins each day with a drop of plum brandy, and not even the whims of her clients can wipe that sweet smile off her face. One ordinary day ends differently from all the others, however, and not only Vlasta but everyone around her is going to have to get used to the fact that she's the one who's going to need looking after. (Via LIFFe)

"I was thinking a lot about what theme would be worthy of my feature debut. I retreated into seclusion and headed to my parents' place in the countryside to get some peace and quiet while writing, but my talkative mother kept disturbing me with her never-ending, bizarre stories from work. She was working as a nurse, doing home care, and one meets an array of interesting people there. You see it now, but it took me a while to realise that the best idea was right there in front of me my whole life - in the character of my mother." (Slávek Horák)


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