torek, 5. april 2016

Mia madre (2015)

Slo naslov: Moja mama
Drugi naslovi: My Mother
Država: Italija
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 106',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama  
Slo recenzija: Mladina 
Režija: Nanni Moretti
Scenarij: Nanni Moretti, Francesco Piccolo in Valia Santella
Igrajo: Margherita Buy, John Turturro, Giulia Lazzarini, Nanni Moretti, Beatrice Mancini, Stefano Abbati 



Italijanski mojster Nanni Moretti se značilno, avtobiografsko spoprime z boleznijo svoje matere, Johna Turturra pa postavi v eno najopaznejših komičnih vlog letošnjega leta.

Margherita, slovita italijanska filmska režiserka, je sredi snemanja svojega novega filma. Glavna zvezda njenega projekta je Barry Huggins, nadležen, a očarljiv ameriški igralec, ki pa se zaradi svojih izpadov na snemanjih izkaže za težavnega sodelavca. Ob vseh pritiskih pri nastajanju filma se mora Margherita spoprijemati še z vse slabšim zdravjem svoje matere in z najstniško hčerko. Čeprav ji njen brat Giovanni vseskozi stoji ob strani, kmalu spozna, da ne more povsem ločiti osebnega življenja od poklicnega ustvarjanja.

"V filmu Sinova soba sem se lotil izganjanja nekega strahu. Tukaj nagovarjam izkušnjo, ki je skupna številnim ljudem. Smrt matere je pomemben življenjski mejnik, želel sem ga opisati brez kakršnega koli sadizma do občinstva. /.../ V določenem trenutku pisanja scenarija sem se odločil, da bom vnovič prebral dnevnik, ki sem ga pisal med materino boleznijo. Menil sem, da bi tiste vrstice, izmenjave najinih misli, lahko dodale tehtnost in pristnost prizorom med Margherito in njeno materjo. Pravzaprav je bilo vnovično branje teh dnevnikov boleče." (Nanni Moretti)



Casting John Turturro in one of this year's most striking comical roles and coming to terms with the ilness of his mother, the Italian maestro returns to the autobiographical territories that characterised his earlier work.
Margherita, a famous Italian director, is in the midst of her new film and is attempting to contend with Barry Huggins, the main actor - an annoying yet charming American with a penchant for exaggeration. Alongside the pressures on set, she must also deal with her hospitalised mother's deteriorating health and her adolescent daughter. Though her brother Giovanni is helpful and supportive, she quickly realises that it is impossible to separate her personal life from work on set.

"In The Son's Room I was exorcising a fear. Here, I am referring to an experience that many people share. The death of one's mother is an important rite of passage in life, and I wanted to recount it without being sadistic whatsoever towards the audience. /.../ There was just a moment during the writing process when I decided to reread the journal I kept during the course of my mother's illness. I did it because I thought that perhaps our exchanges, those lines could add weight and help the scenes between Margherita and her mother to ring true. In fact, the rereading of these journals was painful." (Nanni Moretti)


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